You’re Trapped In A Room For 24 Hours With One Film On Repeat. What Film Do You Want It To Be?


Master Member
Saw this on Reddit, thought it would be fun here.

Simple premise, you’re basically stuck for 24 hours with one movie on repeat the whole time. What movie do you want it to be?
Only 24 hours?

Rogue One.
That was my backup to 2049. I honestly think at one point in graduate school (the first time through), I probably watched both of these on repeat for OVER 24 hours…I lived alone, had no one to tell me what to do, had some long weekends about once every 8 weeks, and spent them painting action figures, cooking, and completing research for class, all while these movies played in the background.

At the time, it was a very dark period in my life, but those escapes really stand out. It was very rewarding to finish those little projects and watch some good movies. Talk about escapism…
Fellowship of the Ring: Director's cut. I figure a longer movie is likely best too then you don't go nuts rewatching it as many times.
I mean, I read somewhere that the “Lord of the Rings” book trilogy is not actually a trilogy but a single story in installments, so technically couldn’t you consider all three movies just one movie? If you’re watching it on disc you’re going to have to be changing out the discs anyway, just watch the trilogy and boom, that’s like the whole 24 hours practically.
I mean, I read somewhere that the “Lord of the Rings” book trilogy is not actually a trilogy but a single story in installments, so technically couldn’t you consider all three movies just one movie? If you’re watching it on disc you’re going to have to be changing out the discs anyway, just watch the trilogy and boom, that’s like the whole 24 hours practically.
Indeed, Tolkien intended LOTR to be a single book. His publisher, Allen & Unwin, divided it into three parts fearing it's length would hurt sales.
Indeed, Tolkien intended LOTR to be a single book. His publisher, Allen & Unwin, divided it into three parts fearing it's length would hurt sales.
The Lord of the Rings is actually six "books" that had been published in three volumes with two books each.
After Frodo and Sam leaves the Fellowship to walk alone, their story is told in separate "books" from the other events. The movies intermixed events from both pairs of books that happened roughly at the same time.
Actually, if was 24 hours of perpetual sun light, I would choose, ready for it..................... The Exorcist. Love this movie, but can only watch it during the daytime, lol.
As easy as it would be for me to immediately go to my absolute favorite movies, I've seen them so many times now (for prop and costume reference) that I try to limit some of my rewatching of them so I don't burn myself out on them as stories. In some ways there are times when it's hard to get lost in the story because I notice some new detail of a costume or prop and my mind goes into research mode. Lol