Well WELL WEEELLLLLLLL, Guess who is back again.....Soorry, I've been Lost in Space for awhile and managed to find my way back home again....LOL (this was in no way referencing my previous long ago thread for Penny Robinson Lost in Space...Lmao jk jk)

So for starters a little history lesson on yours truly, I am an artist and one whom LOVES to make things or create things out of anything. I also if you didnt already know am also a construction worker (daily grind) and mechanic (home business). They call me a jack of all trades but in reality I just wear a lot of HATS!! Well, this year starting around May 8th my NOW 13 year old Charlie started to ponder the idea of a Halloween costume. This of course came at a huge surprise as I thought she would be altogether out of "the game" because she"s you know...a TEENAGER!!! Man the time passed soooo quickly I haven't been able to process that all the way through still. lol
So we started looking around for ideas and she came upon one that honestly has become true to my heart. So I had since back in 2010 watched Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland many times and then later on the second Alice in 2016. Now, having worked at Disney World back in 1997-1999 exclusively in Tomorrowland, I was very fond of ALL that was within that area....including the Mad Hatter's Tea Cup Party ride. I loved anything and everything Disney related, which also involved the animated Alice in wonderland.
So that was it, we had found our costume idea via Charlie and I knew I had to act fast. As previously stated in my past thread for lost in space, my time is VERY limited and the work flow I have never seems to end. This costume replicating is now a true passion for me, I LOVE trying to recreate things while also learning new things along the way. Now, Charlie also asked me to try something else which meant more of a challenge UNTIL I found a quick easy way (yeah sorry, had to cheat a little on this to make it happen...lol). Seems she wanted her little sister, Eva, to be part of this replica costume idea.
The mission, replicate this Mad Hatter (johnny Depp version) for Charlie:
Second Mission, figure out a way to still have time to replicate Eva's costume.......but there's a problem!!!! Seems that this version of Alice in Wonderland 2010 is more a grown up Alice....Eva is 4 years old!!!
So sitting down in my office, looking through pre made online costumes I stumbled onto a way to make this work both quickly and to where it wouldn't look odd. I managed to have found a site which replicated in their own way costumes for children. This meant a TON of time saving as I wouldn't have to try to take on 2 costumes at the same time AND much like last time my wife could actually piece the costume together for me.....sorta a win win for us all.
This thing was PERFECT and the true Beginning of getting my 4 year old Eva to get used to cosplay....just like her big sis Charlie did!!! lol (Sorry EVA, dad is making sure you like costumes so he can keep his art alive even through retirement...LMAO)
So here they are.....my Mad hatter and my Alice ready for 2023!!!
So for starters a little history lesson on yours truly, I am an artist and one whom LOVES to make things or create things out of anything. I also if you didnt already know am also a construction worker (daily grind) and mechanic (home business). They call me a jack of all trades but in reality I just wear a lot of HATS!! Well, this year starting around May 8th my NOW 13 year old Charlie started to ponder the idea of a Halloween costume. This of course came at a huge surprise as I thought she would be altogether out of "the game" because she"s you know...a TEENAGER!!! Man the time passed soooo quickly I haven't been able to process that all the way through still. lol
So we started looking around for ideas and she came upon one that honestly has become true to my heart. So I had since back in 2010 watched Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland many times and then later on the second Alice in 2016. Now, having worked at Disney World back in 1997-1999 exclusively in Tomorrowland, I was very fond of ALL that was within that area....including the Mad Hatter's Tea Cup Party ride. I loved anything and everything Disney related, which also involved the animated Alice in wonderland.
So that was it, we had found our costume idea via Charlie and I knew I had to act fast. As previously stated in my past thread for lost in space, my time is VERY limited and the work flow I have never seems to end. This costume replicating is now a true passion for me, I LOVE trying to recreate things while also learning new things along the way. Now, Charlie also asked me to try something else which meant more of a challenge UNTIL I found a quick easy way (yeah sorry, had to cheat a little on this to make it happen...lol). Seems she wanted her little sister, Eva, to be part of this replica costume idea.
The mission, replicate this Mad Hatter (johnny Depp version) for Charlie:
Second Mission, figure out a way to still have time to replicate Eva's costume.......but there's a problem!!!! Seems that this version of Alice in Wonderland 2010 is more a grown up Alice....Eva is 4 years old!!!
So sitting down in my office, looking through pre made online costumes I stumbled onto a way to make this work both quickly and to where it wouldn't look odd. I managed to have found a site which replicated in their own way costumes for children. This meant a TON of time saving as I wouldn't have to try to take on 2 costumes at the same time AND much like last time my wife could actually piece the costume together for me.....sorta a win win for us all.
This thing was PERFECT and the true Beginning of getting my 4 year old Eva to get used to cosplay....just like her big sis Charlie did!!! lol (Sorry EVA, dad is making sure you like costumes so he can keep his art alive even through retirement...LMAO)
So here they are.....my Mad hatter and my Alice ready for 2023!!!
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