Well-Known Member
I only have a few MR props and every time I buy one It is a great experience. The awsome quality, the packaging, the display case the envelope with the paper goodies and the dust cloth(with some). MR just does it right. The price on these 2 have moved into my budget and can't pass (one) it up.
The problem is I like to invision my props as antiquities rather than replicas, just makes it more fun for me. Therefore I could never justify the Anakin ROTS because I have a ANH graflex. He didn't have it that long so I don't feel there is a need for a Sudo AFBB. The Obi, I like it and it would be nice to have a shiny version of the ANH weathered version, but how does that work with the MR AFBB? Aren't they the same thing but look different? Then there is the Vader which bearly appeared on screen and I hate the look so I am comfortable believing the ANH Vader is the justifiable ROTS.
I know this is been asked before but I am looking for opinions from a different perspective. I am not looking for the quality or coolness of the saber its self but which is the more justafiable one to own from the in unerverse perspective. I hope that this isn't sounding too weird
Thanks, Ben
The problem is I like to invision my props as antiquities rather than replicas, just makes it more fun for me. Therefore I could never justify the Anakin ROTS because I have a ANH graflex. He didn't have it that long so I don't feel there is a need for a Sudo AFBB. The Obi, I like it and it would be nice to have a shiny version of the ANH weathered version, but how does that work with the MR AFBB? Aren't they the same thing but look different? Then there is the Vader which bearly appeared on screen and I hate the look so I am comfortable believing the ANH Vader is the justifiable ROTS.
I know this is been asked before but I am looking for opinions from a different perspective. I am not looking for the quality or coolness of the saber its self but which is the more justafiable one to own from the in unerverse perspective. I hope that this isn't sounding too weird
Thanks, Ben