I've only purchased two shows digitally. Season 6 of TWD on YouTube for my daughter and season 5 of Rick and Morty on Amazon because I was to impatient to wait for it on HBO.

I lived most of my life without a TV signal, cable or satellite. I didn't even have internet capable of streaming until 2020!

So my collection of VHS and DVDs was pretty big since it was the only way to watch. I got rid of almost all my tapes and half of my discs in 2016 when we moved, now I rely on streaming to watch almost everything, I also have a lot of stuff stored on HDs at home so I don't need internet to watch something. There's maybe 400 to 500 discs left but don't have my player hooked up to the projector since almost all of it is available to watch on one of my services or it's backed up on one of my HDs. Renting digitally is much more convenient than when I had to drive 10 miles each way to the video store, imagine that at today's fuel cost!
A few times we wanted to watch something specific and couldn't find it to rent digitally so my daughter "may" have raised the Jolly Roger.

When it comes to anything you want to keep around for your lifetime and beyond you really need a combination. All my home movies, fan films and the fan restored OT are backed up on 2 HDs, multiple physical discs, 2 laptops and on the cloud. It would take a global disaster to destroy them!