What’s your FAVORITE movie/tv weapon?


Sr Member
Hola my friends,

My kids and I were talking and I realized how much fun this would be for us here on THE RPF! So, let’s hear it and post up a photo, let’s see your replica, tell us all the details!

What’s your ALL TIME FAVEORITE movie or tv weapon?

I’ll go first: Luke’s lightsaber. The green one especially. As a kid we had NO money so I made them out of sticks, painted the hilt bright green with spray paint, painted the hilt SILVER, and played outside pretending to be Luke for YEARS!!!!

Luke’s Lightsaber is such a GIANT part of my childhood! I don’t know why I don’t own a replica!!!! Hahahaha!

Can’t wait to see and hear your answers!


~Pastor Chuck


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Luke's ROTJ Lightsaber, hands down. As a 6yo I thought that part where he deflects the speederbike lasers and chops the forks off was the coolest thing that was ever created!
I can't possibly pick just one! It's the one in whichever of my favourite films/TV shows I'm watching. :D

Having said that... the top 5 (currently) would probably be:

Blade Runner: Deckard's PKD blaster
Return of the Jedi: Luke's light saber
The Princess Bride: Inigo Montoya's sword
Dred (2012): Judges' Lawgiver
Alita: Battle Angel (live action movie): Alita's 'damascus' blade (or (arguably) Alita herself, in her berserker body!

But then there's the pulse rifle... And Conan's Atlantean sword... And Han's DL44... And the Holy Hand Genade of Antioch... And Major's thermoptic pistol... And Robocop's Auto 9... And the TOS phasers....

Don't make me choose! :eek:
I also should mention how much I love the Plasma Rifle from Aliens. It's just such a fun BEAST of a weapon!
FYI, that's not a plasma rifle. It's called the pulse rifle and it's a conventional firearm, not an energy weapon. The only difference between it and real life AR or AK is that it uses caseless ammo, something that hasn't quite been perfected in real life yet.
The only gun I've ever seen that just flipped me out was the smart guns in ALIENS. To me, pulse rifle is just another gun, no big deal. First time I saw that gun on a waist mount like that I was blown away. I remember telling my friends they had to see this movie just for that gun!! That was the most bad a$$ thing I had ever seen!!
Aside from Luke's ESB saber, I have to go with the Glaive, and as embarrassing of a movie that it was, the three bladed sword from The Sword and the Sorcerer.
The only gun I've ever seen that just flipped me out was the smart guns in ALIENS. To me, pulse rifle is just another gun, no big deal. First time I saw that gun on a waist mount like that I was blown away. I remember telling my friends they had to see this movie just for that gun!! That was the most bad a$$ thing I had ever seen!!
It's a pity that we never got to see it used to its full capacity on screen. We know it's called a smart gun but we were never told or shown why it was called that on screen, only in ancillary materials like games and comics. It would be nice to see the smart gun being used to its fullest with a POV of the gunner's eyepiece and the gunner laying down fire with pinpoint accuracy.
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As lame as it could be, Ark II had tiny "weapons" that could only dazzle an enemy...just a white rectangle...effect from a mirror...but I liked that it wasn't gunlike for a change.
I'm a sucker for the original He-Man stuff.

And I do mean "the original". Gimme the 1982-83 look or forget it.

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I was 4 or 5 years old when the He-Man toys came out and I had that toy sword where half was silver and the other was yellow or purple. Because I had gotten this for my birthday, my friend's mom got him the same set so we could play He-Man. We promptly started wailing on each other and someone ended up getting whacked in the head and I had to go home. :lol: