RPF New Look Feedback Thread

When I just saw it I was "Whooa!" but I'm positively surprised - it's Cooooool! :thumbsup

We just wanted to do the minimum effort to make the new logo work... I am actually blaming YouTube for most of this... and this is why.

When we approached laamberry to do videos for us, and just couldn't stand the idea of putting the old logo on our new videos. We have been sitting on this logo for almost a YEAR! So, we very quietly rolled out the new logo on the YouTube channel... and of course, people picked up on it.

The Logo has be done as a button - with a blue glowing EL Rim and RPF!!!!!!
Love the logo. It has a nice 60s/70s future feel - like a Gerry Anderson show logo. Loads of 21st Century military bases and planes in 60s Anderson shows had this type of font. But it looks very modern too - basically because that kind of font just fits the 21st Century and has been very much in vogue since the turn of the millennium.

I miss the Star Wars banner but will get over it. And I fully understand why you got rid of it; when I first came to the forum, I thought it was odd to have such an emphasis on SW - didn't reflect the title of the site, really. But then of course, it became a very homey thing to have there at the top of the screen. I do miss the colour there, actually.

The icon shapes are very good, but I'd dig 'em more if they were coloured. And one tiny quibble: I think the studio scale should have a big rocket and general should have a little rocket!

Also, I'm glad the site sees itself as reflecting more than just replica props, because many of us do original designs too, and it seems very natural to want to share them with people here rather than go looking for some other site devoted to original work. If you design a costume or a SF vehicle or something as an outgrowth of interest in movie props, it's here that you want to show it... up till today, i didn't realize we were allowed to show original stuff.

So yeah, on the whole, a pretty good job. Bravo!
I'm actually looking forward to the t-shirts....will they be available to be purchased at the prop party? :love

We have a very small run of test shirts being made right now and will have a couple of test shirts at the prop party but we won't have any for sale. As soon as we get back, we will be putting up a sale thread for the shirts.
Reading through the comments, we did take out most of the "visited link" colors along with underlines. Since the visited link color is a concern for many of you, we will look at putting that back in place. Just give us a little time to get the colors worked out.
Reading through the comments, we did take out most of the "visited link" colors along with underlines. Since the visited link color is a concern for many of you, we will look at putting that back in place. Just give us a little time to get the colors worked out.

That's great!
It doesn't have to be violet or anything fancy, but it's nice to see which threads I have visited and maybe drop in to see what's happened since the last visit. That works nice if the color is different, even if it's just a tad darker/lighter than the usual color.

I can certainly understand your feelings on the new logo, and while I would never call the logo bland, it was very specifically designed to be versatile and not to lock us into a single look. The nice thing is that we can do almost anything with it and modify it for any occasion. When you use a very simple logo you are allowed that freedom whereas when you create a complex logo, you are locked into that design.

And yes, while some people don't like the apple/facebook/twitter style logos, this was very intentionally created to have a modern look that fits in well with modern sites. If we were a brick and mortar store and not an internet site, we might have gone with something a bit different, but being that the internet is our playground, this logo works very well for our online presence.

We knew that there would be people who would love it and others who would instantly dislike it, but I would encourage you to give it a chance. I believe for most members, in 6 months, this logo will BE the RPF.

Love the new look , Hate the new logo. It's bland , generic and conveys nothing about what the rpf is about. When I see a good logo it at least gives me some hint as to what it represents. This new logo could be thrown on anything from baby food to used tires and still be relevant. At best it reminds me of some candy/glassed generic adobe made facebook logo.

Since it is so bland you might as throw in ".com" in small type under the P, so atleast someone seeing it for the first time will know to go to .com and not something other like .net, .org. or whatever.

How about playing with the inner loop of the the "R"or P"? Maybe integrating some silhouette of the atomic dremeler or some shape/image that hints at what our community is about.
Changing underwear is good yes... But I still want that banner available in the upgrade! It's a part of the history here... C'mon, how hard would it be to have that banner as an option? Throw us Star Wars guys a bone!

I don't want to string you along on this... it is very very unlikely to happen.

Again, what we have done here was an absolute MINIMAL effort. We didn't create anything new... just slightly improved existing styles.

With vB 4, we will be creating all new themes from the ground up, and due to the time and effort it takes to create those themes, we won't be recreating the Legacy theme.... and no we aren't going to slap the old banner on a new theme as that would be tacky and completely counter productive.

What we might do is make a gallery of past RPF logos and banners and post it up there, but that is about as good as it is going to get. :unsure
How about playing with the inner loop of the the "R"or P"? Maybe integrating some silhouette of the atomic dremeler or some shape/image that hints at what our community is about.

We have actually talked with Ron Boyd about reworking his logo to work with the new logo for a shirt idea. It wouldn't replace the logo, but so many really do like the welder and identify with him that we would love to have an update to share with you guys.
i'd like it, but can we have the dollhouse(Replica Property Forum) skin back as an option? i thought it was so great i set it as my default.

and another +1 on Junkyard. if it's just a change of pace you're looking for, how about "The Sandcrawler?"
or maybe "Watto's Shop," "The Ugnaught Underground," or "Boba's Black Market. "

"market place" seems so generic and void of character.
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I'm liking it.

However, maybe I'm just out of it, but I didn't realize "Junkyard" was a Star Wars reference..? I like JY better than MP, but in the grand scope of things I am generally positive about the changes. Good job, Art (and everyone who helped). :)
The icon shapes are very good, but I'd dig 'em more if they were coloured. And one tiny quibble: I think the studio scale should have a big rocket and general should have a little rocket!

These are both things we can look into. I can tell you that one of the logos was initially a small rocket that appeared to be replicated as a larger rocket, but in the end we went with a more simplified look and hoped that as the film strip ties the raygun to "screen used" it would also tie the rocket to being like what is seen on screen. Maybe it works... maybe not. We will certainly give some thought to your ideas.

Also, I'm glad the site sees itself as reflecting more than just replica props, because many of us do original designs too, and it seems very natural to want to share them with people here rather than go looking for some other site devoted to original work. If you design a costume or a SF vehicle or something as an outgrowth of interest in movie props, it's here that you want to show it... up till today, i didn't realize we were allowed to show original stuff.

Absolutely... and I think that is one of the primary reason we are trying to make a shift AWAY from "replica prop." It is very limiting and we don't want you to feel you can't show your custom work or original pieces, or your screen used collection. This is a prop, costume and model site and anything relating to those topics are welcome here.
i'd like to have the dollhouse skin as an option again. i thought it was so great i set it as my default.

That is just never going to happen. It was a great April Fool's joke, but that style is gone for good... unless you can convince Flynn to remake it for you with Greasemonkey.
I'm liking it.

However, maybe I'm just out of it, but I didn't realize "Junkyard" was a Star Wars reference..? I like JY better than MP, but in the grand scope of things I am generally positive about the changes. Good job, Art (and everyone who helped). :)

You and me both haha.....I didnt know it was a star wars reference....

If I had to make one complaint about the new layout, it would be the marketplace name. I am just not feeling it. I prefer the junkyard. It had a lovely ring to it.

we can go the more apple route and call it the rpf store ;)
For those of you who liked the name "Junkyard," if it makes you feel any better, there are about a thousand references to it all over the site, so you will still find it being called the junkyard all over the place as it is going to take a long time to convert them all.
Congratulations !! :thumbsup

Changes are difficult to do... specially when you "erase" the star wars characters that were on the old logo. :unsure

Now it looks cleaner, more simple..it will take some time to get used to it... :love

About the shirts, i would love to have one... but just one idea: Please make them in more colors, like grey... or even white. i still do not know why most of the Star Wars t-shirts are black !!!! :confused


I love the new site design. As a graphic designer I'm thoroughly impressed, whomever you hired did a great job. Fantastic work to everyone involved.
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