Zenhit Zombies Hunter cosplay


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's.

I've started my new costume for Paris japan expo 2014, i want to do a kind of gladiator who kill zombies in an apocaliptic world.

Soooo i don't know what i will do for helmet, chest etc but i've start my weapon : a SAW SWORD. made with what you call Sintra i think.

Here i am. I don't know how to cast the piece so i will not do it, just paint it and keep it like that.

If you don't know me yet and you want to see what i do ( i am a very young cosplayer only 1 year of experience ) whatch and like my FB page here :


Hope you enjoy it bros :)
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Re: Who want a Saw-sword

If you're going with a chain saw sword, why not tie it into a post-apocalyptic former-lumberjack-turned-gladiator-for-hire?

The face shield and hearing protection style hard hat they wear practically screams "TURN ME INTO A GLADIATOR HELMET!!!"
Re: Who want a Saw-sword

If you're going with a chain saw sword, why not tie it into a post-apocalyptic former-lumberjack-turned-gladiator-for-hire?

The face shield and hearing protection style hard hat they wear practically screams "TURN ME INTO A GLADIATOR HELMET!!!"

Woauh can you explain more because i'm not speaking english very well ...
Re: Who want a Saw-sword

i think i've found what i need :)

I have take a lot of screenshot of RAGE video game wich is exactly what i need
Re: Who want a Saw-sword

Woauh can you explain more because i'm not speaking english very well ...


Rough it up, attach some broken saw blades, maybe a tree branch or two...

i think i've found what i need :)

I have take a lot of screenshot of RAGE video game wich is exactly what i need

Or you could go with that. ;)
Re: Apocaliptic survival armor

Looking great dude! been watching it on your FB page!! =) love the smooth edges on the belt box!
Re: Apocaliptic survival armor

I love when I wake up the curiosity :) ihi

Hope you will enjoy my props.

And a special Thx to Ciano930 who join me on FB ;)
Re: Apocaliptic survival armor



Re: Apocaliptic survival armor

Wow love the waist coat! its coming out really well!! are you gonna dirty the coat up a bit later?
Re: Apocaliptic survival armor

Quick update to present the background of my caracter :

Zenhit is a Zombies hunter, he was ( against his will ) teleport into a new world where the evil reign as a king! Face to these news creature Zenhit have to survive and will do all his possible to kill all monstres and demoniac creatures. Helped by his faithful chainsaw sword called Betty he become the last hope of all people !
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