Which comic book movies do you want to see made?

Rocket Racoon!

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I was greatly disappointed with SPAWN.I'd like to see a better film made of it.The film had a couple of good/decent scenes, but it was so chopped together and looked like it was litterally "rushed" to meet its deadline, not to mention the CG in it just SUCKED to high heavens.The only good parts were the very few scenes that ILM did the work on.Just a few seconds here and there.Other than that...it was a complete MUT of a film.
They're rebooting Daredevil and apparantly want to base the new movie off of Frank Milllers Born Again.

I wanna see Invincible done.
With all of the cartoon movies I am surprised there hasn't been an Archie movie lately. Of course it would suck..but that's what hollywood does.

How about an edgy Mighty Mouse movie? Not a Yogi Bear type of quick grab at cash, but a well written, very adult Mighty Mouse? Ah..nobody would go see it, but I used to love Might Mouse as a kid.
Matt Wagner's Grendel (Hunter Rose obviously, but wouldn't mind seeing it continue with Christine Spar, I also loved Eppy Thatcher & Grendel Prinme)

Matt Wagner's Mage

John O/Tim Truman's Grimjack would make an EXCELLENT series, I think a movie wouldn't cut it.

Tim Truman's Time Beavers - as long as they don't 'cute it up'
A 30's period film starring an unarmored Batman. Black and grey fabric style.

A period Superman Film in the 30's would be cool too. Like a live action Fleisher Superman cartoon.

Ohhhh......those would be awesome!!

Well i think you Americans :) have had the limelight for far to long regarding Action and Super Hero's

Speaking of that, how bout a Marvel UK version of the original (before they destroyed the title Americanizing it) Death's Head! "Errr I'm in big trouble, yes?":lol Basically similar to the Hellboy MOVIES, I guess, but it would be fun.

Wolverine origins. Cos the one they did sucked hard.

LOL! Amen to that!
I've been waiting for an Elfquest movie ever since I first read it.

Teen Titans, based on the Marv Wolfman George Perez era.

Booster Gold.

Days Missing.

Green Hornet, the way it should have been done to begin with.
Patrick Dempsey (McDreamy) has mentioned in a couple of different interviews that he would like to play Dr. Strange. Marvel just recently moved forward with a screenwriter(the one who did Cowboys & Aliens and Conan 3d) on the project.
I would really enjoy seeing a movie made of Russ Manning's "MAGNUS, Robot Fighter" as he envisioned it back in the day. The miserable attempts of relaunching this title simply can't compare to the original.
Wouldn't mind seeing an X-Men spin-off movie for Angel for that matter. And I know it'll never happen but I've also always liked less popular characters like Nova, the Ray, Dr. Fate, etc. And not to mention I still want to see some good movies with some female characters like Wonder Woman, Catwoman (done in the more noir style), Spider-Woman, Black Widow...

I definitely agree about Angel - he has a lot of potential that was never really utilized in his small movie role.

Also about female superheroes. Why hasn't this happened already? Do they think there isn't an audience for it, because they are dead wrong. I don't know a single guy who wouldn't like to see a kick-ass woman in a superhero costume beating up bad guys for two hours, and a lot of women look to that sort of character for confidence and inspiration. So why hasn't it happened yet?
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