Searching for the Kyle Katarn/Qu Rahn & Kyle Katarn Jedi Outcast saber hilts


New Member
Hi star wars friends :)

I´m brand new to this forums and I´m searching for hilt-only replicas of the Kyle Katarn/Qu Rahn from Dark Forces 2 & Kyle Katarn from Jedi Outcast sabers.

I´m searching for over a week now and haven´t found anything on the internet except for some old auctions and pics of other replicas.

Can someone of you give me more information who I can ask to make me one or maybe both of these saber hilts or where I can buy them?

All help is really appreciated :)

Thank you very much
Welcome to the forum!

I went down that rabbit hole not too long ago as well. No luck. I've only seen photos of one-offs. I don't think there are any current runs or replicas available. I'm with you on the interest though. Dark Forces II was awesome. I'd love to get ahold of that blaster too.

For those not familiar with these, here's some reference:

Dark forces ||: Jedi Knight

Jedi Outcast
HI and thanks for the welcome.

I hope we can find someone who can make us these saber hilts and the blaster :)

I tink its just a matter of time until we find someone.
Have searched for custom FX sabers too but it seems that they dont produce it because of the missing licences.
Do like I did, make it yourself.
Just takes some PVC pipe, couplers, epoxy putty and scrap styrene strips.

I really thought about that but I´m not good enough at these things to make it look like I wanted it to.

I would like to put it in a vitrine but only if it looks good enough ;)

Still hope that I find someone wo can make this from real metal/steel for me :)
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