Defining the OWK tunisia saber. Is it even possible?

That's a great photo, Chris. To me though, it appears like no slope to the end ring.

Question: what was the process for cutting the frag cubes? I imagine it was some small (typical circular saw blade sized) blade wheel that cuts into the frag body. Is that correct?
No slope? You need to zoom in.

The cutting wheels were angled. I have a picture on my laptop, but now I'm on my iPad... Curses. Have to switch again

Oh and check your email Andy!
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Cutting diagram for asymmetrical cuts.


  • no3bodycutter.jpg
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Serenity - Is that a real Hales Grenade? Or is it a Russrep in your Pulseriflefan's photo in post #104?

In Edraven99 's post #113, see how his wind ring has slipped down off of the vanes a bit? This could be a part of the accounting for the smaller gap between the Tunisia windvane and the fragmentation body. Not only being screwed in closer to it that is.
Sym-Cha 's post #26, pic #5, the rusty colored windvane one, I can read "S PATENT" (short for what I've seen in other windvane photos as "HALES PATENT", assuming that 'HALE' is simply hidden from view at this angle)... but what is "ROBUR_ <--? 'D' " maybe before the horizon?

I know the "INE" stamping is what we can see of "INERT".

What's the other side of this one say though?!?!?!?!


"ROBUR...." WHAT?! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! This is maddening!

O.K. Now to the fun part!...
Anakin Starkiller 's Imperial War Museum photo in post #1... That thing has a brass lip extending to the edge of the straight sided bit at the end of the windvane side of the fragmentation body, like in mugatu 's post #16 windvane pic #3 and #4. I see that, and the overall thickness of the straight sided bit as the reason the Tunisia saber (at least in the classic "Tunisia Lightsaber" photo and in the photo of R2-D2, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), C3-PO (Anthony Daniels) and Obi-wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) is this style of No3 Hales Grenade. It's a gnarly, rusty-chunked out, and big flat-sided, not inverted but rather flat ended, missing some sharp edges due to chunkage, and probably using an angled body's brass neck instead of its own, bit of Obi-wan Kenobi's lightsaber history.
teecrooz 's photo in post #118 of R2-D2 and Obi-wan helps illustrate how gnarly this particular straight-ended-bit grendade body is. It's missing chunks all over and is probably one of those French countryside World War I fossils!

TheRPF is so cool! Half of the "Hales Grenade" photos that show up on a Google search are from here. Which led me to this thread (itself a bit of a fossil) and to the awakening of the "Tunisia Lightsaber" being yet another variant of the No3 Hales Grenade.... which noone replicates, and they're even rarer than Sym-Cha's 'perfect grenade'! ;)


I can't believe I never saw that. Or the fact that the handles are assembled differently. All I seem to retain from the photos is that the "Tunisia Lightsaber" has two resistor washers and the "Chronicles Lightsaber" only has one.
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I have only ever found two (out of around 15 that I have had in my possession) from that factory and now @NeoRutty and @Edraven99 both have these windvanes/grenades.

Is that the one I got off Edraven after selling the other?

Oh man... this thread scares me... so I stay away.

I say that cuz I've been avoiding this thread and the Folmer graflex type threads... if I fall down the rabbit hole of these differences in cuts and windvanes and Folmer labeling, my OCD on these sabers will never let me sleep at night.

Is that the one I got off Edraven after selling the other?

Oh man... this thread scares me... so I stay away.

I say that cuz I've been avoiding this thread and the Folmer graflex type threads... if I fall down the rabbit hole of these differences in cuts and windvanes and Folmer labeling, my OCD on these sabers will never let me sleep at night.


It's the one you got from me!
It's the one you got from me!

The one I have now, is a mix of 2 parts...

I had the full one from you.. the pin snapped in an event I'm trying to forget... The neck got swapped out for a more accurate neck WITH pin from a grenade Ed got from somewhere (maybe you?), and kept the original windvane... so at that time, only the neck was swapped. SAme grenade and winvane with a different neck.

Then Ed was going to sell another grenade (may have been one of yours) that looked more accurate with cuts... you suggested to swap with the pineapple and neck I had, but swap out the the windvanes...

So I have a grenade and neck from one set, and the windvane from the original you sent.

The one I have now, is a mix of 2 parts...

I had the full one from you.. the pin snapped in an event I'm trying to forget... The neck got swapped out for a more accurate neck WITH pin from a grenade Ed got from somewhere (maybe you?), and kept the original windvane... so at that time, only the neck was swapped. SAme grenade and winvane with a different neck.

Then Ed was going to sell another grenade (may have been one of yours) that looked more accurate with cuts... you suggested to swap with the pineapple and neck I had, but swap out the the windvanes...

So I have a grenade and neck from one set, and the windvane from the original you sent.


Heh... almost... but not quite.... ;)

None of the stuff I swapped with you, surprisingly, came from Chris... I *can* find some stuff on my own you know ;)
my question is, how the heck are you guys finding these grenades in the states? before they are sold/traded here. how do you find them off the boards? is this something you find at gun shows? or military surplus stores?

i dont know where to purchase ANY kind of grenade lol let alone a obi wan
Quick test...
View attachment GRENADE - HALES - No3 Mk1 - Straight End Variant - 01 8bit 1988.jpg

YAY! IT WORKED! I spent all day yesterday downloading that high definition digital puzzle...piece by piece and was up until 4:30am tetrising it back together...uploaded it to Photo bucket and they only take at 510 x 1024! Once again, saved by The RPF! I have the other more upright version saved too, I just need to put that puzzle together and I'll post it up here when I'm done. I just ran out of juice last night and was starting to make mistakes I had to redo. Anywho,
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'Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator' . . . or Ridire Firean ... try again by a smaller scale picture via photobucket :wacko


Quick test...

View attachment 686061

YAY! IT WORKED! I spent all day yesterday downloading that high definition digital puzzle...piece by piece and was up until 4:30am tetrising it back together...uploaded it to Photo bucket and they only take at 510 x 1024! Once again, saved by The RPF! I have the other more upright version saved too, I just need to put that puzzle together and I'll post it up here when I'm done. I just ran out of juice last night and was starting to make mistakes I had to redo. Anywho,
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teecrooz , I'm curious to know if you started out as a militaria buff who found out they used several WWI and WWII items in Star Wars and became a Star Wars fan, or if you started out as a Star Wars buff who found out they used several WWI and WWII items and became a militaria buff?
halliwax , in the States? I thought they lived in Great Britain? ;) To afford all these grenades and balance pipes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they had summer homes in the English countryside! HA! If they're finding them at gun and knife shows I'm going to have to start paying attention to the tables of old stuff I normally walk past! The last several days of Googling variations of "Hales, Cotton Powder Co, No3 Mk1, Grenade Patent, and now Roburite and Ammonal, etc." has led mostly back to The RPF, but there have been several UK based Militaria forums, some even have on line sales catalogs. I know there must be several collectors out there with all sorts of Hales grenades in their militaria collections (especially in the UK), but I have yet to see anyone (in my limited time looking online) with as vast a volume of a these as what I'm hearing teecrooz has. I'm super-hoarder jealous! I'm also highly impressed by the willingness of members here at The RPF to help one another acquire these difficult to find items! Somebody needs a ______ (fill in the blank), and VOILA! they get one! or are led to one! or are sold one! It's amazing. Even if it's just an answer to what seems to be a daunting question to the poser, someone here quickly, almost casually replies "Oh that's a _____ ."

So here's a question... Does anyone know anyone at Bapty that might be privy to their record keeping department? Finding the lineage of the Tunisia Lightsaber(s) would be phenomenal! I know, I know, some of you are thinking "We've been looking for years for information like that!" but, posing the question again may spark some old memory, inspire some new crusade to find the answer, or who knows what. I'm affraid that the longer it takes to find the answer...the people with the knowledge may pass-on before they can pass it on, or the company with the warehouse full of goods, machinery, paper trail, etc. is bought, sold, burned down, or sent to the dump. Imagine if you contacted the Singer Corporation or the Toyo Corporation and inquired about the tooling for the original G R A F L E X 3-cells, and they found it! So there it is. Good Luck to us all!
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@teecrooz , I'm curious to know if you started out as a militaria buff who found out they used several WWI and WWII items in Star Wars and became a Star Wars fan, or if you started out as a Star Wars buff who found out they used several WWI and WWII items and became a militaria buff?
@halliwax , in the States? I thought they lived in Great Britain? ;) To afford all these grenades and balance pipes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they had summer homes in the English countryside! HA! If they're finding them at gun and knife shows I'm going to have to start paying attention to the tables of old stuff I normally walk past! The last several days of Googling variations of "Hales, Cotton Powder Co, No3 Mk1, Grenade Patent, and now Roburite and Ammonal, etc." has led mostly back to The RPF, but there have been several UK based Militaria forums, some even have on line sales catalogs. I know there must be several collectors out there with all sorts of Hales grenades in their militaria collections (especially in the UK), but I have yet to see anyone (in my limited time looking online) with as vast a volume of a these as what I'm hearing teecrooz has. I'm super-hoarder jealous! I'm also highly impressed by the willingness of members here at The RPF to help one another acquire these difficult to find items! Somebody needs a ______ (fill in the blank), and VOILA! they get one! or are led to one! or are sold one! It's amazing. Even if it's just an answer to what seems to be a daunting question to the poser, someone here quickly, almost casually replies "Oh that's a _____ ."

So here's a question... Does anyone know anyone at Bapty that might be privy to their record keeping department? Finding the lineage of the Tunisia Lightsaber(s) would be phenomenal! I know, I know, some of you are thinking "We've been looking for years for information like that!" but, posing the question again may spark some old memory, inspire some new crusade to find the answer, or who knows what. I'm affraid that the longer it takes to find the answer...the people with the knowledge may pass-on before they can pass it on, or the company with the warehouse full of goods, machinery, paper trail, etc. is bought, sold, burned down, or sent to the dump. Imagine if you contacted the Singer Corporation or the Toyo Corporation and inquired about the tooling for the original G R A F L E X 3-cells, and they found it! So there it is. Good Luck to us all!

Star Wars buff who has done a lot of militaria research and now has militaria friends who help locate things for me.

All but but one of my grenades was purchased from the U.K. and mailed over to me.
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purchased from the U.K. and mailed over to me.

I'm still gonna imagine you guys have English countryside summer homes, O.K.!?

And THANK YOU! for the information about "Roburite and Ammonal Ltd, London produced the No.3A MKI." !!!!

Is there a reference image anywhere with the different variants of the Hales grenades labeled as to which is which? That'd be fun to see!
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