X-Wing Madness. Flying at last!

Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Looks amazing Guy, really amazing. What wing angles? You mean the wing blocks, i didnt see a post referring to them being incorrect?

Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Oh, i see it now, the mounting blocks were designed to have a gap for both the top and the bottom (pulled out to the stops on the inner block) or be flush with the hull for both, the gap mimics the "hero" with the mechanism, and flush mimics the pyro. If you used superglue it should be easy to carefully break the bond with either the top or the bottom and push or pull the whole assembly to the correct position depending on which you would like, or depending in which you can do at this point...it still looks fantastic....

Hi mike I think the the top wings might be at a greater angle than the bottom ones? If you look at the pic of the back of my X the top wings do the to 2 wings look like they may be too high, I'm not that sure? On the wing mounts I have them fixed to the top hull & there is a gap between the wing mounts at the bottom hull, should it be the other way round or another way completely?
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Ah now i see, what wonderful old chap pointed that out?


Hi Lee, it was a suggestion from another member here, is was all in a positive way. Its all good.

I may have ballsed that up when fitting the wing blocks, I took too much of the hull sections when cleaning them up for bonding together, The wing block holes were in turn too shallow for the blocks so I had to adjust it all....oops, I think I'll leave then as they are. I'd hate to make a mess of things. its all good, only a slight defect from the normal look, hopefully the paint job makes up for it :lol
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

I think it looks fine Guy, they are a tad off, but it doesnt detract from the work put in, id still rate her as one of the best X wings ive seen, if not, the best, especially in terms of prop paint and weather replication!

Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Thanks mate, I always new the actual build was going to be a bit scruffy, I' was rushing like mad to get her ready to paint as I new it would take me a long time to do. One of the thrusters is a bit wonky as well, but it looks like Red 3 & thats all I ever wanted. Build wise it wont touch the work being done by you & Julien & everyone who scratches this stuff. May be in the future, I'm thinking of building a proper workshop for my modeling & guitar repairs. I'd never come in the house again :lol
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Thanks mate, I will try & take loads of pics tomorrow. I'll go over how I did small sections of weathering.

I'm already starting to pick her apart when I look at her close up, I could go on for ever with the detail on Red 3, but for now she's done.
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

You truly inspired me with your build Guy.

Thanks for taking the time to take pictures and do small tutorials .. that's much aprreciated also.

Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Great job Guy, you've really captured the feel of the filming models.
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

That's an incredible build,and probably one of the most amazing paint and weathing jobs I've seen on an X-Wing.Is it wired for lights also?I was also wondering if that is the Salzo X-Wing by any chance?
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

That's an incredible build,and probably one of the most amazing paint and weathing jobs I've seen on an X-Wing.Is it wired for lights also?I was also wondering if that is the Salzo X-Wing by any chance?

Yes it is the V3 Mike Salzo kit.

Guy, that's a truly beautiful and detailed paint job, thanks for documenting it.
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Guy's Im a bit overwhelmed with the great stuff your all saying, I'm hoping the panavise that Lee has donated to me will arrive today so I can get some great pics up for people to use as ref if they want. This is a as damn close as I could get it with what time I had. I was to do it again then there's a few things I'd change that are quite important.

Scratch build the toilet seat bit as its just a flat piece with holes in it.
The base coat would be slightly lighter & warmer grey.
The blue for the cockpit & engines would be slightly blue'er.
I'd take more time with the build as I've missed of a few little bits here & there.
Added Lights to the engines.
Added a base coat of Vintage Resin color to go under the area's that are quite heavily chipped (especially the nose cone) I did this on the Snow speeder & it worked great .....bugger :angry
Its not 100% accurate to the prop as it is today but pretty damn close

I'm really looking forward now to my next build, hopefully it will the B wing, if so I'll be doing two at the same time. As with Gorts speeder (hopefully).

if you are out there my friend I can only dream of painting one of the Slave 1's your putting together with the team. This would be my dream paint job :love.

Once again I am well taken back by all your great comments & am totally grateful for everyone of em, there's a few people, I couldn't have done this without their support & I thank you all. Especially my girlfriend for putting up with my blank expression over the past few weeks.


how do you make it so I can add just thumbnails that go to a link??? I'm crap with web stuff????


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Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Been tinkering with photoshop, its bit rough & I've never done anything like this before but it did bring a smile to the old chops.

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Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

AAHH! Lens flare! X-Wing looks amazing!!!!!!!!
Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

I think I've never said this before :) but your X is just amazing ..

Here's my own contribution:

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Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!

Thanks chaps, I'm planning on doing a few of these photoshop type shots, just practicing at the mo, here's another


My R2 & pilot are being done for me this week so I'll get then in to the shots eventually!