Stargate Atlantis Set Paint


New Member
Hi all,

I am trying to find out what paint colour codes etc.. to use for my bedroom. I am trying to have the Atlantis look, I am trying to find out which colours where used.. some of the set has the aquagreen/blue, others greyish brown etc.. any help in choosing a colour and getting it right would be fantastic!


I don't have any of the Atlantis wall panels to be able to compare & tell you color codes. You didn't even mention which area you were trying to replicate like the gate & control room colors, specific hallway, room, or puddle jumper. Any which color scheme you go with you'll have to probably go with a main color base coat topped with a slightly lighter hue sponged on. On top of that do your rust or sponge/dry-brush effects, some craft stores even sell kits for replicating rust and copper colored corrosion effects. Then come back and hit the wear edges with another dry-brush color to highlight them if you want the edges to look like they're polished from wear/use.
Hi all,

I have taken a colour sample from the pain in the light (Weir's Office) and a darker sample from the hallways of Atlantis. I am going for the season 3/4 onwards look (I believe they repainted the set, or the zpm created different lighting?) The colour sample was made by adding up the R, G, B values individually and dividing by 2 to get the average R, G, B colours. What does everyone think of the colour i've come up with? And any tips, help etc.. would be greatly appreciated. Also once I work out the colour how do I tell the paint shop? give them RGB values or what? Is there a universal code they use?

http://img207.images...alatl406189.jpg - Weir's Office
http://img85.imagesh...alatl409936.jpg - Hall Way
http://img249.images...oloursample.jpg - Colour I made using the RGB average


Joel Davison