Suicide Squad

Im along the lines of this, but if Zack Snyder has his filthy rat claws into WW Im going to steer clear of that. Even just from the trailer, its funny how DC/WB is trying to emulate Marvel/Disney. This is their GotG and man. It looks awful. I still cant get over the killer croc make up. It bothers me it looks so bad.

Not sure if Snyder is involved much with WW, I certainly hope not. Assuming he's still directing the JL two-parter, he'll be plenty busy ruining that film.

What's strange to me is, SS seemed like DC's premature response to Marvel's GotG success. But if Faraci is to be believed (which can be a stretch at times) in his reshoot article, notably his bit about how the trailer already showed all the jokes in the film, it sounds like Ayer took a page out of Snyder's not-fun book. If they were trying to do their own version of GotG (a fun film that didn't take itself seriously), I have no clue why WB was ok with this direction :confused And even if they didn't want a fun film in the first place (Ayer's resume certainly doesn't strike me as a fun film type guy), why is WB willing to change things now? Sure there's BvS criticisms, but my guess is Ayer's current cut of SS also isn't particularly good and the studio feels the need to step in and change things up.

Hence, my eroding confidence in the studio's treatment of what potentially could be a great cinematic universe rivaling the MCU.
The nature of these reshoots just strengthen my belief that WB doesn't know what they're doing and didn't plan their DCEU slate thoroughly enough. Good thing I have zero interest in seeing this film in the theaters, I'll wait for WW next year when hopefully they'll get their act together.

doubt it. They wanted to turn thundercats into a human rock band that gained cat like powers through the sword of omens. that actually entered conceptual planning stage before someone figure out it wasn't a good idea.

WB is a mess of a company that doesn't know what to do with it's tent poll franchises anymore.
Hence, why they rebooted DC with 'Rebirth' two years after New 52. I mean, come on.

why doesn't someone with some true classic vision step in?
I read something yesterday, don't ask me where, but it said that Batman has a much bigger role in the movie and apparently the studio is trying to keep that low key. Anyone know anything more on that?
Sticks to the tone of the previous trailer and seen 1 or 2 more scenes involving Batman. Think im gonna have to avoid any new trailer from here on out actually cus that was also a bit of a nuisance when watching BvS. overall looking good tho.
Yeah, they are showing Bats because he was the only decent thing in BvS. Hollywood is so predictable, its funny. Good call on avoiding it, they are showing the whole damn movie. The beginning was kind of funny, like any of those clowns could stop Superman... Still not feeling the joker either. Who knows though. And one more thing, I dont see Will Smith as an actor playing roles, I see him as being Will Smith in every movie he is in.
Well at least it debunks the rumour that all the fun parts where in the previous trailer. And that the reshoots are there to inject more humour.

It also seems like it's taking place after the event of BvS, since they refer to Superman in the past ? Not sure about that one, but it's either that, or it takes place in the 18 months between MOS and BvS, in which case their would have been a reference about the events in it, given how overstuffed with easter eggs and references this movie was.
That latest trailer is the biggest indicator of how out of touch DC is.

They are trying SO HARD to be what they think people want them to be.

"Oh, kids like funny things? We can be Funny. SOMEONE PUT MORE HUMOR IN THE MOVIE!!!"
That latest trailer is the biggest indicator of how out of touch DC is.

They are trying SO HARD to be what they think people want them to be.

"Oh, kids like funny things? We can be Funny. SOMEONE PUT MORE HUMOR IN THE MOVIE!!!"

I've never seen a board of people who are supposed to be fans whine so much. It's Suicide Squad, it's going to have dark humor. And in case you're referring to Devin Faraci's BS article about what the reshoots are for how about you listen from the man himself...

People are so quick to jump on any article. Instead of just enjoying a trailer and saying it's good, people have to get desperate and write negative things like "oh they are showing too much", or "or now they are putting humor in a movie".

We know more of the plot of Civil War then we do for Suicide Squad yet no one complains about that.
I've never seen a board of people who are supposed to be fans whine so much. It's Suicide Squad, it's going to have dark humor. And in case you're referring to Devin Faraci's BS article about what the reshoots are for how about you listen from the man himself...

People are so quick to jump on any article. Instead of just enjoying a trailer and saying it's good, people have to get desperate and write negative things like "oh they are showing too much", or "or now they are putting humor in a movie".

We know more of the plot of Civil War then we do for Suicide Squad yet no one complains about that.

Perhaps you missed the original trailer and most of the pre-release hype that preceded the more recent "funny" trailers. The tone DC was going for -- so it seemed -- was decidedly different. Pretty much the same dour, everything-seems-miserable bulls**t that DC put into its Superman films. It was only in the last few months that they started realizing maybe they needed to change the tone, and released an almost identical trailer but set to "fun" music via Bohemian Rhapsody, and featuring a few funny moments from the film.

The bottom line is that, whatever this film may actually be at its core, DC seems to not have a clear idea about how to market it, and therefore it's reasonable to assume that the film itself will suffer from an unclear vision. Is it dark and brooding? Is it lighthearted and fun? Is it some bizarre mashup of the two? We honestly don't know because DC doesn't seem able to convey to the public which i really is, given the WILDLY different tones of the trailers and imagery.

On that basis alone, on the simple basis of "The movie was protrayed as being one thing, and then was portrayed as being something completely different," I think it's pretty safe to say that if this film is good, it will be in spite of the gross mismanagement in the DC/WB C-suite.
You mean the first look trailer that they showed that wasn't supposed to be released to the public because it was only footage from about two weeks of filming? Can't really set an accurate tone with barely any footage.
If you disagree with me, that's 100% fine. We can agree to disagree.

All I've said is that DC has no idea how to market this movie. I've seen things that have left different impressions.

I'm not here to say that this movie is going to suck. I'm not here to say the movie is going to be great, either. In fact, I'm more intrigued by this movie than I was by BvS. Regardless of what this movie turns out to be, All I'm saying is that DC seems like they are trying to market this however they can in order to appeal to people, but they still don't know exactly what people want. As Dan had mentioned, that sort of lack of direction can be a wider problem and be detrimental to the success of a film.
And that's perfectly fine. Everyone can like or dislike a movie as long as they provide valid reasoning. I'm just confused because the last two trailers have been consistent in marketing and all the promotion with the movie whether it be the joker taking over Twitter or what not fit in with it. The only different type of marketing was the first look. Yes it was darker and more in line with bvs trailers but it was with very very limited footage and wasn't supposed to be released.
I'll admit I'm very bias towards this movie because I really want this to work in the same way "Deadpool" did for me. I agree there appears to have been a considerable strategy change in the tone of how this movie is being marketed but lets be honest, if you were at DC now, you would be desperate to try to correct all the terrible criticism that's been heaped on BvS before it comes out because the fanboys are already sharpening their knives and have been for months.
The problem as I see it is the sense of entitlement and immediate critical deconstruction of any fragment of a movie that now appears, and it seems to have got more personal as internet and mobile phone usage has become more common. People have become more instant with their reactions to any infraction on the slightest of things as they believe they are entitled to and as there is no "brake" or real consequence for their lack of self censorship what we are now getting is this rather mundane and constant barrage of negativity by the small, but unfortunately loudest minority. It doesn't make their points any less valid, but the more reasonable people just don't bother to reply any more and move on. Unfortunately the same people who are still determined to vocalize their discontent follow them when they realize they are just left in an empty room........
I agree that BvS seems to have been a disappointment for many, but "SS" really could and I hope it does change things for them. I liked all three trailers the last one was particularly great because I haven't heard that music in decades!!!!
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Lets not forget one thing tho if they actually changed anything cus of the bad reviews that came from BvS we should applaude it in a way not bash it cus they change. For me this says that they care enough to bring us what WE want instead of what a director wants.
All I'm saying is that DC seems like they are trying to market this however they can in order to appeal to people, but they still don't know exactly what people want. As Dan had mentioned, that sort of lack of direction can be a wider problem and be detrimental to the success of a film.

I'd be interested to know if these reshoots where going to happen anyway, or where scheduled the instant BvS started showing problems.

if it's the latter, it shows they really don't get why some fans don't like their movie murder verse. where everything is dark and gloomy and boring and depressing and one note.

Something with a title like suicide squad, you'd think SHOULD be darker...
I'd be interested to know if these reshoots where going to happen anyway, or where scheduled the instant BvS started showing problems.

Check Ayer's twitter feed. Ofc he can say whatever he wants but going of what he says its basicly saying no to the reshoots being about adding more humour.
Perhaps you missed the original trailer and most of the pre-release hype that preceded the more recent "funny" trailers. The tone DC was going for -- so it seemed -- was decidedly different. Pretty much the same dour, everything-seems-miserable bulls**t that DC put into its Superman films. It was only in the last few months that they started realizing maybe they needed to change the tone, and released an almost identical trailer but set to "fun" music via Bohemian Rhapsody, and featuring a few funny moments from the film.

The bottom line is that, whatever this film may actually be at its core, DC seems to not have a clear idea about how to market it, and therefore it's reasonable to assume that the film itself will suffer from an unclear vision. Is it dark and brooding? Is it lighthearted and fun? Is it some bizarre mashup of the two? We honestly don't know because DC doesn't seem able to convey to the public which i really is, given the WILDLY different tones of the trailers and imagery.

On that basis alone, on the simple basis of "The movie was protrayed as being one thing, and then was portrayed as being something completely different," I think it's pretty safe to say that if this film is good, it will be in spite of the gross mismanagement in the DC/WB C-suite.

I knew Solo4114 would say everything I wanted to say. Youre saving me a lot of typing, my friend.
@Pikezer1337 The point of a trailer is supposed to get you excited about the movie, and make you want to see it. Thats it. If it doesnt do that, it failed. Do you have any idea how pumped people are about Civil war? All that they know, from the trailer, is that Cap and Iron Man are at odds with each other, and that sides have been chosen. New characters are in the mix, and they have subtly been setting up this movie for quite a long time. You cant compare anything DC has done to Civil War. There is no way you can say that. At least in their current state of movies. Im so freaking excited for Civil War. I would rather watch the trailer than watch the crap DC puts out.

Its DC's answer to GotG, and they are being formulaic about it, while GotG wasnt. Thats why it was good. And I still cant get over killer croc. He looks so awful... And his proportions are so wonky. :facepalm
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