I know - NOT another Blade Runner Build. Sorry guys - I love it. I recently picked up Dave and Karen's incredible Resin Kit of K's 2049 Blaster. I did a few modifications to the build and created three versions. Learning how to do the Carbon Effect Dip was an uphill battle. They came out well. I love the feel of the modified kits and loved them so much - I had to pick up a couple more just for different handle colors. It Lt Joshi had been armed with a Detective or Officer Snub Nose when she encountered Luv - she might have fared better in the skirmish. I cannot say enough about Dave and Karen's kits. They Rock. Looking for another package from them soon. More builds. The idea of a snub 2049 is not my own. The modifications of these kits were my take on that idea. What do you think?