Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/24/12 - FINAL UPDATE BEFORE HALLOWEEN)

Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Rocket Build)

i've been using spackle on a model i piled it on a little thick then slowly sanded back using finer grit papers as i went then sealed it with wood glue which seems to soak in and prevent chipping
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Rocket Build)

Gloves came in the mail today!


Now I have to start working on the leather gauntlets. Should be good since I've got Utinni's awesome thread to work off of.

Also took a stroll down my city's antique row and found a sweet shop that carried Beeman's gum! I took their last 8 sticks :) They won't get another shipment for 3 years apparently.

Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated Aug. 21)

So things have come in the mail, which is awesome :)

Let me update on a few things.

So like I mentioned, the paper mache pack is going out the window. My friend and I are putting together a metal pack made from air duct, galvanized metal, grills, and photography lights. I'm using the same engines as before, so not all was lost. We have some time to work on it - I'll update with pictures when we get going!

Main things to update are what's coming in the mail:

I had some issues with getting the C-96 Mauser pistol. Apparently in Canada (as I found out), replicas are illegal. I don't know why, or the reasoning the Canadian government would have from banning a non-firing piece of metal, but anything that looks real can be used in a negative light, so I understand the precautionary measures. But's a retro pistol. Bah.

So, to fix this, I got myself a toy Mauser from England. More on that later when it comes in!

My biggest find were the boots. I picked up some Jedi Boots (the anakin kind) and I was very disappointed with the quality. Very thin fabric, and just flimsy in general. So I returned them. Just after returning them, I found these on ebay:

The seem to be the right colour, and are field boots, so they have the laces on the sides. It was EXTREMELY hard finding used boots in my size - 12. They might be a bit snug, but I plan on taking them to a cobbler if they need additional fitting.

The jacket came in from India - another ebay purchase. I'm not overly excited about the material - it is not real leather, but the fit is perfect. It feels very 'pleathery.' But for $150, I can't really complain.

I want to rough it up a bit more so it looks weathered and used....not so 'almost plastic looking.' Any idea what I can use that won't wreck it?

Also going to start working on the gauntlets. I'm hoping to update soon, just got a lot of work to do!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

My amazing boots finally came in the mail today!

Also, same day, my toy pistol came in.

The boots needed a little TLC so I gave them a good rub of shoe cream to polish them up. They're old, but for $35, I couldn't argue. They are a bit tight in the length, so I'm going to try to stretch them. I've been reading on a few techniques, but if any of you have some suggestions let me know.

The gun will need to have the handle painted, and I'm going to do some weathering to the body.

The holster I got is an actual C-96 holster, however, it wasn't designed apparently to fit toys. I'm putting my copy of "The Catcher and the Rye" to good use to try to stretch out the holster just a fraction of an inch to hold the gun. Might need to use a hairdryer to speed it up.

The helmet should be in the mail from MIM - I asked for it to be completed by them.

After that, it's rocket, gauntlets and harness!!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

I love the fact that there are more than a few posters here all from B.C. or Vancouver-we gotta meet, dudes!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

I love the fact that there are more than a few posters here all from B.C. or Vancouver-we gotta meet, dudes!

Really? I've seen only people from the states! Nice Captain America. Is that the Plaza of Nations in the background?

I wanna come to Vancouver for Halloween. Try to win some moola to pay off the costume. Any good places? I live in Victoria and contests here usually have a price of a bottle of vodka....
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

Really? I've seen only people from the states! Nice Captain America. Is that the Plaza of Nations in the background?

I wanna come to Vancouver for Halloween. Try to win some moola to pay off the costume. Any good places? I live in Victoria and contests here usually have a price of a bottle of vodka....
Yes, PofN in the background-FanExpoVancouver, a couple of months ago! good luck winning the local contests, there's some good competition!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

Yes, PofN in the background-FanExpoVancouver, a couple of months ago! good luck winning the local contests, there's some good competition!

What are you doing for Halloween? Maybe we can meet up?
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/24/12)

Quick update:

Working on the pistol. I had a bit of a rough time with it, considering it was a toy, and not a replica. It didn't fit into the mauser holster (obviously not to scale), so I initially tried to stretch the leather.

The way a cobbler told me was to put water in it, freeze it and the ice will stretch it. Well, I soon learned that this leather is pretty tough, and there really was no way to stretch it.

So I sawed off the bottom of the magazine chamber, and patched it back up. Gave it a good coat of paint, and did some weathering on it. I think it looks pretty legit.

Now it fits in the holster just fine :)

Waiting anxiously for my helmet to come in! Hopefully next week!

Continue working on the rocket next Sunday!


Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/31/12)

LOVE the rocketeer costume. Would love to make one but I dont even have half the budget for the helmet let alone an entire costume.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/31/12)

I'm going to do a whole shopping list with decent pictures when it's all finished.

Currently over $1000. It's fairly accurate, but not 'hardcore' accurate.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 08/31/12)

So, I've been talking with MIM about my helmet considering it's almost been 2 months since my order date.

I wanted to get them to paint it because I really don't have the time. I'm going to be working on my rocket until Halloween, so my focus is there - never mind everything else going on in my life. Hah!

So I sent them another email to touch base, and this is what I get attached. Granted, it's nice that they put in pictures and the weathering looks nice...but my opinion this is just WAY too bronze.

I sent them an email saying that I wanted more pictures because the photographs aren't always right. But really...I have a feeling this thing is uber bronze in comparison to the gold it should be.

Their argument is that all helmets will look different. It might as well be silver or green in my opinion if they are going to have that kind of liberty.

What do you guys think?
Metallics can be tricky to photograph, however I agree it has an overall copper instead of antique gold look.
The weathering looks rather basic and lazy, like what you would see on a factory made piece. Those brush strokes are hideous imo.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

I agree with Frosty here. It can be hard to gauge metallica color in a pic. And I think someone gave an honest try here. I don't think someone TRIED to do a bad job. However, I don't think this person has experience painting, and more importantly, weathering a Rocketeer helmet to create a look similar to the screen-used helmet. Apart from the base color, which seems more bronze than antique gold, the weathering is a strange "brushed" look I've never seen on a helmet. All those lines running front to back? Not at all how these helmets are "supposed" to look. Usually, the weathering is more spotted, layered and focused around the rivets and weld lines. This person left the welds and rivets too clean IMHO. I do agree, there's a lot of leeway with HOW weathered you want it. Some people go more clean. The actual screen helms are REAL weathered. But your helmet .... just has the wrong technique all together.

I wasn't aware that MIM offered painting services. Maybe you just got someone stepping a bit too much out of their comfort zone :\

THAT said... it's hard for these helmet NOT to be beautiful. And that is a beautiful helmet. It's totally salvagable. Maybe once you get it you can play around with weathering a bit.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

Thanks Steve...

I don't really know where to go from here as it was a custom job and thus a final sale.

I'm going to call them tomorrow to see if we can work something out.

I'm definitely not happy with it, and refuse to pay so much for something that I'm not satisfied with.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

It can be totally saved. But maybe not by them.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

So, I spoke with MIM.

I could not get a refund because it was a custom job, but they say they'll have no problem selling that one, and make me another.

Because this costume has cost me quite a bit already, I figure I'd give them another shot.

I included several reference photos and instructions on how I want it to look. Let's keep the fingers crossed.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated Aug. 21)

So things have come in the mail, which is awesome :)

Let me update on a few things.

So like I mentioned, the paper mache pack is going out the window. My friend and I are putting together a metal pack made from air duct, galvanized metal, grills, and photography lights. I'm using the same engines as before, so not all was lost. We have some time to work on it - I'll update with pictures when we get going!

Main things to update are what's coming in the mail:

I had some issues with getting the C-96 Mauser pistol. Apparently in Canada (as I found out), replicas are illegal. I don't know why, or the reasoning the Canadian government would have from banning a non-firing piece of metal, but anything that looks real can be used in a negative light, so I understand the precautionary measures. But's a retro pistol. Bah.

So, to fix this, I got myself a toy Mauser from England. More on that later when it comes in!

My biggest find were the boots. I picked up some Jedi Boots (the anakin kind) and I was very disappointed with the quality. Very thin fabric, and just flimsy in general. So I returned them. Just after returning them, I found these on ebay:

The seem to be the right colour, and are field boots, so they have the laces on the sides. It was EXTREMELY hard finding used boots in my size - 12. They might be a bit snug, but I plan on taking them to a cobbler if they need additional fitting.

The jacket came in from India - another ebay purchase. I'm not overly excited about the material - it is not real leather, but the fit is perfect. It feels very 'pleathery.' But for $150, I can't really complain.

I want to rough it up a bit more so it looks weathered and used....not so 'almost plastic looking.' Any idea what I can use that won't wreck it?

Also going to start working on the gauntlets. I'm hoping to update soon, just got a lot of work to do!

which ebay seller did you buy yours from? I got my ebay jacket today from india(user name- ind-sale ), (I believe its south beach leather selling under a different ebay name) I opened it up and was thrilled with my jacket. Im not usually a leather jacket kind of guy, but this jacket seems like the real deal to me, it is pretty thick, and it definitly has the leather smell. mine fits perfect, with the exception of its a little difficult to bend my elbow passed 90 degrees (maybe thats just because its a leather jacket, i have no idea hah) but all the measurements seem to be spot on.

BUT, the top row of buttons only has 4, instead of 5 like in the picture, so it isnt accurate in that aspect. but all in all, this jacket definitly is able to be worn as an everyday jacket for me.


Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

Hey Ninja!

Yeah, that's the same jacket I have. It fits REALLY nice. Feels a little more like 'pleather' than actual leather. I dunno...maybe I'm just being funny. It smells like leather though ;)

My buttons are incorrect as well. They are the wrong buttons entirely - they have "FS" embossed on them. Weird. Can you get a close up of your buttons? I might get them replaced eventually...buttons are expensive. For the time being, and if you're not squinting, you can't notice.

Lookin' good!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/06/12 - HELMET OPINION!)

my buttons. Buttons dont really bother me, 99.9% of the people who see me in costume will focus on the helmet, and they wont even have any idea of what buttons are movie accurate.

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