Pimp my Probe Droid? One more day to go!

Guy Cowen

Sr Member
At last its time to get this on the bench & painted, I've been trimming & sanding & pulling my teeth out for weeks trying to get this ready for its base coat. Its had an under coat or 2 & has been flatted as well as I can without doing again & again, its got one coat of matt black with a rattle can to start it off & I have to say already its looking very mean & PD like. I'll not be able to post pics till later but I'm hoping for all your help regarding how the hell to paint this. I have some idea's how I'm going to do it but it would be great to have some input from the great talents that hang around this joint?

Please feel free to throw any suggestions this way & post any thoughts you may have either from experience or just a simple suggestion? I can only use Tamiya paint but will consider anything that may be house friendly?

I'm hoping to get the body & Head finished by the end of the week as I'm back to work next week & that could meen I wont get it done till August :cry

Please feel free to post pics of your own PD as well, I do have some OK ref material but some more would be great? Thanks all, Guy
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Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

I know you will nail this well, so im looking forward very much in seeing her take shape.
Not sure if Jason has his tech to hand, but believe me, if anyone is going to paint a probe droid, listen to this guy if he chimes in...WOW!

Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Jason, you are coming very highly recommended as a guy that may be able to shed some wisdom this way, it would be fantastic if you didin't mind sending me some tips mate? I'm not asking for a run down of the amazing job your doing on the PD at the moment but a just a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated? I'm pretty confident I can do a good job but a little support towards a fantastic job would be ace? Having seen yours & steve the swede's the bar is very high.

I just spent all day on this lovely bank holiday trying to get X10 gunmetal, nowhere sells it near me....bugger.
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

I think X10 was taken off the shelves Guy, at least it was in my LHS due to labelling issues with Tamiya!
Anyways my probe is done im told by Jason, so ill post a bucket load of pics once i have it here and all mounted up, the color is just....WOW, did i say that again?

Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Thanks Lee, I'm really struggling to get x-10 anywhere :cry, what vallajio paint like?
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Not a fan, but i know the armor guys like them Guy. Youll need the model air series i think! Failing that try Ebay for some Gunze buddy?

Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Scratch that, theres some X10 on the 'bay right now buddy, go grab it lol.!

Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Lee, is it the stuff from Taiwan or have you seen a UK seller? I think I may have found some Tamiya TS- 38 gunmetal in a pray can, If i can get this tomorrow I'll just transfer it into a pot or 2. Failing that It could be Taiwan (there goes a quick turn around)
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Guy it was Taiwan, but ive had packages from HK and Japan in like 3 days buddy, so no biggie i guess!
I will say if you go the rattle can route, the Tamiya TS line do shoot very well, nice and smooth, but then im a Tamiya fanboy at heart LOL.

Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Guy, maybe my LHS always supply the X-10 here, let me know if you want I go to check and how many of them you want !
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Thanks guy's, I'll try & get some tomorrow, if I'm without look i may take you up on that offer J.
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Here are some pics of my personal buildup.












Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Rolando, that is just stunning. I thought it may help me seeing this but now I'm just intimerdated...... wow. I'm going to have to wrk hard to this model justice. Thanks so much for posting these. Guy
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Found some 20 min away, last 4 pots & the spray as well, the funny thing is I may have decided not use this & do it the same way as my han solo blaster's with drybrushing to get a gunmetal look? Hmmmm some testing me thinks.
Re: Pimp my Probe Droid?

Thanks again guys for the compliments. Guy, I'm positive you'll do the bugeyed droid justice and I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Here's how I painted mine for those interested. First off, the Droid looks much darker in person in natural lighting. That's one of the reasons this little bugger is so hard to nail the color, it all depends on what lighting condition a photogragh was taken in. It could change from a black, dark gray all the way to a mud brown or even a dark bronze.

1. Primer
2. Flat Black
3. Testors Dark Steel Metalizer, airbrushed.
4. Custom mixed Liquetex Artist Acrylic tube paints diluted with a mixture of 50/50 water and alcohol with a dash of Windex. Colors used were Burnt Umber, Black, Raw Umber. This was airbrushed on.
5. Testors Dullcote
6. Wash using Winsor & Newton artist oil paints. This was diluted with Terpinoid. Colors used were Black, Burnt Umber. This was brushed on.
7. Testors Dullcote.

I must have given the model at least 5 different altinating coats of acrylic and oils. The secret is to work with the colors until you achieve the desired hue.

Last thing I did was throw on some rust wash using diluted Winsor & Newton Cadmium Orange.

Everything was then Dullcoted. Then I masked around the eyes and shot them with Rustolium gloss black out of a rattle can.