Re: X-Wing Madness. Finished!
Guy's Im a bit overwhelmed with the great stuff your all saying, I'm hoping the panavise that Lee has donated to me will arrive today so I can get some great pics up for people to use as ref if they want. This is a as damn close as I could get it with what time I had. I was to do it again then there's a few things I'd change that are quite important.
Scratch build the toilet seat bit as its just a flat piece with holes in it.
The base coat would be slightly lighter & warmer grey.
The blue for the cockpit & engines would be slightly blue'er.
I'd take more time with the build as I've missed of a few little bits here & there.
Added Lights to the engines.
Added a base coat of Vintage Resin color to go under the area's that are quite heavily chipped (especially the nose cone) I did this on the Snow speeder & it worked great .....bugger :angry
Its not 100% accurate to the prop as it is today but pretty damn close
I'm really looking forward now to my next build, hopefully it will the B wing, if so I'll be doing two at the same time. As with Gorts speeder (hopefully).
if you are out there my friend I can only dream of painting one of the Slave 1's your putting together with the team. This would be my dream paint job :love.
Once again I am well taken back by all your great comments & am totally grateful for everyone of em, there's a few people, I couldn't have done this without their support & I thank you all. Especially my girlfriend for putting up with my blank expression over the past few weeks.
how do you make it so I can add just thumbnails that go to a link??? I'm crap with web stuff????