Your number one WORST film ever.

Two films that I have absolutely no desire to see again are,
- I Am Legend. Utter dog toffee.
- Irreversible. This one I saw at the cinema by accident. The film I wanted to see was full so I just wandered in to see this one. I'm no prude but some stuff in this movie is just beyond the pale like a near 10 minute rape scene (with static camera and no cut aways/edits) and if the director thinks he's big and clever just because he ran the story backwards then he's sorely mistaken. Any empathy you may have felt for the main character in his quest for justice is lost. Pointless drivel.
Only redeeming feature of that film is Monica Bellucci's bare boobs :love
Irreversible. This one I saw at the cinema by accident. The film I wanted to see was full so I just wandered in to see this one. I'm no prude but some stuff in this movie is just beyond the pale like a near 10 minute rape scene (with static camera and no cut aways/edits) and if the director thinks he's big and clever just because he ran the story backwards then he's sorely mistaken. Any empathy you may have felt for the main character in his quest for justice is lost. Pointless drivel.

I actually wanted to give the director a slap after seeing that movie.
i know i already answered in this thread, but I saw the worst film EVER!!!!!! A few weeks ago..

Alien Vs. Predator Requiem.

Me and my father see a film or two a month, so off we drive to the good cinema (20miles, but its nicer than ours) and he forgets his wallet (something my father rarely does). I got my wallet, so I pay.

We sit though the most predictable, cliché story while I internally go "He's going to die, he probably will, they'll die before I ... yep, head splattered".

We both come out of the cinema saying its the worst thing we've ever seen, we now use it as the yard stick to measure how bad other films are.
Highlander 2: The Renegade Version was twice the film as Highlander 2 theatrical. So if Highlander 2 the theatrical version was worth 1 out of 5 stars, then the Renegade Version is easily worth 2 out of 5 stars.

I came here to see if anyone had listed Atlas Shrugged yet. Though I guess, judging by the box office, that most people avoided it, especially after seeing that trailer.
The movie I hate more than all others is the remake of THE HAUNTING.

I hated everything about that movie. Freaking friendly ghost children, "Save us Eleanor!"

If you want bad, check out THE DROP with Sean Young.

Also, VAN HELSING. I know what they wanted to accomplish, but the whole thing with Dracula's children being little CGI bat-gargoyles ruined it for me.
Wow, so hard to pick just one. I agree with so many here, and disagree with a lot of others, that's what makes this fun. Anyway, here's a short list of some of my least favorites:

Batman and Robin
Maximum Overdrive
Battlefield Earth
Van Helsing
War Of The Worlds
I Am Legend
Peter Jackson's King Kong

and many more ...



And I hate most films with Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ben Stiller and Robert Pattinson!
I won't ass punch you, but i'll slap you in the face if that works? I'm only joking,I got *SUCKERED* into seeing Sucker Punch too.It was a convolouted CG mess with a poorly written script and plot that barrowed and ripped off way better "alternate" reality/brain twist films like "Total Recall", "The Matrix" and a couple others
In theaters: Highlander 2.
I was warned it was bad and I didn't heed the warning. I agree, the renegade director's cut is better if only for editing the scenes back to their intended sequence, and for trying to purge the "Planet Zeist" premise.

At home on DVD: Magnolia.
After a self-taught director has a breakout hit film in only his second effort, NEVER give him a blank check to do whatever he wants for his next film.
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