Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/24/12 - FINAL UPDATE BEFORE HALLOWEEN)

Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/21/12)

Nice! I've always wanted to build a Rocketeer costume. The dry ice is a good idea. I can't wait to see it in action. Maybe post a video when you're done?
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/21/12)

Rocket pack is FINISHED!!!

Painted the cones, weathered it up and put on a clear gloss coat to finish the painting.

Installed the lights - more pics on that later. I have two red LEDs for the engines and then flickering pumpkin lights shooting up the fuselages.

All I have to do is install the harness...and hope it holds.





Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/23/12 - ROCKET PACK FINISHED)

Nice work! You did a great job. I'd be too afraid to tackle a project this big myself, so it very inspiring to see such a great end product.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/23/12 - ROCKET PACK FINISHED)

Thanks man!

It definitely was a lot of work. Seeing the first post and how it's dated at the end of July really makes me think about all the time I put into it.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/23/12 - ROCKET PACK FINISHED)

Final Update:

Riveted the harness to the jetpack. ...What a nervous moment it was to finally have it on my back. Glad that my harness is strong leather :) It sits a bit lower on my back than I thought, but with the jacket it seems to be fine.

Finished up my gauntlets. I had a leather tailor do most of the sewing. It was hilarious...he mostly does jackets so when I walked in with gauntlet designs (thanks Utinni) he gave me a weird look. All in all, very happy with them. I had to spray them with a leather shoe spray to get them the colour I wanted. I found a metal bracket that fit the radio shack buttons nicely, the downside is that they were kind wide. And again...I'm no machinist. Ah well, they're covered anyway. And I'm quite happy with the buttons being red and black. The silver paint I had dulled the shine from them, so I left it.

And last but certainly not least...the helmet. Holy smokes. Special thanks to GeneralFrosty for being the raddest guy ever and getting this to me in such a timely manner. It's gorgeous. Enough said.

Also fitted Valor's helmet liner. You NEED a liner for this helmet. Putting it on without it felt like a bobble head. Valor's design is so perfect, the helmet is seamless with my head movement without being too tight.

Some final mobile pics before the Halloween shots. Afterwards, I'd like to get some stellar pics with my camera and post a shopping list and 'tips and tricks' for costume newbies like myself. Thanks to all those that followed. Stay tuned for more :)




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