Official Ghostbusters PKE Meter Prop

And when the obsessing overcomes the joy of collecting or owning a piece of a movie/TV show you love, well, to me, it just sort of takes the fun out of the entire experience.

Obsessing the details is what gives me the joy in GB related props, to each their own... I fully enjoy pushing the envelop of accuracy and in regards to GB props I have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours doing so, and I don't regret any of it... Heck just recently after 5+ years of really ground pounding searching I found a source for the 'tophat' lights on the wand all those years of searching paid off and I'm a happy camper... I'll enjoy the PKE for what it is to me a cool toy and it gives me joy in that respect... My 1 year old daughter thinks it's pretty cool it lit up her eyes, so it's now in her toy box and that alone gives me joy...

As for a replica prop it simply doesn't fit my criteria as it has too many inaccurate eye sores that jump out at me...
I guess I'm on the glass half full this time.

I see more similarities than difference and any fanboy that walks up a bitches about it will simply get smacked in the head with it. I think it could take it.
If I am going to pay big bucks for the absolute accurate replica prop, I expect it to be pretty darn accurate. Even then, it always does not happen but you are paying for the best of the best... and I can be pretty happy with that.

This is a toy that is soooo good, that it could be considered to be a pretty nice prop replica. At a toy price by a toy maker, they have done an incredible job with this piece.

So good, if someone here in the past made these on a prop run, I willing to bet many members would have paid hundreds to buy one.

So those that want to nit pick at this one, remember... Its a toy. The best of the best of them at that, and at a fantastic price and packaging to boot. Weighing in the balance of quality, materials, accuracy, price and features, you just don't find better deals out there than this. An outstanding job by Mattel.
While it is inaccurate in some ways for $60 you really can't beat it. I'm sure if they charged $150 - $200 for each one they could have made it more accurate. It may have also had something to do with licensing since the original was a rented prop or that it shares so much with the original lines of the Iona shell.

If Matty makes a trap I know I will be in line for one.
Obsessing the details is what gives me the joy in GB related props, to each their own... I fully enjoy pushing the envelop of accuracy and in regards to GB props I have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours doing so, and I don't regret any of it... Heck just recently after 5+ years of really ground pounding searching I found a source for the 'tophat' lights on the wand all those years of searching paid off and I'm a happy camper... I'll enjoy the PKE for what it is to me a cool toy and it gives me joy in that respect... My 1 year old daughter thinks it's pretty cool it lit up her eyes, so it's now in her toy box and that alone gives me joy...

As for a replica prop it simply doesn't fit my criteria as it has too many inaccurate eye sores that jump out at me...

well, as you said exoray, to each his own. but I bet you that in 5 to 10 years, you may look back on all the time you invested analyzing the exact dimensions of GB props and you will likely feel very different about it compared to the time you spent, say, with your daughter.

please let me restate, I am not KNOCKING time spent scrutinizing props, but having done it myself for over 25 years, I can tell you that MY experience is that much of that time was much ado about nothing. that is simply how I feel about it now, in retrospect.

check back with me in 5 years and let me know if you feel the same way.

My PKE meter started malfunctioning today...

Wing sequence is all messed up and sometimes just opens and closes and moves to positions it is not meant to move to.
My PKE meter started malfunctioning today...

Wing sequence is all messed up and sometimes just opens and closes and moves to positions it is not meant to move to.

Not to state the obvious, but did you check batteries? Often erratic behavior in toys can be caused by weak batteries. Hope that's it.

And I wasn't trying to hit below the belt with my response to exoray...not sure why someone would even suggest that. Simply expressing my own personal experience as a prop collector obsessed with details and saying that, from my own personal experience, much of what I fretted over during the 20-plu year of collecting no longer satisfies me. Not good or bad...simply how I feel. I was merely suggesting to the group that, perhaps, by some small stretch of the imagination, that my personal experience MIGHT be of some use to others who are also obsessed with collecting and more specifically about this prop.

I am done explaining as I am guessing others reading this thread have long since tired of my explanation.
We will see. I called yesterday and hope to receive an email soon.

Kinda scary though, after less than a week electronics malfunctioning.
Having just got mine yesterday, the manual is fresh in my head.
The part comes to mind where it says:
"When exposed to an electrostatic source, the product may malfunction. To resume normal operation, remove and re-install the batteries."

But it sounds like you already tried to replace the batteries to no avail. That really stinks, and doesn't help my fear about this thing... that one day the electronics might break. I really hope you get it sorted out. Good luck.
So this is getting waaaay ahead, but for those who know the company, how soon do you suppose we could expect an announcement about a follow-up item?
how soon do you suppose we could expect an announcement about a follow-up item?

If they do follow it up with more 'props'... Maybe a hint before but I would guess Comic-Con as an official announcement...

My guess is we will likely see more repaints of the 6" and possibly other 6" and 12" characters first and foremost, because figures are their primary business...
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