
New Member
Hey guys!

Sorry if this is in the wrong place or whatever but I have a question for you guys.

I know these have been spoken about on here before but are there any people selling Greeblie packs?

I'm looking for a random assortment of pieces. Likely they would be 3D printed (I'd do it myself but my printer died). Round, square, cylindrical and so on. All standard model kit size for prop making and kit bashing.

Again, apologies if I'm posting this wrong or breaking rules etc.


I only use free range Greeblies I find myself.

Seriously I have seen something similar for models where they have packs of rocket engine nozzles, doors, etc. I don't think I've ever seen the same for props though. Usually because people are looking for a specific model part and not a generic set. There might be something like that, I just haven't seen them.
I only use free range Greeblies I find myself.

Seriously I have seen something similar for models where they have packs of rocket engine nozzles, doors, etc. I don't think I've ever seen the same for props though. Usually because people are looking for a specific model part and not a generic set. There might be something like that, I just haven't seen them.

Yeah, when I say props I mean my own original props. I'm just looking for like you say nozzle, doors etc.

Thanks :)
Searching Sketchfab for "kitbash" also comes up with some good (and several free!) results.

edit - make that a whoooooole lot of free results. This is a greeblie avenue I'd never even considered, and I've had 3D printers for years. I know it's not real helpful to you, Ethan, what with the broken printer and all... but maybe it's a good reason to fix it up? :D
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Searching Sketchfab for "kitbash" also comes up with some good (and several free!) results.

edit - make that a whoooooole lot of free results. This is a greeblie avenue I'd never even considered, and I've had 3D printers for years. I know it's not real helpful to you, Ethan, what with the broken printer and all... but maybe it's a good reason to fix it up? :D
Oh awesome! Thanks! I know what my printers will be churning out tonight!
I just collect anything that looks interesting to me for future use as a greeblie, although I've yet to use much so far. I've collected the ends of coax cables, lids/caps off of kids juice bottles, I've even dismantled broken things like fans and humidifiers and kept the parts that I thought looked interesting.