Shredder - TMNT - My first build ever!

super glue :eek bold move. i'd take a blade and slice it open, heat it up, reshape it and glue it back together.
The Ninja Turtles have never lost any of my interest! This is such an awesome build!! Very cool to see your progress. I am getting closer and closer to trying a Pepakura build.
I highly encourage everyone to try it. it takes a lot of time and patience, but its a great way to create the otherwise impossible.
I wish someone in the UK would do this to join our TMNT group!
This is shaping up very nice dude... keep up the awesome work!
Testing out my new fiberglassing technique

I've made several pieces so far and i always resin the outside, spray adhesive on the inside, cut strips or chunks of glass and lay them on the inside and then resin them in. This is the suggestion by Stealth on his Hero Tutorials which can be found on YouTube. This works well, but when I get to the Bondo stage, I have a hard time getting it to stick. plus i have a bunch of filler to sand down and all the sections where two card stock sections meet to mesh.

If you look at my previous helmet vs this build...


The new build is considerably more smooth already (please dont mind the crappy paint job, i was rushing!). Next I'll add resin which will continue to minimize any irregularities and add a more textured (from the cloth) surface by which the filler will adhere much easier (hoping) and thus allowing me to use less cutting down the build time and helmet weight.

It might seem counter productive, but I believe this will produce a smoother surface much more efficiently. not to mention, on some of the more complex angles (greater than 270 degrees) the fiberglass is difficult to lay properly on the interior.
I'm at the part where I'm putting my pieces together into a wearable costume, how did you mount the pauldrons to keep them on the armor?
Sorry i forgot to come back and update this.

I cant currently find any intermediate photos, however since i didn't hear back from the commissioner, i decided to re-purpose this helm for my Tron 30th anniversary Sark 2.0 costume.

I'm back at this...
So I took my skirt and chopped it into 3 parts before I went to the Long Beach Comic and Horror convention last year... bad idea. It was pretty much a paper/fiberglass belt with paper lower sections.

So I decided that I want the skirt to look more like real samuri armor. I wanted to give it more of a plate look. Well the first thing I'd need then is plates, so I whipped out the dremel, face mask, and glasses and went to town.

Of course I drew cut lines and numbered each section first. This started off as R2L3 (Row 2, Left Side Plate 3) but I eventually dropped the row "R"; thus 5R5, etc.

61 of these babies!

I'm going to fill in the backs of each so they are heavier and more durable. I haven't decided on my method of connecting the plates to each other yet.

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It's only taken me 5 months to get back to you, I'm sure you figured something out, i'd love to hear your method!
I'm at the part where I'm putting my pieces together into a wearable costume, how did you mount the pauldrons to keep them on the armor?
Sorry, looks like I completely missed your question. I have 2" Velcro strips that i use to hole the front and back of my torso plates together. I do this at 6 points, over the shoulders account for the most important 2. I leave a small gap at the top and run the Velcro through a section of elastic i made on the pauldron. I used a bit of hot glue to physically bind the elastic, but when I redo this costume, i'm fiberglassing all my connectors in. I've had to many glued points break on me. Unfortunately I have no photos of this; i'll try and add some as I go along. If I get super brave, I might even make a video of what it takes to put this costume on.

I'm also planning on choosing my best spike, making it just the way i want it, and casting it to replace all my spikes. I might need a left and right, so maybe 2 spikes.
I ended up slapping a couple of chunks of eva foam into the underside of the pauldrons to fill in the depth, and then affixing industrial strength velcro to that. I matched that up with the opposite side of the velcro which I stuck on the armor. It worked out pretty well for the night.
You're right this was not the easiest costume to get into. Balsa wood doesn't make for great spikes, I snapped a few of them over the course of the night while trick or treating with the kids.
I was trying to get this ready for Wonder-con at the end of the month. Looks like there's no way to do that. I'll be heading to LV Wednesday night for work on Thursday and then heading back in time to pick up my kilt Friday after noon for my buddies wedding on Saturday. Question is, do I plan on enjoying LV while I'm there or do I plan to spend the time in my hotel room wearing a respirator, playing with a can of bondo?
I was trying to get this ready for Wonder-con at the end of the month. Looks like there's no way to do that. I'll be heading to LV Wednesday night for work on Thursday and then heading back in time to pick up my kilt Friday after noon for my buddies wedding on Saturday. Question is, do I plan on enjoying LV while I'm there or do I plan to spend the time in my hotel room wearing a respirator, playing with a can of bondo?

You gotta go out and hit the Strip, the Casino's, the clubs, and at least a strip club or two man. And a maybe a show.
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