Zenhit Zombies Hunter cosplay

Sandpaper glued to a pipe could work really well. Be careful not to sand your fingers though.

Shoe polish could work but it could also just look like shoe polish. Do you know if the leather in the belts is vegetable tanned?
If so you can use leather oil, water and sunlight to age them rapidly. Sunlight darkens leather naturally but if it's chrome tanned it won't react much at all.
Here's a link with some examples and more information. If you can use this method it will look the most authentic as it is pretty much the process that ages leather normally.
How to Age Vegetable Tanned Leather | Devotism - Barrett Alley News and Articles

Another way is to melt wax and rub it into the leather.
(Girl's) Leather Armor Tutorial - CLOTHING
Scroll down some to get to the darkening process.

Pants: You can start by dyeing the pants a bit darker. Then hang it up and splash washed out red color on it with a bucket (don't paint it on, it wont look the same) or take a really big paintbrush and soak it in the red color, then splatter paint the pants with it.
Here's a link:

And here's a thread about fake blood stains. There's probably more on the site.

After that you can put it all on and throw ash at it and shake or handwash that off. If you do it in the complete getup it will leave the parts under the armor cleaner, which could look good.

Remember though, the more extreme you age the pants the more you'll have to do the rest too in the same way, otherwise it can easily look kind of odd.

I understand that you don't want to mess up the jacket after putting all the time and care into making it.

From now on, whenever you work with this, wear the parts of the entire suit that you are not currently working on.

*To start you can oil the belts every day and wear it while moving around. That will rub the oil from the belts into the jacket.
*Another thing is to grease the gloves and then take off and put on the jacket several times a day. This will add grease in the places where you'd normally find it.
*Put your hands in mud and fake blood and then wipe it off on the jacket front like one would in a hurry.
*You have a chainsaw weapon, so there's bound to have been some messy kills. Try splattering one or two splashes of diluted red paint onto the front when it's propped up on some kind of dummy.
*Making it more dirty and beaten up at the cuffs is generally a classic way of showing age in a garment, as we put that part everywhere our hands touch.

If you do have some scarps of the fabric left it's a good idea to start experimenting with effects of different materials. Diluted bleach sprayed on lightly can work wonders, but test it on a scrap piece first to make sure it doesn't dissolve it.:wacko/styles/smilies/lol.gif

Other parts that need some work:

The leather shoulder armor needs darkening. It's in a very exposed spot, so it could use some grease and sandpaper.
The white padding on the vambraces/arm guards and on the back seem to bright, so you could darken that with dye and grime.
The chainsaw also seems a bit clean, so adding dried out blood could be good.

Another thing could be a gorget to protect the neck. The jacket seems to be pretty tough and would really help protecting your from bites and scratches, which is the main way zombies attack after all. The neck does seem to be exposed though, and since zombies seem to like going for the jugular it could be a good idea to have some protection there. Just thinking of what he might make to protect himself because with the gloves, shin guards and helmet added to this he's pretty much decked out and well protected, but the neck is still a weak spot. Just a thought.


Another thing to consider is adding a gladiator belt.

This could allow for more gadgets and makeshift weapons, and it adds another layer to the costume. It's also a callback to the gladiators of rome, which are often depicted with these. It doesn't need to be fancy. Here's one that was used in the movie "Gladiator"

Battle damaged spectacles could add a really nice effect. Don't worry about damaging your own pair, just buy a pair cheap from a second hand store or a gas station. Glasses are one of those things that people try to take care of, and as such they can distract from a heavily aged costume like this if they look too unscathed, but you can use this to your advantage. If you get a pair that you can damage and scratch they can enhance the effect because they don't look like what people are used to.

If you want only one shin guard then it should probably be on the leg that faces the enemy the most. It seems to be the left for you judging by how you grip the chainsaw. This would also move the bandage from the left leg to the right leg, as that's the one that does not have protection, and that's where it'll be the most visible.


Adding padding on the arm guards/vambraces could add to the look. The jacket already has some padding but some handmade extra padding made of rags can't hurt.

I also suggest you add something with a color that is not a variation on red or brown. Such a contrast can really make the rest of the costume come to life, especially one that has unsymmetrical designs in it.


Okay, I'll do one more and then I'll stop, I promise.:)

The lower back could use some more padding. The padding on the back stops before the sheath does, and as that is made of metal the edge could hurt you if it banged into you or if you were knocked on your back. This part could be made of leather to contrast the upper padding on the back. Here I made it another contrasting blue color that I thought worked well with the rest of the color scheme, and which helps to show the paintjob and details of the lower armor, which is great and deserves to be noticed.
You could also use a rag rug underneath for extra extra padding.:D

Scrap any of my suggested helmet ideas, a modded baseball helmet is way better. :thumbsup
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Well well well

i'm not good enough to write lot as you

so once again, i will make it quickly :

i have find brown rangers !! so pics of shoes coming very soon.

Protection for the neck is in my plan, i've made a litle protection, i just have to sew it on the scarf.

si know i activate the google traductor mod :

I bought pieces of brown leather in which I will cut out parts that will come under my protection thigh . I'll tie them with a red leather shoelace ( to recall the red suit) . I've also ordered two straps brown , with what I will try to make a second belt, much like what you showed me .

I have a liquid preparation rust ( white vinegar mixed with rusted metal ) I think I'll use this mixture to change the color of the pants on differents places .

I've ordered my baseball helmet xD I'll try to make sharp toothpicks and tighten them on the helmet and of course paint the whole with rusted metal effect.

I'll try to simulate blood splatters as you suggested me . I hoped not to miss the work .

For leather I do not know if I 'll try to weathered it , I think I'll let time do his work.

Some edits on photoshop and you'll have it !

My shooting is provided for the november 11. i hope my suit will be done or 98% done for it ^^

Thanks a lot for advice and "keep in alert" walkers are everywhere xD
What is the name of those expanded foam sheets you are using ? can you add a link to the product send me a pm please ;)

looks amazing by the way
I didn't notice the update before.

The helmet really adds a lot and it helps pull the improvised spiky armor look together nicely. The whole thing just seems more whole with the helmet on.
Do you have any progress photos of the creation of the helmet, or any detail photos of it in completion?

Also, do you have any pictures from the photo shoot where you're in a more static pose? The dynamic poses are great, but it'd be fun to see a full length image so we could see the new boots and helmet and such.

Very nice work altogether.
Looking forward to any further updates on this project.
I didn't notice the update before.

The helmet really adds a lot and it helps pull the improvised spiky armor look together nicely. The whole thing just seems more whole with the helmet on.
Do you have any progress photos of the creation of the helmet, or any detail photos of it in completion?

Also, do you have any pictures from the photo shoot where you're in a more static pose? The dynamic poses are great, but it'd be fun to see a full length image so we could see the new boots and helmet and such.

Very nice work altogether.
Looking forward to any further updates on this project.

Yeah i will add some helmet pic tomorrow, and maybe a pic of me static ( but the suit need a lot of modifications ) i'm not totally satisfied
That looks REALLY good! The weathering really sets it apart. Great job.

Thank you i'm glad to see a Sith warrior liking my job ;)

Here some helmet pics :

base helmet :

Adding wood pikes :



2 layers of primer
1 layer of thick black ( spray the same area during 1 or 2 second to give relief to painting )
1 layer of brown ( paint the contains sand that give more realistic metal effect you can add sand separatly with PVA glue i think )
and a lot of "tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap" with and old brush and different kind of paints
Let it dry during a few days
use a wood spatula and chrome paint to add scratchs
PICS update !! :

Finally i've change my back stuff : now i get a military backpack :

i've also made some shin protect :

Made a kind of belt buckle for bending sanglers of the backpack

and i'm thinking about adding something new to my head

but it's just an idea and maybe add a plate to protect my face
New update :

I want to add some details to my costume so i've decide to create a fake zombies head.

Here what i've done untill now :

next step : paint job

hope you will enjoy it
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