Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz - SPOILERS

Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

Anyone watched it yet? It's been available online since midnight via the Xfinity website - even to non-subscribers which surprised me.

Watch Ep 101 - The New World: Torchwood: Miracle Day Full Length Episodes Online | Free on XFINITY TV

Goes live for everyone else tonite on StarZ in full HD, and then next Thursday the 14th on BBC in the UK.

I'm watching it now, and looking forward to some lively discussion and comments about the new incarnation of one of my favorite shows :)
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

Thanks for posting this! This of course was more of a set up episode but really got me excited for the rest of the story
Re: In case you missed it. Torchwood is back!!!

What if you remove his head? :)

Been waiting for this for a long time!

Assuming you mean Jacks. They blew him into little pieces in Children of Earth, so I would assume he would survive removal of his head.

Davies said, though, that nobody is safe in this series (not even Jack) - and hinted how he loves killing off people.

Having said that, there are also rumors that Moffet has been talking to Barrowman about being The Doctor's next companion.
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

I couldn't believe they revealed that Jack is a future version of River Song. It just took the whole direction of both shows into a very weird place.
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

It's Glen or Glenda meets temporal paradox. :lol

This episode was definitely the anchor point for those new to the series but there were plenty of nods for the fans scattered in. It's really a treat seeing Jack and Gwen again, both are incredibly entertaining and compelling characters that made the original series so cherished.

Plus Bill Pullman really sold his performance as Oswald Danes, the few scenes he had this episode drove the point home this man is a utterly despicable degenerate who's destined to do some very terrible deeds this series with his new undying lease on life.
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

Nothing beats good old American production values. I thought it was great fun and very polished, it certainly lives up to it's previous incarnation - in fact I would say it improves upon it.

I'm really looking forward to the next episode.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

They simply can not kill Jack, he is the face of Boe after all.
Re: In case you missed it. Torchwood is back!!!

Assuming you mean Jacks. They blew him into little pieces in Children of Earth, so I would assume he would survive removal of his head.

Davies said, though, that nobody is safe in this series (not even Jack) - and hinted how he loves killing off people.

Having said that, there are also rumors that Moffet has been talking to Barrowman about being The Doctor's next companion.

If you watch the trailer, it was Jack who said that line. There was a blown up body on a table but it was still alive...he then says that and people look at him in shock and he just shrugs :)

As noted above, hard to kill off a guy who lives another million years or so.
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

LOVED IT! Glad to see Captain Jack Harkness back in action. I'm kind of curious if he's somehow at fault. Has his returning somehow made his immortality planet wide, stripping himself of it? Or was he trying to remove it himself and this is the side effect?

And regards to John Barrowman, does anyone else think he looked a bit thin in this episode? I hope he's not sick or anything.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

The face of BOE in Doctor Who was at the end of the Earth which I think was around the 5 billion mark so Jack gets quite a bit more time than a million years. Then again Davies did try and back away from that connection after it happened when he refuse to allow any more writing on the subject. I think he was upset he made the connection in the first place, but its out now and I guess he has to live with it.
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

He may just have lost weight.

I'm not a big fan of Mekhi Pfeifer's character at this point. A bit over the top. I think if I lived through something like that i'd be feeling lucky, not pissed of and determined to find out why. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth as they say. CIA agents don't go outing themselves left and right either. Plus, do CIA agents even have badges?
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

I couldn't believe they revealed that Jack is a future version of River Song. It just took the whole direction of both shows into a very weird place.

I missed that :lol:lol:lol

It was not bad, I agree it was good to see Jack and Gwen back in action. I really had high hopes when they said they had rebuilt the hub, no joy though in this episode :(
Re: Torchwood: Mirace Day Discussion (probably with spoilers)

Personally, I thought the episode was garbage. It wasn't very interesting and kinda boring - plus I thought it was poorly written and acted (you know, not on purpose though).

Throughout the entire episode the quote from Monty Python kept coming into my head: "GET ON WITH IT!!!" They probably could have wrapped everything in that episode into a neat 20 minute package.

Of course, there was a big focus on Gwen and I always hated the character. Gwan was never very interesting or well developed so I cared nothing for her in this episode. The Americans were cheesy sterotypes and either poorly written or acted (or both). In an entire hour, we got about 5-10 minutes of really good "Torchwood".

Everything in this episode screamed Torchwood trying to be 'adult' when it's still a tween.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

Davies always maintained it was supposed to be an implication, no more and no less. Fans took it as Gospel.

One of the problems with a show like Doctor Who (and to a more extreme - Star Trek and Lost) is that fans will remember everything no matter how insignificant. In Star Trek they'll say "This even happened 200 years ago" and the fan will take it to mean that, on that date exactly 200 years ago that happened. Humans don't speak in specifics (generally), they speak in generalities - thus if Jack says they called him "The Face of Boe" it means that Jack WILL BE The Face of Boe (even though it could also mean "The Face of Boe" is a rough translation for something completely different or maybe the species is called "Boe", etc.).

All this to say - Jack isn't necessarily The Face of Boe.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

I enjoyed the episode. Killing Jack off would be financially irresponsible of Davies, unless he thinks the fans will keep watching more seasons without Jack. As for the rumors, I'd love to see Jack as the Doctor's next companion, it would be nice to know for sure that Moffat isn't erasing Davies' era from canon.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

I really do not think that Starz would allow RTD to kill off Barrowman if they can help it in the first ten episodes. Lets face it they put some money into this show and it is very unlikely it would not fly without Barrowman plain and simple. Why would they take that risk unless it is a mini-series that they plan to kill after this. What do have have left without Jack? Gwen with her husband riding her ass about her dangerous job (not a good addition) and two people from the CIA one of which is just a plain evil and unlikable character. (FAIL) :lol:lol:lol:lol
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

If they killed off Jack, I'd stop watching. Jack IS Torchwood. It'd be like killing off The Doctor and continuing Doctor Who.

BTW, I don't think the CIA guy who got the metal poles throug his chest is necessarily 'evil' just under EXTREME duress at the moment. He doesn't know what is going to happen if this Miracle Day reverses itself. If they stop the effect, does he drop dead right then and there? Or if he has enough time to heal the injuries, will he survive it? He's definately a very driven and focused person, a little uncaring if he is looking to leapfrog another person who's wife may have come down with something terminal, but I don't think he's entirely unlikeable. It'll depend on how his character further develops.
Re: Torchwood is back!!! Starts tonight 7/8/11 on Starz

If they killed off Jack, I'd stop watching. Jack IS Torchwood. It'd be like killing off The Doctor and continuing Doctor Who.

For a while there, I almost expected Moffat to do just that. I'd stop watching if we had another season of The Amy Show.

After watching Moffat's Jekyll, I've become kind of numb to the British way of writing Americans. The American guy in that show was like the CIA guy in this episode times a million.

And as far as whether Starz thinks the show would or wouldn't work without Barrowman, I don't think they've decided that yet. They most likely bought the show because they like the idea, not because they necessarily think the fanbase will carry over. The boring setup in this episode wouldn't have seemed so slow if we had all just been introduced to all the characters and didn't know what was going on. The episode was written for newcomers. As far as Starz is probably concerned, it's a brand new show, and Jack Harkness is just one of the characters. If they wanted to replace him with Matthew Fox or anybody else, they probably wouldn't give it too much pause.