Starting a Chewbacca bowcaster

Well with me doing a Chewbacca costume and having to wait for supplies in the mail. I thought I would start on my bowcaster. Here is the rough-out of the body.

Looks like the beginnings of three different weapons going on there all at once! :) Don't see much Chewie stuff around; looks like a good start. :thumbsup
I was wondering just the other day why there are not more fiberglass copies of this crossbow floating around. (and not resin, fiberglass)

Project looks great so far !
This one is going to be made out of Poplar. I had alot of it laying around that I used to make Turkey calls out of. I plained it down to 1 1/2." I figuared that would give me enough wood to carve down to the proper shape. I am thinking of casting it up in fiberglass once it is done.
Nice, this is one I always wanted to do........always thought it odd that MR didn't try this one.

Dave :)
That looks great! Be sure to keep us updated, and if you end up casting it in fiberglass I'm sure it would be a hit in the junkyard.
Wow! Starting from scratch. I thought it was hard removing all the material from the Barnett. Perhaps this will encourage me to keep going on mine. Its almost done.

This one is going to be made out of Poplar.
Looks great! Nice idea to make it out of a lightweight wood - how easy is it to work with and shape? It should be nice and flexible to work with - I think they make snowboards out of thaty or something?
Man. That thing is looking sweet!! Oh you have to finish now.

Poplar carves really well. Not much grain at all. I am going to do some carving on it this weekend. I have been finishing up my ESB Vader so I can submit to the 501st.
Wow! Starting from scratch. I thought it was hard removing all the material from the Barnett. Perhaps this will encourage me to keep going on mine. Its almost done.


Have you thought of going to the craft store and using wooden spheres as opposed to foam rubber balls? The paint will adhere better and there wont be a seam line. Beautiful build, though!
IM! I was thinking the same thing!:lol Such clean cuts!

Of course I was always wondering why Chewie had a bow on his supposedly laser gun that shot laser energy and now actual arrows??:wacko
I think I'm going to try india ink or dye on the foam balls instead of paint. I have two more without paint.

What type of paint did you use?
Enamel or lacquer probably won't work very well. You'd definitely need some kind of latex. The pink on the ball is paint so there must be some type that sticks.
I don't think dye or ink will take to foam rubber at all.