Official Ghostbusters PKE Meter Prop

After a whole day inside the crate, I took it out and it is almost back to normal. Just don't understand how the electronics are healing over time.

Still anxious to hear what Matty says. I might want to get mine replaced anyway.
After a whole day inside the crate, I took it out and it is almost back to normal. Just don't understand how the electronics are healing over time.

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I got mine and love it. Best toy prop made to date in my opinion, as far as accuracy, functionality, and build. I do love the AA stuff, but this just FEELS nice



Wow, mine has made a full recovery without a single peep from Mattycollector. So, good for the PKE, but what the hell Matty?

Anyone have any theories on how the electronics could go from freaking out to being completely better two days later?
You didn't leave it in real cold temprature did you? Like in the garage or car when it was COLD? I know my daughters toys will do that kind of thing after staying in the car on a cold night. Not sure why but it does.
i stick some foam and a penny over the speaker inside mine and it has a nice quiet beeping now like in the film :)
Embarrassing enough, I was opening it and closing one too many times in succession. As much as I hate to admit to something that silly, I guess it is good for you all to know that that will frag your electronics for about a day.
As for electronics and temperature, YES.

ICs can do weird things if out of their temperature range.

My wife used to run chip testing machines and that's what they did was run chips through extreme temperature swings.
If I am seeing things correctly, Matty just sent me a brand new PKE without talking to me or requesting for me to return the damaged one.
I had mine open the wings fully and close them again after turning it on without hitting any of the buttons.

Which makes me think.

*cute dramatic music*

Are our PKEs POSSESSED!?!??!
Hmm. What's CS use only?

Likely held back reserve stock for Customer Service returns and exchanges...

This is supposedly where the 2nd batch of 12" and 6" GB figures came from that they released a few months ago... They likely hold back say 5%-10% of the total product run for exchanges under warranty or what not, and after the 'warranty' period they either re-offer them on the site (if there is enough to justify offering) or dump them to a 2nd chance distributor to unload how they see fit...
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