Suicide Squad

Lol saying no one is excited for the movie from the trailer is ignorant. And what do you know about suicide squad? Who is the villain? What is the squad sent to do in? What role does Batman play? Literally we have no idea what the plot is. If you'd like I can tell you the whole plot of civil war. The government reacts from all their past altercations and decides to regulate them. There are two opposing sides and they fight. After beating the **** out of each other they release Zemo is up to no good and fight him. It doesn't necessarily end up with the two sides loving each other but they work together. I'm pumped for civil war. I can't wait to see Spidey even though I don't like the costume even if it's the most comic accurate one. And the killer cros makeup looks awesome.
Thats good, Im glad. For me, it failed, but hey, to each their own. I dont plan on seeing it in theaters but Ill redbox it for sure.
You mean the first look trailer that they showed that wasn't supposed to be released to the public because it was only footage from about two weeks of filming? Can't really set an accurate tone with barely any footage.

I mean this one:

And if you think that's based on two weeks worth of filming, you've been had. Look at the different number of locations and scenes that were shot. Look at the FX work in those sequences. Look at the stunt work. Now try and tell me that they did all of that in two weeks. Even with 2nd units and stunt actors, that's definitely more than 2 weeks' worth of work. There's PLENTY of footage in that to give a feel to the film, and, what's more, DC is TELLING YOU, right up front, what the feel of the film "should" be in terms of how the trailer was cut, what scenes and shots were selected, and the music they used. That wasn't a "Wait, wait, it doesn't count" trailer. That wasn't something that fans pieced together from blurry hand-cam stuff shot looking onto the set.

That was DC's first, professionally done advertisement for what you can expect the film to be. That was DC telling you what's in the tin.

So, either that trailer was HORRIBLY produced and edited and the company that did it and/or the exec who okayed it are completely incompetent...or....that was the real-deal tone of the film before the backlash to the trailer and to all the BvS darkness crap.

If you like the look of that trailer, cool. Enjoy. If you don't, however, then don't believe that "reshoots" or slapping a couple of fun songs from the 70s on new trailers is gonna fix it. If anything, it'll probably just muddy the waters.

If you disagree with me, that's 100% fine. We can agree to disagree.

All I've said is that DC has no idea how to market this movie. I've seen things that have left different impressions.

I'm not here to say that this movie is going to suck. I'm not here to say the movie is going to be great, either. In fact, I'm more intrigued by this movie than I was by BvS. Regardless of what this movie turns out to be, All I'm saying is that DC seems like they are trying to market this however they can in order to appeal to people, but they still don't know exactly what people want. As Dan had mentioned, that sort of lack of direction can be a wider problem and be detrimental to the success of a film.

Agreed. I like the idea of this new brace of trailers. I just don't trust that that's what the film is. Or to the extent that they've reshot it to more closely fit that mold, I don't trust that their efforts will really work. I think you'll have a bunch of "funny" scenes jammed into an otherwise fairly dour film.

I could be wrong. If I am, that'd be great, because the concept of a Suicide Squad film is cool.

But given DC's recent history, I just have very little faith in their brand of superhero film, and I think the new trailers suggest more of an attempt to "change horses midstream" than an actual personality transplant for the film.

And that's perfectly fine. Everyone can like or dislike a movie as long as they provide valid reasoning. I'm just confused because the last two trailers have been consistent in marketing and all the promotion with the movie whether it be the joker taking over Twitter or what not fit in with it. The only different type of marketing was the first look. Yes it was darker and more in line with bvs trailers but it was with very very limited footage and wasn't supposed to be released.

It absolutely was supposed to be released. It was a comic-con trailer. Come on man, do the math. Everyone knows that comic-con trailers end up being broadcast across the net. It was supposed to premiere there, sure, but the notion that it somehow "doesn't count?" That's absurd.

I mean, look, believe what you want. It's your nickel at the end of the day. All I'm saying is, if you think that the first trailer was an "error" or that the film can get a personality transplant, or that it didn't feature much footage (there were a LOT of scenes cut back and forth to in that trailer), then you're woefully mistaken or you're willfully fooling yourself because you want the film to work. Which, I suppose, is also fine, but me, I'm done with "giving it a chance" when it comes to films.

The problem as I see it is the sense of entitlement and immediate critical deconstruction of any fragment of a movie that now appears, and it seems to have got more personal as internet and mobile phone usage has become more common. People have become more instant with their reactions to any infraction on the slightest of things as they believe they are entitled to and as there is no "brake" or real consequence for their lack of self censorship what we are now getting is this rather mundane and constant barrage of negativity by the small, but unfortunately loudest minority. It doesn't make their points any less valid, but the more reasonable people just don't bother to reply any more and move on. Unfortunately the same people who are still determined to vocalize their discontent follow them when they realize they are just left in an empty room........
I agree that BvS seems to have been a disappointment for many, but "SS" really could and I hope it does change things for them. I liked all three trailers the last one was particularly great because I haven't heard that music in decades!!!!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll say this.

1. I have every right to feel "entitled." Why? Because it's my ******* money that studios are trying to get. They're trying to convice me to part with my cash for their film. Well, you know what? If their trailer looks stupid, then, no, I'm not spending my money and I will happily call out what I see as unsatisfying based on the trailer. I'm not talking about, like, dissecting every minor detail of it. I'm saying the overall thrust of the trailer gives a certain impression.

2. "Give it a chance." You give it a chance. Me, I'm done "giving it a chance" when it comes to films. Going to the movies anymore is a minimum of a $30 process for tickets and refreshments. More if you don't want to go see it at a theater with a bunch of obnoxious teenagers that nobody's riding herd on. More, actually, when you consider that I also have to arrange for babysitting now, for the evening, although that's just my problem, I suppose. For me, at least, going to the movies means I REALLY want to see this film, AND I don't want to wait to watch it in the comfort of my media room. That's a big commitment on my part. If a film comes out where the trailer looks utterly unappealing -- particularly for something I would otherwise be interested in -- you can bet that I'll voice my criticisms of it, and I definitely will not be "giving it a chance." Not when it's gonna cost me anywhere from $30-60 to "give it a chance," depending, not to mention the raw amount of time I'll be sitting in the theater.

You take chances if you want. I'm betting on sure things.

(To be clear, I mean "you" in the broad, generic sense of the term, not you specifically, CutThumb.)

Lets not forget one thing tho if they actually changed anything cus of the bad reviews that came from BvS we should applaude it in a way not bash it cus they change. For me this says that they care enough to bring us what WE want instead of what a director wants.

Well...yes and no. I mean, yes, it's good that DC is waking up to the notion that hey, they USED to be the comic company with the brightly colored sunny outlook on life, and lately they've turned into the "DC Murderverse(tm)". And maybe that's not working, and they're figuring that out. so, that part's good. What isn't good, though, is the notion that you can have a film a few scant months from release, already in the can, probably doing post production, and you decide "People didn't like our last film, so let's go do some reshoots to make it funnier based on how people responded to the new funny trailer." I don't think you can really change a movie's DNA that way. I mean, maybe they can and Suicide Squad will become a triumph of deft editing. But I suspect what we'll end up with is a very uneven film that has, basically, two different personalities that don't mesh: (1) dark and dour, (2) upbeat and fun.

so, in that sense, I feel perfectly justified in saying "Nice try, DC. But I doubt you'll pull it off." Also, slapping in literally the two most predictable 70s songs into the last two trailers just suggests to me that the people involved really are just trying to manipulate the audience.
Lol saying no one is excited for the movie from the trailer is ignorant. And what do you know about suicide squad? Who is the villain? What is the squad sent to do in? What role does Batman play? Literally we have no idea what the plot is. If you'd like I can tell you the whole plot of civil war. The government reacts from all their past altercations and decides to regulate them. There are two opposing sides and they fight. After beating the **** out of each other they release Zemo is up to no good and fight him. It doesn't necessarily end up with the two sides loving each other but they work together. I'm pumped for civil war. I can't wait to see Spidey even though I don't like the costume even if it's the most comic accurate one. And the killer cros makeup looks awesome.

Where did I even say that? I know plenty about suicide squad because I watched the DC Animated movie... Its fine, we are going to have different opinions about something, and thats ok. Ahhh you cant say that Zemo is from the civil war trailer alone, thats from you digging up other stuff and knowing about that from other sources. In NO WAY is Zemo referenced in any trailer. Im sorry but Killer Crocs make up does not look awesome, I dont see how you can see that. He looks like a black guy with shingles/scabies. Its the worst.
The trailer is trying to be 'Guardians of the Galaxy'......everything is dark....its broken up with a particle background with bright multicolours......similar to the Guardians universe.....moving along to a seventies hit


Yeah... this looks pretty bad. I can't imagine DC is going to get enough positive traction from this and BvS to come close to matching Marvel. They clearly haven't got the long term vision.

Task Force X, the JLU version of suicide squad is awesome. it's open to everyone, the designs are pretty classic, people are instantly recognizable either from the comic book, or JLU series.

I'd love to see something like that in live action..not so much with the current crew of murderverse and alternate reality in place.
Margot Robbie... Oh, my, goodness. I think I love her.

Not like, opening weekend love... But definitely Redbox a few weeks after it's put out for home release love.

The rest? Not as excited.
They could have done a Marley Quinn movie that would have been better. Just have Margot Robbie being crazy and crazy - hot for an hour and a half.
I definitely would have been more excited if it was a Harley Quinn movie, especially if Leto's Joker had've been designed more Comic accurate. Would've been awesome, and Batman would've been the bad guy which would've been super awesome.

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Margot Robbie may be a big yes for me in general, but meth addict Barbie as Harley Quinn is still a big "No."

Most of this trailer just makes me hum the Poochie theme song and wonder which one of them will be on a skateboard.
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I definitely would have been more excited if it was a Harley Quinn movie, especially if Leto's Joker had've been designed more Comic accurate. Would've been awesome, and Batman would've been the bad guy which would've been super awesome.

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"Comic Accurate"


Which comic is that then?
If you disagree with me, that's 100% fine. We can agree to disagree.

All I've said is that DC has no idea how to market this movie. I've seen things that have left different impressions.

I'm not here to say that this movie is going to suck. I'm not here to say the movie is going to be great, either. In fact, I'm more intrigued by this movie than I was by BvS. Regardless of what this movie turns out to be, All I'm saying is that DC seems like they are trying to market this however they can in order to appeal to people, but they still don't know exactly what people want. As Dan had mentioned, that sort of lack of direction can be a wider problem and be detrimental to the success of a film.

The song from the comic con trailer is a slowed down, creepy version of a BeeGees song released in 1968 I think. Bohemian Rhapsody, 1975. And Ballroom Blitz, 1973.

Pretty consistent. The tone is not radically different - the comic con trailer shows us some footage of a prison, our first look at a psychotic joker, a creepy, crazy harley. The second and third trailers have shown that this is a fun movie with a dark edge.

You realise that majority of audiences don't see all of the marketing for a film? The majority that will be paying money to see it. Marketing a movie to appeal to a wider range of audience is smart from a business perspective. Should you remain perfectly consistent throughout your campaign? Yeah, from an artistic stand point, possibly, to keep us loyal fans in check. But marketing is about money.

You can edit Harry Potter as a teen comedy, you can edit Mrs Doubtfire as a horror - we've seen that done. It does not represent a mishmash of a film at all.

I'm not claiming it will be perfect at all - but from the looks of what we've seen, I think I'm going to love it.

I found myself humming ballroom blitz as I got out of the shower this morning, and I'm similar to you guys, I search for and digest all the trailers and all the information and all the shows etc. So it's quite clearly had an impact on me. And I'm only 27, I would say I'm probably at the lower end of the spectrum of people who are old enough for that song to resonate with. Queen has a wider age range I suppose due to popularity. But to swathes of the audience in the younger generations, this will be a new introduction to those songs.
i never had a dislike for the looks of this joker and looks are often changed through out characters while keeping it recognizable. His performance is what im most curious about tho and judging from the trailers so far i wont be dissapointed.
i never had a dislike for the looks of this joker and looks are often changed through out characters while keeping it recognizable. His performance is what im most curious about tho and judging from the trailers so far i wont be dissapointed.

No offense meant to be had, it's just I dont see how some of these interpretations of the character can be met with anything but disdain. Aside from the green hair, and the red lips, what says "joker" about this iteration? Even Heath Ledgers joker wasnt too far off, it was just a few tweaks. This joker and harley look like a board meetings idea of "edgy and cool". Harley has a "lucky you" tattoo above her crotch? Joker has a "damaged" tattoo and Ha ha ha's all over him? Cmon. :facepalm
Well thats because people can have different opinions. Its not because you have a certain opinion about anything that every1 else will have that same opinion. And ill answer what says Joker about this iteration when i see the movie cus performance is also very important.
The song from the comic con trailer is a slowed down, creepy version of a BeeGees song released in 1968 I think. Bohemian Rhapsody, 1975. And Ballroom Blitz, 1973.

Pretty consistent. The tone is not radically different - the comic con trailer shows us some footage of a prison, our first look at a psychotic joker, a creepy, crazy harley. The second and third trailers have shown that this is a fun movie with a dark edge.

Oh come on, man. The tone between the comicon trailer and the subsequent two trailers is absolutely different. Claiming otherwise is completely absurd. One is dark and brooding. The other two are upbeat and fun. There's your inconsistency.

You realise that majority of audiences don't see all of the marketing for a film? The majority that will be paying money to see it. Marketing a movie to appeal to a wider range of audience is smart from a business perspective. Should you remain perfectly consistent throughout your campaign? Yeah, from an artistic stand point, possibly, to keep us loyal fans in check. But marketing is about money.

You can edit Harry Potter as a teen comedy, you can edit Mrs Doubtfire as a horror - we've seen that done. It does not represent a mishmash of a film at all.

I'm not claiming it will be perfect at all - but from the looks of what we've seen, I think I'm going to love it.

I found myself humming ballroom blitz as I got out of the shower this morning, and I'm similar to you guys, I search for and digest all the trailers and all the information and all the shows etc. So it's quite clearly had an impact on me. And I'm only 27, I would say I'm probably at the lower end of the spectrum of people who are old enough for that song to resonate with. Queen has a wider age range I suppose due to popularity. But to swathes of the audience in the younger generations, this will be a new introduction to those songs.

You've basically made my point for me. I know you can recut a trailer to make The Wicker Man seem like a wacky romantic comedy. That's my point: you can recut the trailer as much as you want, but the movie is the movie.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe that the original vision for this film is what we saw in the comicon trailer: dark, brooding, grim. The usual DC Murderverse nonsense.

Maybe the reshoots will make the film more like what's in the second two trailers, but my guess is that the feel of the film will still be heavily influenced by the "gloomy gritty grimdark" trailer originally shown. Or maybe the new trailers are total bullspit, and what was in the original trailer is much more what you're likely to get as the final product.

You seem to be of the belief that the film will more closely resemble the newer trailers, and that the first trailer somehow doesn't count.


Because the newer ones were more consistent with each other? Because of the reshoots rumor? Or is it more just because you want to believe that the trailer is actually representative of the film? If it's the latter, well, suit yourself. Me, I remain skeptical.

I'm suggesting that folks be perhaps less inclined to wishful thinking, and more inclined to think critically about what's going on with these films and how they actually work. Because let me tell you, if you aren't really a fan of the way that DC has been handling its film universe, or really if you just aren't a fan of how any particular film is looking, for the love of God, stop paying for tickets.

Buying a ticket, seeing a movie, and THEN saying "Wow, that was crap" is literally irrelevant to the studio. You bought the ticket. that's all they care about. And all your purchase tells them is "keep up the good work!" If you want things to be different, vote with your wallet. If you just don't really care and will watch any old thing, then carry on and do enjoy yourself.
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