Studio Scale AT-AT Parts Breakdown and ID Help


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I am beginning to compile my SS AT-AT model kit parts list into a full breakdown and was wondering if anyones up for helping to identifying parts I'm missing. Looking around on the RPF theres a handfull of treads on SS AT-AT builds but many are so old now the pictures and info can't be seen. And may accounts/ makers are no longer active to ask questions too.

My plan is to make a full list of kits needed and a breakdown/ parts map similar to the outstanding work that Ogibendogy did with the Slave 1 map and reference.

I've made progress on many parts of the AT-AT but thought I'd start this tread with the head, to hopefully get things moving then move onto the rest of the body.

Honestly any help would be appreciated even if it's just to help ID one part.

Many thanks
ATAT Breakdown PG 1.jpg
ATAT Breakdown PG 2.jpg
ATAT Breakdown PG 3.jpg
ATAT breakdown PG 4.jpg
ATAT Breakdown PG 5.jpg
Hi everyone, these last few pictures should cover all the details still to be ID on the head/neck. Please tell me if I've missed any parts out and I'll try add them in before moving onto the body and legs.

Thank you to everyone thats gotten involved so far, especially rooker2k for sharing his insane knowledge of model kits parts.

ATAT Breakdown PG 6.jpg
ATAT Breakdown PG 7.jpg
ATAT Breakdown PG 8.jpg
Sorry its been a while but here is two pages for the AT-AT butt, one completely filled in and one missing lots of parts.

Again a massive thank you to rooker2k who was an incredible help on the last post I can't thank you enough!

For anyone wondering I'm going to make a neat tidy document at the end of this project with all the images combined together (probably a PDF) and a list of all the kits.

Page 9.jpg

Page 10.jpg
thanks alot Ntyrrell
So first of all the back piece "inside of the 223" is upside down.
Make sure you dont copy this, it was fallen down and someone glued it wrong back to it ^^

I made a picture of our build then its more clear for you at the end.

1. already mention from you Tamiya 1/35 Leopard
2. also mention from you Tamiya 1/35 M16
2.a. on top of this part comes a (mostly) Plastruct U-Bar (check second pic below)
3. Tamiya 1/35 20mm Flak 38 Ah 52 Part F1 (ours is wrong here atm)
4. same as 3. (trimmed)
5. Tamiya 1/12 Ford Tyrell
6. Tamiya 1/35 Tamiya Sd.Kfz. 222
7. Tamiya 1/35 Marder 1A2 (trimmed part from the top hull)
XX. the blue S from you is scratchbuild

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-22 um 20.35.36.png

there are not much pictures where you can see this very clear but behind the
Flakvierling pieces (covers) are also two more parts added on the 223
These two parts are from the Tamiya 222

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-22 um 20.56.03.png

here the U-Bar piece the covers from the Flakvierling lean on it

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-22 um 20.53.40.png