Star Trek Continues

This episode really ramped up in intensity as it moved along, towards a terrific cliffhanger.

Joanne Linville's daughter is her spitting image, and while she's not quite the actress her mother was (who studied under Stella Adler), she did a fine job, and it was absolutely brilliant casting!

The planet surface set was awesome, and I wish they'd had it earlier in the series.

The fight was retro-awesome, but I do wish Kirk or Spock would do the hands-clasped together hammer punch on someone's back! (That was always my favorite attack move, because it is so utterly ineffective in real life! LOL)

I also would've had the red-shirt die. I would've had the landing party split up, and the Automated Avenger sneak up an kill the red-shirt. Then have Kirk and Spock run to his scream, finding him dead, and no one or no thing around. Then, twenty seconds or so later, they'd be attacked by the AA, and would battle it out just as they did in the episode.

Can't wait for Part 2 ! Although, my anticipation is bittersweet, knowing it will be the last hour of this amazing series Vic's given us. (I wanna re-watch part 1, but will wait 'til part 2 comes out in three weeks, so it's fresh on my mind.)

The Wook
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Amazing, beautiful and emotional! Made me miss proper Trek and get all nostalgic.
I loved how they subtly changed the FX style to look more TMP when the Enterprise returned to Earth.. they even had the guy in the space suit who waves to the refit in TMP and TWOK!
All in all, it was a fitting book-end to the original series and the nods to the beginning of TMP were well done and not heavy handed. (y)thumbsup
That was excellent!
Started getting bored once they got to Earth, but the rest of the episode was so fantastic it more than makes up for the weak ending.
Although I did like the transitioning between TOS and TMP. That was cool.
Sad there'll be no more...
I have to say, on principle I dislike fanfilms. It always seems like such a waste of resources. If you're going to go that deep into sets, costumes, effects, etc-- make your own thing.

That said, I admire Continues for their restraint. Most fanfilms can't reign themselves in and push things to a ridiculous level. I admire Continues for being able to stay so perfectly on tone with TOS. I'd be a big fan if I get past "Kirk's" voice.
After 5 decades, I finally feel as if I have some Star Trek closure. What a stellar ending! I actually cried at the end. The scenes with McKennah were so touching, and the speech by Kirk really pulled at my heartstrings. The most beautiful moment was on the bridge though, with Kirk alone in the shadows with his ship. (I really felt like I was looking at Shatner there for a few moments) It felt so full perfect.

The sets, the music, the timing, the acting....all fantastic! I'm absolutely amazed at this series and what Vic Mignogna and crew have accomplished. They really pulled off something everyone thought was undoable. My sincerest Thanks to him for putting his heart and soul into making these episodes and completing what was left hanging for so many years.
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Watched it this evening... that was a pretty great and emotional finale to the series. So many hommages and references to other Trek -lore, be it visually (the saucer separation, TMP -Uniform, Discovery and other ship models in the Admirals office), musically (themes and cues from TMP, TWOK,...) or by quoting ideas from novels (loved the Warp -curve bit from the 'Federation' novel).
This one moved me like no ST episode since 2003... especially the last ten minutes, it just felt RIGHT! Kirk's speech pointed to the current worldwide chaos but ended on an optimistic note.

There is so much to love in this series and I am grateful to Vic Mignogna and everyone involved that they cared and gave it their best! :) <3
I want to say thank you all for bringing us TOS Trek back and really ending the series the way I had imagined. Really touching end and final bridge shot with Kirk.... You all should be proud to have done a loving continues. Thank you once again.

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Also I haven't seen anyone mention in any reviews online that on Admiral Nogura's desk is a Hugo award, loved that since they won several of them for writing on the original series.
You're the first one to notice!

Unfortunately I had the damnednest time taking good pics with my old phone...


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TOS style or new, what is sad is that instead of getting behind something of this caliber, CBS and Paramount would much
prefer to provide fans, Star Drek (miss spelled on purpose) as opposed to something meaningful to reinforce the brand.
Continues, gets it and got it with little to no money. I guess Lennon was right, All you need is Love.

To the cast and crew of Continues, THANK YOU! for providing us that feeling again and filling the void. BRAVO!
Now where am I going to get my Trek fix.:cry Any recommendations for a good support group are appreciated.
I know this is a pipedream but a quality blu-ray of this would be fantastic... I know it's on the Tube but...

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Sony and Paramount were able to reach an agreement over Spiderman, is it too much to think that Star Trek Continues and Paramount could reach and agreement for a general release of ST:C on DVD and Blu-ray?
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