There were a few different variations of this lightsaber.
• The very original in the "Visual Dictionary" was made from a Praco flash. The shroud has a cylindrical profile and the ends have been given a circular cut. The top edge even flares out a bit on some flashes. Described in the
Lightsaber Guide document pinned to this subforum and the
Parts of Star Wars. Scottjua
has a video of a saber built from a real Praco in which you can see it from multiple angles in high definition.
• Episode 2 movie lightsaber. Digital model. Difficult to see.
Master Replicas' replica of the Episode 2 lightsaber. Supposedly made by the same people as the Visual Dictionary saber, but updated to fit the digital model. The shroud has a more squarish profile. The ends have a step/chamfer, weirdly enough.
• Episode 3 digital model. Difficult to see, only that it is more weathered.
Master Replicas' Episode 3 lightsaber replica. Same shape as MR's Episode 2 lightsaber but a black button and more weathering.
• Book of Boba Fett lightsaber. Live action. Detailed images at the end of
this post and beginning of the next. The shroud has a squarer profile, with squarer ends. The emitter has a ring with holes in it which MR's replicas don't. The endcap has a circle in it, and the knurling is again different.
You'd have to choose which version you're going to build, or if you are going to make your own personal interpretation.