Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland Costumes

I'm getting a custom lace front wig made, the same people that have made all of my other lace fronts. But it would be too late to get something from them in time for Halloween. They can generally take about 2 months.

As for the contacts, there's a company that usually hits some of the larger cons, that make custom ones. They made my purple Wonka ones. Not as detailed as I thought they'd be, and even though they are purple, they show up as blue in pictures. I wouldn't think one would have this problem with green & yellows though.

Otherwise, I've finally completed my first hat. ;)



Making progress, slowly but surely.
Added stitching to the brim and top, as well as the "leather" patch. (That will get stitching around it as well.) Also finished one of the hat pins, and started working on the peacock feather piece:


As you can see, there's a big blank spot where the ribbon will go.
Mine is paper mache. :$ Toby hand punched his leather.

Hey that looks great for paper mache!! I really thought you stretched fabric over a wire frame!

So the actual hat is really leather? I would have never had guessed that, but then I do not normally work with leather. Since I'm making my Mad Hatter costume for my son, I might try to find a nice upholstery fabric and use that as the base, customize where I have to and see what happens.
Edit: update. Getting closer.


From those who have seen it in person, what is the approximate rise of the hat from the brim up?

Hard to say. When making mine, I scaled it from the poster off of my own head, so it would be in proportion to me. Came out about nine inches on mine, but I have a HUGE head.
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Anyone have any pointers on putting fake eyebrows over real eyebrows?

Sounds dangerous.

I have two costumes that require fake eyebrows over real. Barrier Spray first. Then use spirit gum. Remove with spirit gum remover. You will need to work spirit gum into your real eyebrows to remove all traces.

Hard to say. When making mine, I scaled it from the poster off of my own head, so it would be in proportion to me. Came out about nine inches on mine, but I have a HUGE head.

Thanks Nicky, that actually helps me a lot!! I consider myself to have a big head as well, 23.25 inches around!! So this helps me gauge it nicely!! By the way, your costume is amazing!!! I hope mine turns out as good!
Is that jacket one you made completely or one you found like say at a thrift store and modified? I love it!
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Thanks, guys.

Is that jacket one you made completely or one you found like say at a thrift store and modified? I love it!

The jacket is a modified suit jacket I bought at a thrift store. It isn't long enough. I was, however, able to add a collar and sleeve details to make it look a little more correct. Used that frizzy yarn to simulate the piping. Worked surprisingly well!

I'm also curious to know about the bandolier,etc!

The bandoiler was a little tedious. I got the 30 or so vinage wooden spools, then I lined them up and cut two lengths of chain. (Not accurate chain, just from Lowes. Cheap.) Then, I would bend a craft wire around the chain link, through the spool, and around the other side. Took about an hour and my hands were sore, but it looks pretty good. Also decided to glue down the thread so it doesn't unspool.
Also decided to glue down the thread so it doesn't unspool.

WHY??? Isn't "unspooled" the very essence of the Hatter? The phrase 'mad as a hatter' (thin as a dime) came from making hats & its use of Mercury. It drove hat-makers mad. For a time, Dentist also suffered from mercury sickness, resulting in a high rate of suicides.
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