Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/24/12 - FINAL UPDATE BEFORE HALLOWEEN)

Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

Very interested to see how you put this together - especially how you plan on changing the nozzles and where the placement of everything is going to be.

Where will the FX can be? It's not getting hooked up the control gauntlet eh?

My thinking is that if you're just walking around, you will want to have the smoke 'misting' from the engines, not firing out of it like you're gonna take off.

With the use of the tubes, the smoke has further to travel and will bump into things along the way, so the misting will probably be what you get anyway!

The other thing to consider is how much of this stuff is actually in the can, and how long it will last over the course of several evenings.

Looking forward to it!!

yah i saw that one, seems too bulky.

here is my plan for mine, im going to get a can of this CITC FX - "Cool Stuff is Show Tuff!®" - Special Effects Equipment

then, using a trigger from a compressed air can
like this one

hook a plastic tube to the end of that nozzle, with a Y connector, and run tubing down each rocket. hopefully the fog will be able to travel in the hose. we will see friday when i pick a can up.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

my original idea to "trigger" it, involved string tied to it and routed so I could just pull it, but last night I had a stroke of genius (hopefully) and I think I devised a method to trigger it electronically via the gauntlet, we will see!
Im going to mount it behind the center portion, attached to the backplate.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

my original idea to "trigger" it, involved string tied to it and routed so I could just pull it, but last night I had a stroke of genius (hopefully) and I think I devised a method to trigger it electronically via the gauntlet, we will see!
Im going to mount it behind the center portion, attached to the backplate.

I start my jetpack smoking via remote control. Buy a cheap radio control car/truck from RADIO SHACK and take the receiver and transmitter out. You'll also need somekind of solenoid valve that will electronically open when you press the button.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

Adding smoke was a failure. It would condensate on the inside of the tube and turn into a liquid. Maybe i need a bigger tube.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

Adding smoke was a failure. It would condensate on the inside of the tube and turn into a liquid. Maybe i need a bigger tube.

I had a thought about this just today. Why not take your idea of the y-connector and cut a hole in a tupperware container. Feed medical tubing to each fuselage, and then use dry ice! There's sure to be a lot of it kicking around Halloween for decorations - pumpkins, etc. So it should be cheap.

The benefit of this is that you don't have to worry about controlling it.

Cons are that the container has to be liquid tight, and we won't really know how long a block of dry ice will last - something to ask around.

But because the dry ice is MADE TO SINK, it should work perfectly. What do you think?

I found some LEDs at home depot for like $20....too expensive...gotta find a cheaper alternative for lighting.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

Had a talk with my local "dry ice guy..."

Here it's $5/kg of dry ice. 2kg with water added will get you 1 hour of constant smoke (thick). However, if you just allow the dry ice to melt on it's own, you will get thinner smoke, but it will last longer. 2kg of dry ice is about 7inch x4inch x 2inch, but can be broken into chunks.

A possible alternative, but I really don't want to be changing out dry ice packs when they run out.

And to do the math, if you're going out and it's a 5 hour night...that's $50 worth of dry ice per night... (with water)
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

I've devised a new solution, including an air duster can, and baby powder. And it actually works. I'll post up plans once I install it
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

None yet really. GeneralFrosty is taking care of the helmet. Vlad is still working on leather. I just moved, so I'm kinda in transition.

It's Thanksgiving weekend for us Canucks this weekend, so I'd like to get some solid Rocket Time in. Hopefully get both fuselages done. It's that center brace that scares me.

Thinking more and more about the dry ice route. I might be able to pull it off.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 09/20/12)

Slowly getting the rocket together. I recently moved, so there was a lot of other things going on.

Need to make the styrene cones and flaps, along with the flippers to finish off the rockets before I plasti-dip them both.

Then, on to the centrepiece.

My apologies for all the black marker. Measure 5 times, cut once, right? Even after I looked at all the measurements, the bottoms seem short. Shouldn't be bad since they'll be covered by the flippers.

Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/07/12)

Decide to go with the silly putty egg route as well?
It's starting to come together! The center is definitely the most intimidating part.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/07/12)

Decide to go with the silly putty egg route as well?
It's starting to come together! The center is definitely the most intimidating part. seemed to work best. My rocket isn't downsized, but the proportion looks off. I was going to mold them on with clay or foam, but it wouldn't have been equal.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/07/12)

Feeling like I'm getting closer. Free time is starting to become a luxury, so I really have to focus on getting this done.

Cones, fins, and flippers added. The fuselages are pretty much ready to have a coat of plasti-dip. Then painted.

I want to cut the main vents out - not happy with them cause I just had them cut. I'll get the squares cut out and put in proper vents.

I want to get this center piece done. Kinda nervous about it as it will take more work than the rockets I think.

Things to do (in order):

Cut vent squares properly and add new vents
Cut center portions (top and bottom)
Cut PVC tube
Cut holes for vents
Add computer fan
Rivet it all together
Create radiator vent for top
Plasti-Dip entire pack
Attach engines with hoses
Final paint weathering
Attach to harness

I will be experimenting with dry ice and seeing how long 3lbs in each engine will last and how it will look. Hopefully I can post a video.



Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/13/12)

looking good!
but I think the center part of the engine needs to have the center cut out, it looks too tall, or something
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/13/12)

looking good!
but I think the center part of the engine needs to have the center cut out, it looks too tall, or something

They aren't properly attached yet. They will get tucked in a bit more along with the cables. I don't want to chop them up because I'll need the space for all the dry ice.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/13/12)

Did a dry ice test - AMAZING. Each engine should hold about 3lbs of dry ice that will slowly mist out over the course of the evening. It will be held in place by chicken wire and some tubing. Easy peezy. Also adding some stick on LED push lights that will light up the engines.

Harness and gloves are almost done. Should be ready by Friday, then all I have to do is dye them.

Rocket center portions will be completed Wednesday (hopefully) so I can keep to my schedule of painting this weekend.

Looking into specific silvers/metallics.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/13/12)

So it's come to the point in the project where I fall to my knees, look up to the sky and come to terms with the fact that this was a lot harder than I initially thought.

The center piece has been the bane of my existence.

Originally trying to use metal and bend it, it wasn't working. We tried to rivet it, glue it...not happening.

I ended up giving it a 'bit' of a curve (not exactly the real look, but whatever...if you you would have seen my would have patted me on the back and said, "that'll do.")

I ended up using bondo (never used it before). Thought it would be easy enough to use...why not. And it was fun to put on. Got the center piece all nice and sturdy. ...and then came the sanding.

Went through some pretty high grit sandpaper quite quickly. Got it to a point where I could use up the rest of my spackling - awesome. Now I have to wait for it to dry so I can sand it yet again. Gotta keep telling myself...'it's all a process..."

Engines are ready to be painted (some blues on the cords, weathering to the body, etc.). Also attached the chicken wire for my dry ice. By removing the coffee stick in the middle I can insert the ice through there, then close it up. Bam. Going to install the battery LEDs soon.

Also painted the center fan a nice copper colour.

Currently working on the radiator.

All in all, a productive day. Just waiting for this to dry so I can sand, then plasti-dip the whole thing. I'd like to paint by tomorrow.




Sorry for the crappy pics. Believe it or not...I'm actually a professional photographer. Just like the idea of the quick shots from my ipad. Will take detailed shots plus a shopping list of all items and cost when everything is done.
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/19/12)

So...did a bunch of work this weekend.

Finally got it actually looking like a rocket. I tell ya...around Thursday I was getting nervous I wouldn't have the time.

Might have cut a few corners here and there, but time kinda got the best of me. It IS a halloween costume afterall, so I'd best have it ready for halloween. If I was to do it again, I'd get the rocket kit and do it properly.

I still have some minor tweaking to do. Gold cones, black dots on top, etc. I'm also going to do a bunch of weathering to you know....maybe go with the 'dinged up look' I apparently got :)

I'll post more when the harness is attached and final detailing. Hopefully get some better pics up.



Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/21/12)

Looking good! Your center piece turned out alot better than mine! I bet it will looming awesome with the dry ice!
Re: Rocketeer Halloween Costume (Updated 10/21/12)

Thanks man :)

The center piece would have been a lot smoother had I known to smooth the bondo better before it got hard - I had no idea how hard it was going to get (hah...that's what she said)


Your vents are much better. I didn't even put in the bottom vent. Once that bondo hardened, I wasn't even going to consider it. And the side vents are all coffee sticks that have started to bend. Thank you McDonalds.

I josh around a bit, but I'm at the point where I'm pretty happy with it....or maybe I'm happy that it's almost over? ;)
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