Oroku Saki - The Shredder. Finished May 15/2013


Sr Member
It took me forever to decide on a cosplay outfit for a convention I'm attending in May and it finally hit me as I was watching the new TMNT series: The freaking Shredder!

The outfit is not based on the current series but the early 2000's series which had Utrom Shredder:


First off, thanks goes to the following for their tutorials, tips and tricks on foam building:

JFcustom, STEALTH, docholiday78 and XRobots.

The files I used were found here. The supposed creator of these files is a banned member on several forums so whether he created them or not is up to debate.

So without further adieu, here are some pics of current progress (click on pic to enlarge, of course):

The helmet and mask:
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I decided to cut out a Foot Clan logo in the mask and will later add a mesh behind the mask to enhance the logo. I also did it because without it, it really restricted breathing and I found that I have an extreme need for oxygen:

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And before I continued on with the other pieces, I decided to test out some sealing, filling and primer ideas I had. It's a little rough, but I kind of like it that way and it should give it a battle damage type look after paint. My process was sealing it with 2-3 coats of Gesso, filled in and built up any glaring gaps with vinyl spackle then a quick sanding and followed up with 2 coats of latex primer. I also added an elastic used for waistbands to the mask.

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I am currently working on the claws but found that it was too flimsy in foam. So I repurposed those Wolverine claws you find at Party City into something more menacing. I also added the waistband elastic. I only made the one since Shredder is lefthanded and I would like my other hand free of any protrusions:

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At the moment I am building a sort of sheath at the back end of the claw like Wolverine has on his gloves to give it a more seamless look and then it will go under the sealing, filling and primer stage. Gauntlets and upper body pieces will be next on the list.

Comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome!
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Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

You're doing this out of foam? I thought about doing that when I built mine, but I wasn't able to soure EVA foam locally. Good Job.
Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

Finished the upper shoulder things and chest/back last night. Hope to get started on the waist/skirt thing. I left out the abdominal section for now. More of a function over form thing to allow better mobility. I may add something in there at a future date. It's not going to be Ch'rell, though.

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You're doing this out of foam? I thought about doing that when I built mine, but I wasn't able to soure EVA foam locally. Good Job.

Thanks. Doing it the fiberglass/bondo, etc way was never an option due to the crappy weather of late as well as monetary reasons and my comfort level with foam despite my limited skills.
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Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

Finished the skirt section. I will be adding the front and rear panels after paint. Will most likely use a dense fabric like pleather or something similar. Also got the shin guards done and added the strapping and buckles to them.

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Progress has been slowed a bit due to work. Hope to get more done later in the week. The goal is to get it all done by May for Anime Central. However, if I can crank it out in the next 2 or 3 weeks, and if funds permit, I may debut it at C2E2 if I have the opportunity to go.
Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

So I cut the chest and back piece in half added some straps and buckles. Also filled in the glaring gaps with the vinyl spackle and then put on 3 coats of latex primer. Did the same with the shoulder pieces and then strapped and attached the whole thing together. I did do a test fitting (sorry, no pic at this moment) and it fits quite well. All the shoulder pieces are removable via buckles.

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Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

So work has been kicking my ass lately and work on the costume has been sparse, but I managed to primer all the pieces and apply the strapping and buckles. Hopefully, if the weather starts getting better, I can start painting.

Other things needed are the sash and possibly going with a short sleeve undershirt as it was really warm wearing the outfit. I also might need to find a way to secure the helmet as it's just sitting on top of my head. I'm considering getting a balaclava and using velcro but I'm wary about getting too hot in it.

And here are the pics (click to enlarge). Excuse the mess, I just did laundry today.....

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Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

Looking good man keep it up!!

Looks awesome! I'm working a some turtles costumes for my kids. Nice to see all the tmnt love!

Have you colored this yet? I'd like to see if you have.

Thanks for the comments! Paint is on hold until the weather gets better.

Only thing besides paint will be the sash and a Foot emblem that will hold it together in which I should be doing in the next few days.
Re: Oroku Saki - The Shredder WIP

Finally finished painting because the weather finally cleared up. Just in time since the convention is this weekend. Painted the spikes a silver metallic and the rest of the body a gun metal grey. 3 coats of each and a couple coats of gloss clear. Sash is just half yard of red fabric tucked into the skirt. I also added fabric for the front and rear openings of the skirt using some old black shirts from my closet. Undersuit is a Nike compression shirt and my favorite black pair of Nike track pants. I also wear a balaclava under the helmet and mask. And here are the pics:


Edit: If you notice that the right side is a little loose, I didn't buckle up that side. It's pretty toasty wearing it but considering it's 80+ degrees right now, it's expected. The weekend forecast is for the mid 70's and breezy so hopefully I won't melt.
I have one question for you I am tring to mod the file for my costume and I am unable to do the Skirt for it....Either its TOO big or TOO small.....I am not wanting to do a freehand as I do not trust my skill set just as of yet...any tips??
I have one question for you I am tring to mod the file for my costume and I am unable to do the Skirt for it....Either its TOO big or TOO small.....I am not wanting to do a freehand as I do not trust my skill set just as of yet...any tips??

After modifying it for foam, I kept it at the default scale. It was pretty small on me so I just cut the thing in half and added foam pieces until it fit. I went an extra half inch bigger so it wouldn't be too snug. Hope that helps!
Yeah that does help thanks. I 'm gonna increase it by 10% and see how it goes.....Damn being build like a Defensive lineman.....
i think i increased the size of the helmet by 10% twice and still should have done it again a third time. The whole think was made small, like for a child. My friend was like 5'2" 105 lbs and even she couldn't crawl into it; i had to split the sides.

Love the mask modification!
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