Survivor: Fans vs Favorites

there is something comforting about being voted out AFTER Phillip.

I'm really hoping that the weaker players, including Cochran, Dawn, Brenda and Erik all decide it's time to make a move and create a sub alliance. keep strong to get rid of the testosterone Crew and then Andrea. leaving only Sheri to deal with lol. but this is wear immunity will play a big role, AND we will see how much control Phillip actually had.

I do think Cochran is smart enough and knows the game well enough to lead the way.

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there is something comforting about being voted out AFTER Phillip.

I'm really hoping that the weaker players, including Cochran, Dawn, Brenda and Erik all decide it's time to make a move and create a sub alliance. keep strong to get rid of the testosterone Crew and then Andrea. leaving only Sheri to deal with lol. but this is wear immunity will play a big role, AND we will see how much control Phillip actually had.

I do think Cochran is smart enough and knows the game well enough to lead the way.
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The way I see it, if Erik flips, they might be able to persuade Sheri to come over to the Malcolm alliance. Then they will have the majority.





WHOA THERE NELLIE!!! Slow Down! I mean, yeah, the last three eps have been excellent, and in spite of it being anti-climatic, this most recent TC was epic. But this season can't hold a candle to Russell's first two seasons, which were both wire-to-wire drama! Need I remind you, that in each season, Russell began alone or in a very small minority of outcasts, and orchestrated major coup d'états of the ruling class...including turning the tables on Boston Rob.

This season is shaping up nicely, but let's keep things in perspective, here, Sarge. ;)

The Wook
I have to agree that I am enjoying this season more. I am not a Russell fan at all. He makes my skin crawl with the way he was so nasty, and I don't just mean being a smart player and sticking it to people, I mean the way he talked about people behind their back and enjoy hurting them. He wasn't just playing the game, he is mean thru and thru. This is what I love about Malcolm - he can get cocky, lie, and come up with great strategies, but he's not mean and doesn't mean ill will on anyone. He's playing a game. Much prefer this season. The social game IS part of the game.

And we may forever disagree on that point - but it's just how I see it. :)
I have to agree that I am enjoying this season more. I am not a Russell fan at all. He makes my skin crawl with the way he was so nasty, and I don't just mean being a smart player and sticking it to people, I mean the way he talked about people behind their back and enjoy hurting them. He wasn't just playing the game, he is mean thru and thru. This is what I love about Malcolm - he can get cocky, lie, and come up with great strategies, but he's not mean and doesn't mean ill will on anyone. He's playing a game. Much prefer this season. The social game IS part of the game.

And we may forever disagree on that point - but it's just how I see it. :)

Well sweet Julie, given your animus towards Russell and his Machiavellian tactics, I'm glad you don't hold it against me (or Art Andrews, or anyone else) for trumpeting Russell's name as the best the game has known.

In the words of Ron Burgandy...agree to disagree. :lol

The Wook :D
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By far one of my favorite tribals ever, but I don't think Malcom and Reynold will last beyond the next 2 votes unless by some miracle they find another idol and win immunities.

I picked them at the start of the season for my office pool and still think the final four will come down to Cochran, Dawn, Erik and Sheri
Another fun last episode! Does anyone else feel it's a bit more than hard work and luck that Malcolm found another idol?
Something stinks a bit here.. I get the impression the writers saw how the deck was stacked against Malcolm, Eddie, and Reynold and influenced the game.

This season is getting better but I don't yet think it is one of the best seasons ever. That would have to go to when Russell played. As nasty and mean-spirited Russell was, the guy was extremely capable of manipulating people. There are plenty of great players but Russell is the definition of "game changer". Russell's huge flaw was his complete inability to look at himself and craft a social game. I'm not sure he could ever win Survivor.

Jeff Probst is still an awesome host and I'm rooting for Cochran!. :thumbsup
Does anyone else feel it's a bit more than hard work and luck that Malcolm found another idol?
Something stinks a bit here.. I get the impression the writers saw how the deck was stacked against Malcolm, Eddie, and Reynold and influenced the game.

Kind of like when Boston Rob won Redemption Island? You could tell from day 1 that there was no way Probst/Burnett were going to let him leave without winning.
Well sweet Julie, given your animus towards Russell and his Machiavellian tactics, I'm glad you don't hold it against me (or Art Andrews, or anyone else) for trumpeting Russell's name as the best the game has known.

Nah, doesn't bother me at all - so long as you do not EMULATE his behavior. *hehe* And honestly, it is annoying that you keep calling me Julie, when my name is Julia. ;)
Nah, doesn't bother me at all - so long as you do not EMULATE his behavior. *hehe* And honestly, it is annoying that you keep calling me Julie, when my name is Julia. ;)

I have a beautiful ex named "Julie", with whom I debated Survivor all the time. Force of habit. My bad.

I'll keep you two straight from now on.

The Wook :)
*hehe* I get it a lot and don't usually bother to correct it... And I am really not helping by using Juliet as my avatar.
Don't get me wrong, TC was AMAZING! I just kinda wish the three amigos had kept their cards close to their chest, and blindsided Philip, rather than tip everybody off ahead of time. I don't see what that gained them. They didn't need Erik's, or anyone else's vote to take out Fillup.

Well, while writing this, I suppose it was smart, because they did get one to betray SRU...Erik. And they can exploit that defection the next day (which it appears they do in the sneak preview). Because yes, even after this epic move of Malcolm's, he's right, in that technically speaking, it's not a game changer if everyone of SRU stays tight next week. They'll still be sitting pretty with a 6 to 3 advantage. But by beginning to lure Erik to their side last night, gives them a good head start next week at wresting control of this game away from SRU's remaining members.

ps~I love Cochran's retort to Jeff next week at the Food Auction! And Jeff's reaction. :lol

I think saying who they were voting for was brilliant. If they didn't get help, I think Andrea would have gone home. They all seemed to be whispering that. It wasn't until Malcolm announced their plan that Phillip said something like they should just stick to the original plan, and if he gets voted out, so be it.

And determining that someone did indeed flip was huge. They just need to figure out who the crack in the alliance is.

That's a good point about blind-siding Fillup making it more tense, but for a minute there I thought Malcolm was hoping that by revealing who they were voting for, they would get enough people to flip that he wasn't going to play his immunity necklace!

Also, I think they played their hand so they could enjoy the scrambling. A blindside is fun for as long as it takes for the person to stand up and have their torch snuffed... what they did gave them who knows how long to revel in the glory of their scheme.

I was wondering if he'd hold on to his idol, too. That would have been a b@llsy move.

And a blind-side that happens out in the open? That was epic! It was almost like psychological warfare at that point.

This season is shaping up nicely, but let's keep things in perspective, here, Sarge. ;)

The Wook

Agreed. Great season, but not the best. Yet. Russel and Boston Rob both changed the game forever. They had the best seasons ever. I think Malcolm now has the greatest single moment in the game, but not the season. Yet .;)

Well sweet Julie, given your animus towards Russell and his Machiavellian tactics, I'm glad you don't hold it against me (or Art Andrews, or anyone else) for trumpeting Russell's name as the best the game has known.

In the words of Ron Burgandy...agree to disagree. :lol

The Wook :D

Russell did what needed to be done. He outwitted. He outplayed. And he should have outlasted. Per the rules of the game, he should have won. I have no problems with his tactics in the confines of the game of Survivor. Doing those things in real-life would make him a scumbag. But not on the island.

By far one of my favorite tribals ever, but I don't think Malcom and Reynold will last beyond the next 2 votes unless by some miracle they find another idol and win immunities.

I picked them at the start of the season for my office pool and still think the final four will come down to Cochran, Dawn, Erik and Sheri

I have no doubt they will find, and win another immunity idol. And they will get someone to flip for sure. Those that don't will go next.

Wait...huh? Who's Desmond??

The Wook

Lost reference.
I can't wait till they find the hatch!!! It's going to be crazy adding Desmond in the mix! :D

Ha! I actually heard on the Lostpedia forums that Lost was originally conceived as a dramatized Survivor series, but then they thought they needed something more to make it interesting and added the smoke monster and Others... and it grew from there. Not sure if that's true, but hence the \/photo.\/
Ha! I actually heard on the Lostpedia forums that Lost was originally conceived as a dramatized Survivor series, but then they thought they needed something more to make it interesting and added the smoke monster and Others... and it grew from there. Not sure if that's true, but hence the \/photo.\/

Thank you Julia and kibash for explaining the reference. I totally didn't get it. I even thought the poster was referencing Richard Hatch. :lol

The Wook

ps~Julia, since you're a big fan of Lost, you'll get a kick out of this. Maybe you even saw it when it aired 8 years ago. I never saw Lost, but I probably should've gotten the "hatch" reference above, because when Lost was the hot, new show, Lucasfilm booked me on Jimmy Kimmel Live! for a promotional appearance as Chewbacca. The gag was that they built a hatch next to Jimmy's desk and each week a different celebrity would pop out of the hatch right in the middle of Jimmy's monologue. (LFL timed my appearance with the release of the ROTS dvd and Battlefront II video game.) I burst out of the hatch, walked up behind Jimmy and give him a big wookiee hug, and some noogies. lol Armed with a handful of dvds and games in each hand, I then went into the audience and handed them out before exiting stage right. Unfortunately, youtube was in its infancy then, and so I don't have the clip to show you. But it was fun gig. I appeared again on Kimmel a year later, but in my own Chewie costume, in a parody bit called The Lion, The Witch, and the Wookiee. lol
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If I hear Russell Hantz mentioned one more time... just one more time as "one of the greatest players ever to play the game"...

I swear... I'm gonna... I'm gonna...

:lol :lol :lol

Boston Rob was good. But my man Chris Daugherty had the best season.

Russell who? :lol

Thank you Julia and kibash for explaining the reference. I totally didn't get it. I even thought the poster was referencing Richard Hatch. :lol

ROFLOL that's great! I hadn't thought of that Hatch at all, but I DID think of him when they started talking about it on Lost...

That's awesome about the Kimmel skit! That must have been a blast. I did not get to see it, unfortunately. I didn't do any spoilers or follow Lost with other fans on the net at all... I wasn't really that into it when it was on because I was so mad at it up until the 6th season, and by then I didn't want to know what other people thought, I wanted to develop my own opinion. It wasn't until after "The End" that I started discussing it.

Kevin - haha! I don't even remember Daugherty... I'll have to look that one up. I remember Stephanie being pretty awesome, but only on her first episode where she was fighting for her life. Didn't think as much of her on her second time around... kind of forget how she did.

Sad to see Malcolm go, but he got owned by Andrea. What I loved about the exchange between the two of them is that it was very friendly and they both really get that this is a game - it's not personal. He wasn't mad at her, she got him and he did the best that he could with it. Very excellent sportsmanship. :)

Cochran got a bit cocky, but I couldn't tell if it was just him being satirical. haha!
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