Shredder - TMNT - My first build ever!

unfortunately i dont remember where i got it, so i cant post a link. I would be happy to email it to you though.
89Forever - About the pep file that you are going to email to Warren Brophy. If it's the one helmet file that you were commissioned to do then please do not share that file because that is my file, that I created and sell on my FS thread. I can't remember if you bought it from me or not but if you didn't then the member that gave it to you should not have because I strictly ask for my files to not be shared. Other then that, nice shreddy build.
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"please do not share that file because that is my file, that I created and sell on my FS thread."
i'm with you there buddy. its not going anywhere. that commission fell through anyway. i'll mark my file as NFS. also can you post a link here to your FS thread? i'd like to see what you have and i suppose i owe you for the file, no?
Thanks for your help. It's appreciated. I'm not going to charge you for the file since I never knew you had it until you posted it and it's not your fault another member sent you the file when I specifically ask them not to share it.

MOD EDIT: Please do not post Junkyard link outside the Junkyard forum, thanks.
well thank you.

on the other hand, if it benefits the conversation or the community, i welcome "thread jacking" or sharing of similar builds.
Is it just my firewall or do all my photo links appear to be broken

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thanks for the note Tommy. Looks like Google updated their file naming routine. i think i've restored everything. please let me know...
Been doing lots of Shredder work lately. using the movie helmet, i've filled and sanded it so many times to get rid of the choppiness and get it to look round:


And adding filler to resurface nearly everything:







Last year I had issues will my spikes breaking off, so i came up with a few different ways to increase the strength:




I did a little resurfacing of the chest plate and the expirimented with adding a coat of polyurathane:

Previously when i made the helmet spikes i filled them with foam:

a little too much, but that was an easy fix. i let it sit for 2 days and then it shrank and thus was destroyed. so i had to remake it:


Next thing i know, im running out of time and my filler didnt dry overnight as we had a spot of stormy weather. so i had to get creative:


this destroyed one of the large skirt plates this was fine as i only need one since my back is covered by a cape.
Next it was time to tackle the skirt (remember i chopped it up):





i needed a way to recombine all the plates so i purchases some wire and washers:

...and then made these little do dads:




and then made 4 for each plate (244):

I then added resin or Bondo-glass to the wire section of the above made do-dads. one in each corner; and then laced them all together. This process looks horrible and took about a dozen times of retightening to get it to a place i could consider wearing it.
(pictures soon)
Next I returned to the helmet. The previous helmet was dark hammered metal with a light hammered metal spike. I decided to go with this same paint scheme, but I felt it was lacking something, so i added the light hammered metal to the raised ridge:





Heres a fun picture. As a was using the dremel to clean up all the bondo from the skirt plates the dust started to collect on the hairs of my hand/arm:
The helmet sits on my head fine, but has a very precise balance point. unfortunately this severely limits my movement and if it gets bumped, i will lose control of it until i physically rebalance it. this usually ends with quite a bit of discomfort as the front ridge is knife like as it attacks your forehead. so i decided to epoxy in the head band from my hard hat. I quickly realized that not epoxying it would be a great choice.

Additionally, the strap i added to the face mask pulled the mask down to my neck and didnt looks good. i devised a new 2 part strap that would hold the mask on like my gas mask does. i added the first strap and gave it a test. with just the single strap around the cone of my head and the old strap just below my lower lip, i accidentally discovered that this worked even better than my intended design:

In the past I had my girlfriend to help me suit up, this usually took about an hour. Because I am flaunting this costume at SDCC, I dont feel like i can take an hour to get ready. not to mention im solo this year, so i'll be getting dressed without help and im assuming no mirror. this has required me to completely rethink how im going to get armored up and how everything attaches.

Last year I attached the front and back torso plates with 3" velcro and/or 3" elastic at 6 points

I've retained this design, but decided not to utilize the two side connections. just the elastic/velcro bottom points and the velcro upper points. Last year the large pauldrons had elastic straps glued in and the upper torso velcro went through them to hold them on:

This caused them to sit too low and pretty much cover my upper arm guards:

I redesigned this by taking a 36" piece of 1" elastic an making a loop (attaching one end to the other with a 1.5" piece of velcro. i made 2 of these and put them on first. they go from one armpit to the opposite collar, thus forming and "X"
(Picture coming)

Next i rest the back plate on my shoulders:

Then the front plate attaches (temporary old picture)

From here I can access the "X" straps at the top. this allows me to thread the strap through old elastic strap on the pauldron:

also the original shin guard design was not conducive to talking, the shoe guard had to be removed:


okay... Thats all for now.

ooh, just got a masquerade contestant info email!
Well we had a little mishap at the convention. there's just too many people and I took the general advise of hauling my costume through the convention instead on insisting on bringing it in through the loading dock. lesson learned. luckily i brought some fiberglass bondo and was fortunate enough that the little bit of paint i had left to bring was the right color.


more images to come. still waiting on friends to pass them along as i didn't take any myself.

Heres my performance. not perfect, but pretty good considering i did almost no rehearsal. also, technical botched my intro. i was supposed to have a white scrim so i entered as a silhouette to show off the mass and spikes in a dramatic way, instead i did the first portion of my performance in the dark.

- - - Updated - - -

i just discovered a fellow shred-head on the forum: Oroku Saki


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Considering what it started out with? That's not bad ;)

Althouh if I ever go the costume route, I'm going to go full on metal. I just don't know where to start with something like that;o)

Thanks man. I think I'm at the point where I'm about over costuming.

I think Shredder is ready for a price tag...
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