Yoda lightsaber build


New Member
Next project is well underway, making Yoda's lightsaber, I have the main body, grips and part of the "clamp" assembly started, also rough machined the emitter, the screw on cap is not correct as I do not have a knurling tool that makes straight grooves only have a diamond knurler, so its not going to be cannon, but close enough for me.

I'm having 2 issues, I have seen pictures of the emitter shroud being square and rounded, can't figure out which is correct, if anyone know it would be good to know!
I'm also not having good results when I made one from thin stainless steel, I need to work on my finishing skills.
I have seen pictures of the emitter shroud being square and rounded, can't figure out which is correct, if anyone know it would be good to know!
There were a few different variations of this lightsaber.
• The very original in the "Visual Dictionary" was made from a Praco flash. The shroud has a cylindrical profile and the ends have been given a circular cut. The top edge even flares out a bit on some flashes. Described in the Lightsaber Guide document pinned to this subforum and the Parts of Star Wars. Scottjua has a video of a saber built from a real Praco in which you can see it from multiple angles in high definition.
• Episode 2 movie lightsaber. Digital model. Difficult to see.
Master Replicas' replica of the Episode 2 lightsaber. Supposedly made by the same people as the Visual Dictionary saber, but updated to fit the digital model. The shroud has a more squarish profile. The ends have a step/chamfer, weirdly enough.
• Episode 3 digital model. Difficult to see, only that it is more weathered.
Master Replicas' Episode 3 lightsaber replica. Same shape as MR's Episode 2 lightsaber but a black button and more weathering.
• Book of Boba Fett lightsaber. Live action. Detailed images at the end of this post and beginning of the next. The shroud has a squarer profile, with squarer ends. The emitter has a ring with holes in it which MR's replicas don't. The endcap has a circle in it, and the knurling is again different.

You'd have to choose which version you're going to build, or if you are going to make your own personal interpretation.
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There were a few different variations of this lightsaber.
• The very original in the "Visual Dictionary" was made from a Praco flash. The shroud has a cylindrical profile and the ends have been given a circular cut. The top edge even flares out a bit on some flashes. Described in the Lightsaber Guide document pinned to this subforum and the Parts of Star Wars. Scottjua has a video of a saber built from a real Praco in which you can see it from multiple angles in high definition.
• Episode 2 movie lightsaber. Digital model. Difficult to see.
Master Replicas' replica of the Episode 2 lightsaber. Supposedly made by the same people as the Visual Dictionary saber, but updated to fit the digital model. The shroud has a more squarish profile. The ends have a step/chamfer, weirdly enough.
• Episode 3 digital model. Difficult to see, only that it is more weathered.
Master Replicas' Episode 3 lightsaber replica. Same shape as MR's Episode 2 lightsaber but a black button and more weathering.
• Book of Boba Fett lightsaber. Live action. Detailed images at the end of this post and beginning of the next. The shroud has a squarer profile, with squarer ends. The emitter has a ring with holes in it which MR's replicas don't. The endcap has a circle in it, and the knurling is again different.

You'd have to choose which version you're going to build, or if you are going to make your own personal interpretation.
Thank you! I am going with the original rounded profile.
Progress today, I realized the length of my saber was way off, so I machined a new one, I also ditched the rubber grips I was going to use, instead I cut some strips of kydex, now I'm trying to heat them to get them to conform to the curve of the saber body
I made the activation button with some cintra and kydex, I'm pretty happy with it, but it's not perfect.
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Done! Not as good as most replicas out there, but I'm still learning and so I'm pretty happy with it.
I scrapped the kydex as grips it didn't like forming without some warping, so I machined some Delrin, hogged out the inside to the sabers diameter and turned it down to a thickness that seemed correct. cut it into strips and attached with VHB tape.