Survivor: Fans vs Favorites

Malcolm should've looked for that Idol, in spite of Andrea shadowing him. He should've looked high, up in trees, as well as on the ground, to throw her off. And when he spotted a place he thought it might be, he should've dug until he found it, or could rule the location out.

Furthermore, Reynold or Eddie should've saved every fracking dollar in the auction to get that Immunity advantage! So stupid.

And finally, Malcolm should've promised Sherri final 3, not final 5. I'm sure she was underwhelmed by his offer. He should've made a credible case to her that he didn't want to go to the final 3 with Reynold and/or Eddie.

I'd wager that had all this gone down, Sherri, and maybe even Erik, would've flipped.

Very disappointing.

The Wook
Chris Daugherty?

Isn't that one of the American Idol guys? I don't recall him either.

Love the last few episodes. Finnally getting good again.

Liking Cochran more and more too. Glad to see him win that challenge!

Sad to see Malcolm go, but he got owned by Andrea. What I loved about the exchange between the two of them is that it was very friendly and they both really get that this is a game - it's not personal. He wasn't mad at her, she got him and he did the best that he could with it. Very excellent sportsmanship. :)

Cochran got a bit cocky, but I couldn't tell if it was just him being satirical. haha!

I just don't understand even a little bit why he didn't just keep looking for the idol with her right there. Looking for it with her around at least gave him a chance to find it. Not looking for it? That gave him 0 chance of finding it.

This kind of bone headed move is EXACTLY why I reserved judgement on how great of a player he would be. He's not great. He's average at best.

Malcolm should've looked for that Idol, in spite of Andrea shadowing him. He should've looked high, up in trees, as well as on the ground, to throw her off. And when he spotted a place he thought it might be, he should've dug until he found it, or could rule the location out.

Furthermore, Reynold or Eddie should've saved every fracking dollar in the auction to get that Immunity advantage! So stupid.

And finally, Malcolm should've promised Sherri final 3, not final 5. I'm sure she was underwhelmed by his offer. He should've made a credible case to her that he didn't want to go to the final 3 with Reynold and/or Eddie.

I'd wager that had all this gone down, Sherri, and maybe even Erik, would've flipped.

Very disappointing.

The Wook

Totally agree. Very disappointing. As it turned out, they didn't need the immunity. Malcolm, the idiot needed it, and paid for it, and then paid for it again.

He should never have trusted Sherri. When I look at her, I see no trustworthiness. They needed to decide who was on the bottom of the 6, and point out 1 of 4 is better odds than 1 of 6. If one person flipped, they would have moved up 2 spots in the pecking order. And once you're final 4, all it takes is one balance type challenge, and anyone can win it and make it to the finals. With every decision you make, you need to move towards the smallest group at the end.
Malcolm should've looked for the idol while they were all reading their letters. No one would've even noticed him sneak off. And yes, he should've continued to look even after Andrea showed up. Also, I agree if he had promised Sherri more, that might have helped him ensure her flipping. I'm sad to see Malcolm go as I really wanted him to win, but now I hope Cochran wins.
Chris Daugherty was the winner of season 9: Vanuatu. Total underdog, come from behind win.

So this week... I too am a little sad to see Malcolm go (not "too" sad as Cochran was their next target).

It's pretty much all been said already- Andrea completely pwned Malcolm.

Totally agree that he should have just kept looking regardless of her being there. Oh well. :lol

Cochran has pretty much become my favourite to win! And big congratulations on what I consider his first "real" win: this was an actual physical challenge (usually not Cochran's forte).

However like Julia, I couldn't tell if he was just playing up the moment, or was actually believing his own hype during confessional afterward.

AND I couldn't believe that neither Erik or Sherri flipped! So I guess Sherri doesn't believe she's on the bottom of the pecking order.

Another thing I couldn't believe is just how much of a mess Brenda was.

Definitely another exciting episode. I was hoping for an upset though.

Cochran for the win! :thumbsup

I've definitely been convinced that Cockran has a very good chance of winning this. But he's really going to have to start working within the Alliance.

I think he's done a good job of planning under the radar, but it's crunch time now. I'm sure he has Dawn (they talked it out right at the start) but he'll need a solid third to make it work. Honestly, I'd go with Brenda. With the emotional breakdowns that both Dawn and Brenda have had, it puts him in a stronger position.

But the 6 have to get rid of Rynold and Eddie first. Then I would get rid of Andrea, who has taken over for Phillip.

As for Sheri, how does she even think she's "calling the Shots" as she said. Her last chance at any sort of move really ended with Malcolm going home. She has bothered me from the start with her need to keep Shamar in the game to be her Phillip. Then moving on to the real Phillip.

But I'm going with Cockran. I'd love to see him win another immunity challenge. That would just seal it for me.
About Sherri: I'm wondering if her little "What do you want to do?' talk with Erik might have been a secret Final Two alliance we the audience aren't aware of.

I also noticed that Eddie voted for Malcolm in the re-vote. So I guess he's going to try and stay alive with Andrea?

Is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of covert fractures going on?

yeah, I noticed that too, but figured it might just be a "why fight it" vote.

The coming attraction definitely gave a hint to the alliancing breaking apart to an extent, not fracturing. but it could be the editing. I just hope they don't "keep the boys around" to make some other move.

the most frustrating part of this, being a viewer is people getting ahead of themselves in their strategy.

I have faith in Cockran though if anyone will stay on track, it'll be him. he seemed to be the favorite who learned the most from his experience.
Sad to see Reynold go. Unfortunately he ran into a balancing challenge, which always favors members of the fairer sex.

Also sad to see Andrea go. She was hot, and a schemer. Reminded me a lot of my ex-girlfriends.

The previews show Cochran in trouble next week. I hope so. He's wearing a little thin on me. I liked him better when he was a hapless, helpless scared-y-cat, too shy to remove his shirt.

There's no one left I like a whole heckuva lot. I suppose I'm rooting for a finish like this...

1) Eddie (Winner)
2) Brenda (Final 3)
3) Erik (Final 3)
4) Cochran
5) Sheri (don't like her)
6) Dawn (can't stand her)

The Wook
I was thinking the same thing--there isn't really any one of these folks now that I root for.
1) Eddie, I don't think he will make it to the end. However he might as now I think everyone is more worried about big moves rather than just killing off the last amigo.
2) Brenda, maybe. She's really hot but her demenor is a 180 degrees turnaround from her first time at the game. I hated her during her first go-round.
3) Erik, maybe. I guess I could root for him even though he originally made the stupudest move ever played in the history of the game.
4) Cochran, I always like an underdog. Cochran is no longer one. And I think he is getting a little too big for his britches. I really hope he is blinsided.
5) Sheri, she could be pulled along until the end but won't get a single vote.
6) Dawn, can't stand her. But again, she also could be pulled along to the end as a goat. But if she is voted off, just think of the wonderful crying fest we will get to see!
I always find it fascinating that people like Reynold can be completely out there bang his chest arrogant and yet the guys love him, but as soon as someone like Cochran starts talking smack because he's doing well - you start to dislike him as if he forgot his place and needs to be put back in it.

I am SO glad Reynold is gone. He was annoying, full of himself and really just not a very good player. Same as Eddie. They are strong and good looking but no real brains or guts to scheme - not the way Malcolm did. It is sort of funny that Eddie is still there when it was Andrea bringing him along because he was cute... And for that alone, she deserved to go. I liked her a lot, she was mostly very smart, but Eddie was her weak spot. But I have to say, she kept the good sportsmanship attitude all the way to the end. She was shocked, but not mad, rather, impressed. I love it when people play that way. It makes the game so much more enjoyable to watch than when people take it all so personally and get vicious.

I'm still routing for Cochran - he's smart, funny and he is getting more confidence and I think will hurt him that he's showing it, but I don't mind seeing it at all.

This week I have to say I was proud of Dawn for not telling Andrea the plan. haha! And of Erik for sticking to the plan... I thought for sure he was going to flip again.

I do like Brenda a lot more now that she's started playing. I never disliked her in the other game, she just seemed like she didn't fit in very well with those who were paranoid and complaining about people behind their backs. I don't think she did much except be 'dangerous' in the eyes of people who got a lot of interview time. That always bugs me when people say, 'you are dangerous, so you have to go.' what they really mean is what Cochran honestly said, 'if I am not in your longterm plan, than you are not in mine."
I always find it fascinating that people like Reynold can be completely out there bang his chest arrogant and yet the guys love him, but as soon as someone like Cochran starts talking smack because he's doing well - you start to dislike him as if he forgot his place and needs to be put back in it.

I am SO glad Reynold is gone. He was annoying, full of himself and really just not a very good player. Same as Eddie. They are strong and good looking but no real brains or guts to scheme - not the way Malcolm did. It is sort of funny that Eddie is still there when it was Andrea bringing him along because he was cute... And for that alone, she deserved to go. I liked her a lot, she was mostly very smart, but Eddie was her weak spot. But I have to say, she kept the good sportsmanship attitude all the way to the end. She was shocked, but not mad, rather, impressed. I love it when people play that way. It makes the game so much more enjoyable to watch than when people take it all so personally and get vicious.

I'm still routing for Cochran - he's smart, funny and he is getting more confidence and I think will hurt him that he's showing it, but I don't mind seeing it at all.

This week I have to say I was proud of Dawn for not telling Andrea the plan. haha! And of Erik for sticking to the plan... I thought for sure he was going to flip again.

I do like Brenda a lot more now that she's started playing. I never disliked her in the other game, she just seemed like she didn't fit in very well with those who were paranoid and complaining about people behind their backs. I don't think she did much except be 'dangerous' in the eyes of people who got a lot of interview time. That always bugs me when people say, 'you are dangerous, so you have to go.' what they really mean is what Cochran honestly said, 'if I am not in your longterm plan, than you are not in mine."

Julia, I agree with you that neither Reynold nor Eddie were/are very good players. Sure, they were physical threats in challenges--although, neither won much--but I didn't ever really see a lot of impressive strategery out of them. Malcolm was the mastermind behind the 3 Amigos, and even he was undisciplined in his thinking and actions. For example, taking the beer and peanuts instead of saving all $500 for an advantage in the game. He lucked out no one outbid him for the advantage at $480. But Reynold or Eddie should've saved their $500 for the second advantage offered, which went to Cochran instead, assuring him an easy IC victory, and a trip to the Jury for Malcolm. And we've already talked about Malcolm's other fatal mistake, of not digging for the HII, in spite of his little sister tagging along. Did not notice where Erick found the Idol??? It was, as far as I could tell, right where Malcolm was looking, but was too afraid to dig. Oy vey. Malcolm never impressed me much in his first season, and he showed major flaws in his gameplay again this season.

But back to Reynold and Eddie. I've not been rooting for them so much based on their own merits or likability, but rather because they were underdogs, and I am not very fond of any members of Specialists-R-Us, some of whom I downright hate. (Hate's a strong word, but you know what I mean.) And honestly, I can't recall a single thing Reynold said or did that came off (to me) as arrogant. I know, in the beginning he and Eddie talked about the good-looking alliance, or whatever they called it. But that bit of labeling struck me as harmless and light-hearted. If you (or anyone) can provide me with any examples of Reynold's hubris, I'd like to hear what you heard from him that was so objectionable.

If Reynold was arrogant, he didn't come off that way to me. I'll admit he had an air of self-assuredness about him, but quite frankly, as a young, buff guy who did much better than average in challenges, it became him. Because he could walk the walk. But Cochran, when he talks the talk, it comes off as laughable--and I mean laughing at him, not with him--because his two IC wins notwithstanding, he can't walk the walk. Neither of his IC wins have been especially impressive. One was the gross food eating contest. I suppose some props are due there. But his second IC win comes with a definite asterisk, given the huge advantage he'd purchased at the food auction. And yet, after those wins, he boasts in his confessionals about being the biggest IC threat on the island. Perhaps it's been tongue-in-cheek, but I've not perceived it that way. His cockiness seems real, and he's coming off a bit delusional.

I've not been especially impressed with Cochran's strategic game, either. He hasn't made any grave mistakes, but he's been sitting safely in the majority alliance virtually all season long, and so I've not seen any master strokes of genius on display from him. Not his fault, given his position in the majority, but I'm just sayin'.

Bottom line, we fell in love with Cochran as the hapless bookworm, too pasty white and embarrassed to take his shirt off, but always dependable for a funny quip about the game or other castaways in his confessionals. And yes, more than that, he does have a much better than average understanding of the game. Or maybe it's not all that much better than average, but his ability to articulate that understanding is superior to most castaways. Whatever the case, arrogance does not become him.

Let's see how Cochran does now that it's money time. Can he maneuver his way into the final 3, or now that the heat is on, will the others, some of whom seem far more cutthroat than him, send him packing to the Jury? I suspect the latter.

And Julia, if we're gonna give props to Andrea for her light-hearted and graceful exit, we should do the same for Reynold. He turned to the other castaways and said with a huge, genuine and joyful smile, "It's been a blast you guys. I can't wait to see what happens.". He only had one ally sitting there, yet his words and smile were for everyone. Reynold and Andrea both had classy exits.

The Wook
But back to Reynold and Eddie. I've not been rooting for them so much based on their own merits or likability, but rather because they were underdogs, and I am not very fond of any members of Specialists-R-Us, some of whom I downright hate. (Hate's a strong word, but you know what I mean.) And honestly, I can't recall a single thing Reynold said or did that came off (to me) as arrogant. I know, in the beginning he and Eddie talked about the good-looking alliance, or whatever they called it. But that bit of labeling struck me as harmless and light-hearted. If you (or anyone) can provide me with any examples of Reynold's hubris, I'd like to hear what you heard from him that was so objectionable.If Reynold was arrogant, he didn't come off that way to me. I'll admit he had an air of self-assuredness about him, but quite frankly, as a young, buff guy who did much better than average in challenges, it became him. Because he could walk the walk.

It didn't come off as light hearted to me, especially when he offered to bring Cochran along. And it was not becoming at. all. It was vain. I admit to being a bit prejudiced against dumb guy boy clubs that exclude 'nerds' as lesser creatures until they can use them, and then toss them because they aren't cool enough... I feel the same way about the pretty girl flirt to get what I want female strategy when she's not really interested in the person. (I tend to think Andrea was really interested in Eddie, so it doesn't bother me as much because unlike Povrity (sp), she did not use it as a go to for every strategic move) To me such people are shallow and obnoxious.

But Cochran, when he talks the talk, it comes off as laughable--and I mean laughing at him, not with him--because his two IC wins notwithstanding, he can't walk the walk. Neither of his IC wins have been especially impressive. One was the gross food eating contest. I suppose some props are due there. But his second IC win comes with a definite asterisk, given the huge advantage he'd purchased at the food auction. And yet, after those wins, he boasts in his confessionals about being the biggest IC threat on the island. Perhaps it's been tongue-in-cheek, but I've not perceived it that way. His cockiness seems real, and he's coming off a bit delusional.

I admit it's not completely my favorite side of Cochran, but I do think he's being sardonic about it - he knows its laughable that he's winning and he's playing it up and I'm just sure that they are only showing that side of it and not the places where he is laughing at himself. I guess I've just known a lot of people like him in my life and they have been much more likable to me than people I meet like Reynold and Eddie.

I've not been especially impressed with Cochran's strategic game, either. He hasn't made any grave mistakes, but he's been sitting safely in the majority alliance virtually all season long, and so I've not seen any master strokes of genius on display from him. Not his fault, given his position in the majority, but I'm just sayin'.

The fact that he's been able to get into the majority alliance with people who he has been able to reassure he's on their side, even though he is admittedly only using them is strategic. For instance, the way he sat next to Andrea and listened to her opine, completely reassuring her that everything is fine is masterful. So few people are able to just listen the way he does and he gets people to trust him because of it and he has been really, really good at not stirring the pot or drawing attention to what he's planning. Like him saying he has not been able to bring up Eddie's name for 2 weeks because Andrea likes him. THAT is brilliant - because he pays attention to who likes whom and understands their motivations he's been able to stay under the radar and off of the chopping block.

Now, it looks like next week that may change and I'm curious if he has made a mistake somewhere or the numbers are dwindling to the point where people realize that everyone likes him and if he goes to the end he'll win. I'm curious to see if he can get himself out of that place by making someone feel secure enough in their ability to win that they will want to align with him.

Bottom line, we fell in love with Cochran as the hapless bookworm, too pasty white and embarrassed to take his shirt off, but always dependable for a funny quip about the game or other castaways in his confessionals. And yes, more than that, he does have a much better than average understanding of the game. Or maybe it's not all that much better than average, but his ability to articulate that understanding is superior to most castaways. Whatever the case, arrogance does not become him.

You seem to be saying that Reynold is okay because of what he looks like can pull it off, but some skinny pasty guy should stay self-depreciating or you will laugh at him. That was what I was talking about when I said some people want people like him to know their place and stay in it. As I said, I am prejudiced against the dumb jocks, is it possible you might have the same leanings to be against the geeky nerds? :p

My view of Cochran is, I didn't 'fall in love' with him because he was hapless bookworm who had to rely on quips, I fell in love with him because he was smart, funny, knowledgeable, and bold with quips DESPITE what he looked like and how people perceived him. So, for me to see him gain confidence and realize that he actually can use his strategic abilities to do well in challenges as well as the social game is inspiring. Again - I think he is half-joking in how he says it, which to me makes him all the more funny. I can see how if you think he's 100% serious how that would be annoying - (as much as I find the other guys annoying)

Let's see how Cochran does now that it's money time. Can he maneuver his way into the final 3, or now that the heat is on, will the others, some of whom seem far more cutthroat than him, send him packing to the Jury? I suspect the latter.

And Julia, if we're gonna give props to Andrea for her light-hearted and graceful exit, we should do the same for Reynold. He turned to the other castaways and said with a huge, genuine and joyful smile, "It's been a blast you guys. I can't wait to see what happens.". He only had one ally sitting there, yet his words and smile were for everyone. Reynold and Andrea both had classy exits.

The Wook

I will agree with you there, Reynold left with just as much grace and was very, very good-natured about his position on the bottom. I didn't mind how he behaved when he was on the bottom at all and that is why I didn't 'hate' him - I was just annoyed with how he behaved when he thought he was better than others and would sail through things because of it. He made a good underdog... funny how I feel about him the way you seem to feel about Cochran.
I am prejudiced against the dumb jocks, is it possible you might have the same leanings to be against the geeky nerds?

No, you're wrong about me. I'm a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower, out of metal, and brawn. That's the kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.

The Wook
I'm betting that Eddie finally goes next, then Erik

should that happen, I'll win the office pool again this season :)
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