Active Member
For reasons that should become obvious later on in this build, I've decided I need a complete Jayne Cobb cosplay outfit. I recently completed a full-size, operator on the inside, motorized, full electro mechanical Dalek. I've also done a full Mandalorian with Amban pulse rifle, Bo Katan (for my wife), 10th Dr Who and an original character I call 'Future Man' so I have some experience at putting together screen accurate costumes. I recently started a full Halo Master Chief build as well but while I'm waiting for my new PRUSA XL to arrive i thought I'd work on this.
A lot of the pieces can be just sourced so 'only' his weapons will need to be fabricated and his boot gaiters.
For reference I'm using The Titan Books 541 page book called "FireFly A Celebration". It has tons of high quality full color images of the actual props and costumes as well as lots of explanations of prop details and costume details. So from that, starting at the top, here's the pieces I plan to put together:
- cunning wool Chinese hat
- cheap half used unlit cigar
- go-T (I'll just grow one prior to any appearance)
- a couple of brown, earth tone t-shirts with the appropriate images on them
- light tan cargo pants
- black duty belt with brass buckle and 4 chrome belt keepers
- black leather bracelet
- leather knife sheath, small army style canvas pouch, small nylon rectangular pouch (like used for a leatherman tool), thigh pistol holster
- coffin handled, model 225 liberty Bowie knife made by Rough Rider
- modified civil war LaMat pistol
- Callahan Full Bore Auto Lock with tan shoulder harness/bandolier
- green army M65 jacket
- fingerless gloves
- black nylon boot gatiers
- green/black army combat boots
I'll be fabricating the following items:
- Callahan Full Bore Auto Lock
- LaMat Pistol
-Bowie knife and leather sheath
- boot gaiters
I've managed to source the wool hat, t-shirt, leather bracelet, gloves, duty belt, thigh holster, belt pouches and combat boots so far. I found several M65 jackets on eBay but I'm going to check out some local thrift shops first. I'll post pics of items as they arrive as well as progress pics of the things I'm building. Questions and comments are always welcome ...
A lot of the pieces can be just sourced so 'only' his weapons will need to be fabricated and his boot gaiters.
For reference I'm using The Titan Books 541 page book called "FireFly A Celebration". It has tons of high quality full color images of the actual props and costumes as well as lots of explanations of prop details and costume details. So from that, starting at the top, here's the pieces I plan to put together:
- cunning wool Chinese hat
- cheap half used unlit cigar
- go-T (I'll just grow one prior to any appearance)
- a couple of brown, earth tone t-shirts with the appropriate images on them
- light tan cargo pants
- black duty belt with brass buckle and 4 chrome belt keepers
- black leather bracelet
- leather knife sheath, small army style canvas pouch, small nylon rectangular pouch (like used for a leatherman tool), thigh pistol holster
- coffin handled, model 225 liberty Bowie knife made by Rough Rider
- modified civil war LaMat pistol
- Callahan Full Bore Auto Lock with tan shoulder harness/bandolier
- green army M65 jacket
- fingerless gloves
- black nylon boot gatiers
- green/black army combat boots
I'll be fabricating the following items:
- Callahan Full Bore Auto Lock
- LaMat Pistol
-Bowie knife and leather sheath
- boot gaiters
I've managed to source the wool hat, t-shirt, leather bracelet, gloves, duty belt, thigh holster, belt pouches and combat boots so far. I found several M65 jackets on eBay but I'm going to check out some local thrift shops first. I'll post pics of items as they arrive as well as progress pics of the things I'm building. Questions and comments are always welcome ...