Show off thread real parts OWK ANH Tunisia saber

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
I thought I'd show off my new prop. It's my interpretation of OWK's ANH Tunisia saber. I built it with a real no.3 MK II grenade to replicate the long grooved frag body seen on the tunisia pics. It also has a real graflex clamp, real AS handwheel, and real calc bubbles. Everything is chemically weathered and I really like th look of the blueing on the grenade, stem and emmiter. I think it makes for a very appealing real world look.







Unfortunately it's gonna go to e-bay soon. But I thought I'd see what you guys thought of it first.


Dan Stokes
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I love it. Before I had read what you posted, while just looking at the pictures...I was thinking that it was a found/used/weathered left over Jedi saber from the clone wars.

Great Job:thumbsup
the weatering on the greanade is awesme me im partial to the slightly used look
but that seems to be looking very cool way to go on the reallness
Very cool. Looks great. Did you consider weathering up the hand wheel? It might be a bit too shiny compared to the rest of the saber.
That's some serious real world weathering! The clamp in particular looks spot on. Hope that grenade is decommissioned ;)
I have an extra of that model grenade, never thought about using it on a saber.

Weathering looks great for the Tunsia saber.

Why is it going to ebay ?
No true Jedi would allow his lightsaber to fall into such a dishonorable state of rust and neglect. :sleep

But that's crazy Old Ben for ya! :lol
No true Jedi would allow his lightsaber to fall into such a dishonorable state of rust and neglect. :sleep

But that's crazy Old Ben for ya! :lol

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys.

Yeah the grenade shows it's age. But that makes it a good candidate for the Tunisia saber, which was in a pretty rough shape. Plus I love the fact that the "weathering" was done by sitting in French soil for 80 sum odd years. How many guys put that much work into getting a prop just right :lol

BTW- it's on e-bay now if anyone is interested.

Dan Stokes
I thought about taking my #20 Mk2 frag body and cutting down the threaded base of the neck of a replica #3 Mk1 for a useable 'real parts' grenade. I think I've found new inspiration to pick-up this as a project.
Great job!:eek
ANH OWK is my best favorite saber:love
Very beautiful weathering!
Nice balance weathering real & replica parts:thumbsup
I have an extra of that model grenade, never thought about using it on a saber.

Weathering looks great for the Tunsia saber.

Why is it going to ebay ?

Basically I'm in need of cash. I had some unexpected medical issues recently (woke up suddenly deaf in my left ear, with still no explanation) and I could use some extra money in my back account, so I've been finishing off a few projects that have been on the back burner and putting them up for sale.

But also, I've too many props projects right now and some just have to go. A man can only have so many OWK ANH sabers. Right :)

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