Probe Droid Hyperspace Pod LR223

Better pics soon - this is the first time the correct markings on the smaller pod have been made public!

Resin REL kit (with added more-recent/accurate details) and a second scratch built 8Radpod - these are for a client!

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Wow! All these compliments and id requests from Moffs photos and no one has even asked or id'ed the kitten. I am assuming a 1:1 tabby, male, & probably says ESB is his fav, but secretly loves ANH.
By the way, you pod build looks awesome, I want to hang it on my tree!! :)
wow your pod is coming along great, i love the display with the two together...its almost a shame to paint it after all those origional parts are on, i think it kinda looks better as is haha
Very nice builds, the weathering is top notch ! Just what's needed. And the base... wow ! Just wow ! Is the text printed, etched or stickers ?

waiting for some close-up pix though. never known you to paint that "clean" jason. i suspect if you had some closer pictures we see some quite subtle weathering and modulation on the paint job..? perhaps clean was the client request?

base is quite fetching too!
more often than not, less is more.
Better pics soon - this is the first time the correct markings on the smaller pod have been made public!

Resin REL kit (with added more-recent/accurate details) and a second scratch built 8Radpod - these are for a client!


These markings are correct?The markings on this photo are looking a little bit different:


The base is (y)thumbsup:thumbsup!!!
How do they look different? I have close up photos of the pods from the archives (the small one looks rough now - paint appears to be flaking off) - the way I painted them is accurate. Actually , on the smaller pod, I used vintage dry transfer Letraset.
That pic makes them look like the smaller lines merge with the larger black rectangle, yeah. But they don't :)

See, when you enhance the image, you can tell ;)

Zoom in... Enhance... Repeat.

Why doesn't that work? It always works on C.S.I. ;)

That's seriously great work Jason. If you keep this up, they'll promote you to Grand Moff for sure.


It looks great:)...I also like the display:thumbsup.

After I finish my Escape Pod, I will try to make it.

thanks Eric.
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