The Video Game Thread - anything and everything...

The good: the likely return of KOTOR

The bad: F@&! YOU console exclusivity!!! I hate thee with the fire of an infinite number of universes. If EVER there was an Devil signed agreement between "competing" CEOs it was this, so they know people will buy all systems just to play exclusives. F&*C YOU!!!

The Ugly: It's being made my BIOWARE/, probably a disappointment.

Did anything come out of this? Any update?

Its been a couple years now and just started KOTOR again. The lag is as bad as I remember.
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Check out this console which can play NES, SNES, and SEGA Genesis cartridges: The same company, Retrobit, is making Genesis and Dreamcast style controllers for PC as well. I gave my NES and Genesis to my cousins years ago so I have no cartridges now! :cry I'd still like to get Desert Strike and Jungle Strike for Genesis since they haven't come out on Steam yet. I loved those!

I guess this is a new version of a console they already had. Still seems way too cheap for something that does this!

[h=3]Super Retro Trio Plus[/h]A new version of Retro-bit's multi-cart console, the Super Retro Trio Plus, will be available by the end of January for $80 USD and €60 Euro. It plays original NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis cartridges. The new addition to this model is its HDMI port and sharper 720p resolution, which makes it convenient to play old games on new TVs. There are ports for all three controllers of the original consoles, but it also comes with two of Retro-bit's own controllers. An NTSC and PAL switch lets you use cartridges from any region as well.
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Decided not to get SW:BF2 at release for obvious reasons. But it was half price during holliday sale, couldn't pass it up. I totally understand why it got sh#t on. But despite the obvious flaws i've enjoyed it so far. Looking forward what future updates will bring.
Man, I hate to post this here, but I googled and googled and can't find the answers I'm looking for.

Just a few levels ago, I was enchanting chaos weapons with 222 damage, and a carry weight bonus of +50.
I made the skill legendary, then brought it back up to 100.
Now my max chaos damage is 178 and carry weight is +40.
I didn't do anything different - I've got armor of Ahzidal, plus Seeker of Sorcery, and potions doing +33% enchanting.
But now my enchantments are weaker than they were before.
Enchantment skill is at 100, all perks spent.

WTF is going on?
It's been awhile since I played Skyrim, but what type of Soul Gem are you using? A black Soul Gem gives you the best enchantment, with Grand Soul Gem being second best, but if you use a lesser Soul Gem they will be weaker. I think. Like I said it's been awhile.
a black soul gem should be equivalent to a grand soul gem, the benefit to the black being you can bind souls from humans/other sentient races vs animals, and they always count as grand. though its been a while since i've played so I dont know if theyve changed the system since then i guess
Thanks for the replies, guys. I figured it out.
I was missing a point in the first perk - the one that you can put 5 points in. :facepalm
I knew it had to be something simple and stupid...
I started playing GTA 5 again and decided to try to get 100% completion. What really ticks me off is when games have a long tedious mission and then you get a crap reward or no reward. They had thing in GTA 5 where you have to go all over the map to find 50 UFO parts. They have maps, so they're relatively easy to find, just time consuming. So what do you get for maybe 1-2 hours of your time? A crappy dune buggy with space-y parts attach that makes UFO noises... I don't know if the developers think it's funny or what. I remember Saints Row IV had a Christmas-y DLC where they had a candy cane door thing that you could lick and you'd have to lick it for a while and it would keep taunting you and eventually say something like "Do you just like this noise? Seriously what is wrong with you?!?!", but it was obviously done as a joke.
I started playing GTA 5 again and decided to try to get 100% completion. What really ticks me off is when games have a long tedious mission and then you get a crap reward or no reward. They had thing in GTA 5 where you have to go all over the map to find 50 UFO parts. They have maps, so they're relatively easy to find, just time consuming. So what do you get for maybe 1-2 hours of your time? A crappy dune buggy with space-y parts attach that makes UFO noises... I don't know if the developers think it's funny or what. I remember Saints Row IV had a Christmas-y DLC where they had a candy cane door thing that you could lick and you'd have to lick it for a while and it would keep taunting you and eventually say something like "Do you just like this noise? Seriously what is wrong with you?!?!", but it was obviously done as a joke.

Oh man-- I almost quit that game forever after getting that thing. I was thinking I was getting a flying car for sure. The Scientology quest is another rando weird one that requires work-- like literally walking on foot for endless miles in the desert. But the payout is a decent amount of cash eventually-- and it's pretty funny.
I started playing GTA 5 again and decided to try to get 100% completion. What really ticks me off is when games have a long tedious mission and then you get a crap reward or no reward. They had thing in GTA 5 where you have to go all over the map to find 50 UFO parts. They have maps, so they're relatively easy to find, just time consuming. So what do you get for maybe 1-2 hours of your time? A crappy dune buggy with space-y parts attach that makes UFO noises... I don't know if the developers think it's funny or what. I remember Saints Row IV had a Christmas-y DLC where they had a candy cane door thing that you could lick and you'd have to lick it for a while and it would keep taunting you and eventually say something like "Do you just like this noise? Seriously what is wrong with you?!?!", but it was obviously done as a joke.

That Dune Buggy is a one-off as well. If I recall you cannot get it any other way and if it's destroyed, that's it can't get another.

The road to 100% there's some tedious stuff along the way. And there are a few times you'll sit there and wonder why you can't seem to get that next thing found or finished or can't figure out what mission you missed, etc. But it's not too bad.

Do all the stock market tricks to maximize your wealth. Not having to worry about money helps a lot while chasing down every little thing to do. Especially since you do need to buy some properties to get 100%.
I don't try to do 100% on games anymore. They inevitably require me to engage in something that's either mind-numbingly tedious, or incredibly frustrating. Time spent != value for my dollar in and of itself, if I'm not having fun in the process.
Nothing in GTA5 gets "mind-numbingly" tedious. Just a little bit every once in awhile.

One of the few things that annoyed me to that extent was one of the in-game movies at the cinema. I was determined to watch it and it just kept dragging on.
so i build me a retropi, spend few hours today with my kids to play old atari 2600 games. man that was fun again

I'm impressed by how much performance they can squeeze out of the hardware. Takes some fiddling to get video to stream smooth, but otherwise easy to setup and start using.
Oh man-- I almost quit that game forever after getting that thing. I was thinking I was getting a flying car for sure. The Scientology quest is another rando weird one that requires work-- like literally walking on foot for endless miles in the desert. But the payout is a decent amount of cash eventually-- and it's pretty funny.

Yeah I forgot about that one. I played it once where I figured I would be nice and you get a rusty tractor...

Nothing in GTA5 gets "mind-numbingly" tedious. Just a little bit every once in awhile.

One of the few things that annoyed me to that extent was one of the in-game movies at the cinema. I was determined to watch it and it just kept dragging on.

I didn't think so either. I've also got a bunch of mods that give you online vehicles and add more variety to the game. Most of the time I just drive around listening to my radio channel. The worst movie is the arsty one. I had to sit through Michael's movie to get the friend activity thing for 100% and it was actually kind of funny. Golf was actually the hardest until I figured out how to play it. I was laughing at Michael yelling "F*#% this game!" :lol I usually don't go for 100%, but I was having fun and didn't have anything else that interesting to play right now.
I didn't think so either. I've also got a bunch of mods that give you online vehicles and add more variety to the game. Most of the time I just drive around listening to my radio channel. The worst movie is the arsty one. I had to sit through Michael's movie to get the friend activity thing for 100% and it was actually kind of funny. Golf was actually the hardest until I figured out how to play it. I was laughing at Michael yelling "F*#% this game!" :lol I usually don't go for 100%, but I was having fun and didn't have anything else that interesting to play right now.

Yeah, the black and white subtitled movie. Terrible, it just kept going and going.

I had a fairly easy time with golf. I played a TON of Tiger Woods games. Skills transferred over well.

I wish they would do more for single player. Maybe I should try the mods see how they go.
Yeah I'm worried that they haven't thought much about VI cause years later and there's still new online DLC ever few months.
Just a few weeks ago I had been playing GTA 5. Well, I got to 100%, but the trophie didn't pop. Found out its a glitched one and the only real way to fix it, is to load a save before getting to 100% and getting to it that way. Well, my only save before that was like at 85%. I was like, forget doing all that again.
Maybe sometime in the future, like years, I might decided to go try again, but at 99% I'm making like 3 save files.