TLJ, Han Solo's Lucky Sabacc Dice

I knew as soon as my subscription notification dinged that someone was posting this video. (Which I have been examining closely)

I know she is using white gloves, but I she is now holding the film used hero prop.

There are two details that convince me of this:

1: The corners are too sharp. When compared to this film shot, the corner radius doesn't match. I am specifically talking about where three corners meet, not the edges. What she is holding has corners closer to my Rev 1 design.

2: The space between the two portions of the "One" symbol isn't large enough. When comparing against this reference image.

However, this video may reveal a few things about the hero prop. I made the "one" symbol based on the image linked just above. In that image there is a slight taper on the one symbol. But this may be due to some pillow distortion, perhaps from a macro lens. But lets assume the one shown in the Youtube video is a good symbol. So I will have a Rev 4 to make.

Regarding the "five" symbol, I know for sure that it doesn't have a flat cut between the small triangle and the rest. This is from another reference images. I think that YouTube compression, combined with the slight round on that edge screwed up that detail. I do think however that the base edge on the "five" symbol needs to be a bit wider than I have now.

I think that perhaps distortion also caused the edges to look a bit more rounded than what you see in the the Feb 7th video. I believe my Rev 3 corners are closer to the hero prop. I do however plan on altering those two symbols a bit.


What I find interesting is that the aging on the dice in the new video look almost identical to the aging I am seeing on my brass dice, which have been hanging in my car the past few weeks. (As compared to the attached bright gold chain) I wonder if they even gold plated the original prop, or just made it in Brass. Freshly polished brass can be hard to distinguish from gold.

FYI, the above reference were taken from the Star Wars: The Last Jedi Secrets Explained.)
In my screenshot I can see the angled cut-out on that symbol:

Also, if these aren't a hero prop from TLJ, couldn't they potentially be one from Solo?
A bit over a month ago I ordered my Rev 3 design in Gold Steel and in 14K gold plated.
It takes two weeks for the cast parts to get made. I didn't pay for ground shipping, so my parts took two days to get from New York to Austin, and then nine days to get across town to my house. (Seriously pay the extra bucks to keep your parts away from Snail mail)

The gold steel part turned out as expected. This material is about half the cost of the cast metal, but also shows print lines and a pitted surface.

My new "keepsake" 14K parts however were a disaster. Shapeways mixed up my dice design with someone else's and I got their less accurate design instead. Very frustrating. Ya, now I need to wait at least two more weeks before I get my next build. Oh well, I need to make two two icon tweaks for Rev 4 anyways. Edit: Rev 4 is now live. The taper was removed from the "i" icon, and a few others were tweaked a small amount.

My original cast brass parts after a month of aging. They have been hanging from my rear view mirror. (Rev 1 design)


Polished Gold Steel shown. This material have some visible print lines, as well as a pitted surface. (Rev 3 design)


Two dice shown in Premium Polished White Plastic. This material behaves the most similar to common dice. It will however pick up oils from your skin. It can be sealed with an acrylic clear coat. (Rev 3 design)
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The chain you linked to is too thin (1.8mm) You need something closer to 3 or 4mm. The one you linked to also has oval links.

The chain I used is about as cheap as I could find without ordering in bulk
, but it is also screen accurate. The style is called: "Blecher chain" It has round rings for links, with each link also being rounded. (Toroidal in shape)

I have found a few on eBay for cheap, but I just don't trust eBay sellers with single line descriptions.

I used a 17cm length.. I measured this by first scaling a screenshot until the dice were 16mm in the image. Then measuring the length of the chain by drawing segments on top of the chain. Then I unfolded the segments and arrived at 17cm. Anywhere between 17cm and 20cm will probably work fine.

Capture, Dice-Chain Length.jpg
This looks so awesome! I saw the movie last week and wished I had such a nice dice set. Since I love paper models I got inspired by your work and used your dice as a base for a paper model of it:




Thank you and keep up the great work! :)
Nice papercraft version. My tip there is to over-print your colors, so when you cut them out you end up with less white spaces.
How durable are these - expecially the bracket holding the chain, as brass usually is quite soft?
I love your detailed design and want these for my car really bad, but it seems shapeways pricing doesn't want me to... :D

Is there a real world comparison between these and the one zenix made and is now selling on etsy?
Price difference is nearly factor 5... :(

Here is an image of how the dice age if you select "Natural Brass". The dice on the left are 14K gold plated, and are three months old.
The built-in closed loop is stronger than any bent hook. I have had my original set hanging in the car for all this time. They swing and bounce around quite a bit with no sign of wear in the loop. (And the original set has a thinner loop than the model I sell now) If the loop ever were to break, you could drill a hole for a loop to pass through, or install a tiny threaded brass loop. (The original movie dice use a off-the-shelf hooked brass loop)

I have nothing against Zenix's build. Order whichever you please, just don't order in-accurate ripoffs from overseas.

Here are the differences that I can spot (Looking at the zinc model):
1: My dice are 16mm in size, which is the size of most common game dice. His zinc dice are 14.5mm, so a bit too small in my mind. (His steel dice are 16.5mm.)
2: His corners are rounded with the equal radii on all corners around. Where I use a variable radius to make my dice look more like the movie used dice. This difference is subtle, but visible in the image above were I used constant radius on the set on the right, and variable on the left.
3: His six sided icon has a the diamond shape in the middle touching the sides of the icon. Mine don't. (More accurate)
4: His five sided icon is too wide, with corners a bit too sharp.
5: His four sided icon has the center portion a bit to small and offset for my taste.
6: The actual depth of the icons are different. Deeper on the zinc dice, and shallower on the steel dice.

Shapeways is a bit expensive, but their finish quality and polishing are both amazing.
I could order these much cheaper from an overseas supplier (Cast in my design), but I would have to order hundreds in a single run. I am not sure there is that much demand for these anymore.
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Wow, @zapwizard!
Big thanks for this detailed reply! I like these sabacc dice even more now. :cool
In the end I'll probably go for zenix' version, as spending this much on a product I did not build myself does not really match my prop collecting style - especially as I have a quite expensive Graflex chassis in the making... Hope you understand.

Off topic concerning my Graflex build:

As you seem quite familiar with ordering brass parts on shapeways, can you say something about its dimensional accuracy?
Did you do anything to reduce shrinkage during the casting process or is the finished part of comparable size to a plastic test print?
I am planning with several individual parts which have to match each other in size to get them assembled correctly...

My design does contain a few etchings with similar thickness to the ones in your Rose Medallion. What depth did you use for the channels here?
Also 0.5mm? Ever tried the minimum spec of 0.4mm width or had problem with etchings not visible after the casting process?

Thanks in advance! Getting some real world insights here would help a lot! :)
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Anything cast will have some shrinkage. In the case of my dice it was just 0.1mm off from the 16mm original dimension. And that may have been due to polishing. I did not up-size the model before ordering.

Shapeways material page states:
ACCURACYYour model may shrink about 0.25 mm plus 2.5% after casting and finishing.

For rings the inner diameter is accurate within +/- 0.1 to 0.15mm. On average, the model shrinks about 2.5% after casting and finishing. We do our best to polish the internal diameter to match your model file.

They make the cast parts by 3D printing a very accurate model in cast wax, then doing lost-wax casting just like any jeweler would do.

On the Rose Medallion I used 1mm deep channels. The Rose Medallion and Dice are the first parts I have printed in brass. I just know the rules of casting from previous professional projects I have done.

Shapeways has their own forums, and lots of thread talking about casting accuracy.
Thanks for sharing these, Zapwizard. I got your STL files off of Thingiverse and scaled them down to make a necklace for my daughter.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

I just discovered this image on Wookieepedia. It’s at the "Spike die" page. I guess you can just compare it to your recreation.
Bit late to the party, downloaded your stl file and printed two sets, one set for my daughter. Just waiting to fit the chain, which came this morning.


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