Probe Droid Hyperspace Pod LR223

Tamiya 1/25th Centurion and the green bit on the T looks like plastruct (not sure of the part number though)

Cheers and great build Jason, love these pods (and the SS kitties too (but not the nazi ones :eek)).
Just so you know, the Cent part isnt cannon to the prop though guys, we all embelished a little at the back end of the model.

Isnt that the truth Allan, sometimes, people are just here to take take take, without so much as a thankyou.....bloody rude if you ask me.

to his (perhaps) defense.
he only asked it a few hours ago and may be off, unable to respond to the answers you provided.

just playing devil's advocate.
Allan is referring to the earlier "scale" explanation" that some are sooo sad to bring up in an SS forum anyway Quincy.
Allan goes to all that trouble to take the time......and for this guy to then bum another question in after, without even a thanks.....NICE :lol

Yes. The scale answer and manner q's are asked:
"what is this...and also..."

How about:
"would appreciate any help on...thanks"

Maybe we should just stop posting our buildups and just post line illustrations with a parts key for everyone?

The person in question hasn't made one comment on J's buildup. Just sayin'.
I'm tired of the "what's that! What's that!" questions with no "thanks!" afterwards, and I'm tired of "gladly" helping the non-contributors.

If I don't see you actively building something (ANYTHING), I am not inclined to help. There's an awful lot of kit info hoarders out there.

Send me some reference pics. Say "thank you!". Buy me a freakin' drink at Wonderfest! You'd be surprised how much you get back when you offer a couple of nice gestures, you know?
YES.....Jason really looking forward to the 232 pod, its really grown on me too now...even to the point, i HAD to pop off those incorrect domes and put it all right lol.
Anyway, we all appreciate what your doing buddy, its really great to see more of these being built, and they look soooo good as a pairing, your WF table, is going to be so sweet.

Oh god, I did an RPF cliché... "pics tonight!"

But yeah, it's shaping up to be a fun one, too! Thrusters are from the JPS and Tyrell, I think?
Even the cone one?

(I know the back two are, but I assumed the cone was the same part from the Tyrell... but I usually do my parts expedition AFTER I'm done building for the night, and it's usually 1am and I'm tired, heh)

have idea on your posing for the two kids? i personally think it'd be kinda sweet if they were set up together. something dynamic....both coming out of an ISD at the same time. the base could be the belly....the guys shooting up? (there is no "up" in space - so technically you couldn't be incorrect) could end up being something more than the sum of its parts...???
(just a casual thought)

as for the drink at wonderfest.
i should be able to set you up for one (remote from virginia)...but you MUST stay still and give your coordinates at a certain date & time.:lol
Even the cone one?

(I know the back two are, but I assumed the cone was the same part from the Tyrell... but I usually do my parts expedition AFTER I'm done building for the night, and it's usually 1am and I'm tired, heh)

Yup, even the cone buddy :lol

But yeah, it's shaping up to be a fun one, too! Thrusters are from the JPS and Tyrell, I think?

Jason (and Lee), thanks again for the ID info, although Tyrrell is spelled with two r's, tut, tut, tut :lol(it's my surname, woo hoo!, though I'm not from THAT family :cry).

A bit OT, but my wife's maiden name was Williams, so we got some good photos in pit lane at a previous Australian GP :)

I am busy trying to actively build something, but time is short for hobbies and as for the drink Jason, I'll have to get your coordinates too. I don't think I'll ever get to Wonderfest :cry :cry.

Also, thanks to ALL who post build-ups, references and other inspiration. It is VERY much appreciated and it's very hard to get info any other way in this little corner of Australia!!

Cheers, JT
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