Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

Yes. It would be the perfect ending for this movie if they´re showing the exploding Death Star. Maybe the last thing the heroes will see before they die, knowing that they were successful with their mission / sacrifice.
Yes. It would be the perfect ending for this movie if they´re showing the exploding Death Star. Maybe the last thing the heroes will see before they die, knowing that they were successful with their mission / sacrifice.
Maybe they could even be in the Death-Star's cell blocks, a few bocks away from Leia.

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Oh man, I REALLY hope every event in this movie doesn't connect to Luke/Han/Leia in ANH like one of those stupid Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina stories. This universe is too small, and these anthology flicks are a great way to expand it. We don't need every thread connected to a Skywalker. That's way too cutesy.
Thanks Vivek, might as well spend some more time in the Far Cry 4 Arena then ,Kyrat Master beckons!!!! Then the Rogue One trailer!!!!! Its an exciting day!
I was born too late to enjoy the original trilogy in theatre, but I'm damn glad I can enjoy the new wave of star wars stories on the silver screen. Looks fantastic.
Oh my god, that was absolutely EVERYTHING I hoped it would be!!! EVERYTHIIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!

Those Walkers !!!! The DeathStar!!! The Stormtroopers!!!!
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