Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


My name is Bryan, I have been a comic collector for 30 years and I started to go to local comic conventions and I was really taken aback by the quality and workmanship of the costumes. I was browsing the net and found this wonderful site and I have gleaned a lot of usefull information from your threads. I am going to start my own costume for the convention next year and I hope to post pictures soon.
The people and the work they produce on this site are exceptional and I can only hope to be as good.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello al, been thinking about getting in to making props and costumes, and ran across this site, new to all of this and need a hobby. lots of great info here and really cool people so here i am. if anybody has any tips for a beginner then i would appreciate it!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I'm a long time maker of things, and I stumbled upon the Instructables Make It Real contest results. The Space Marine armour article mentioned something called.. hmm.. "pepakura"? So, I looked it up, ended up here, and I'm now making a Sharkmark Iron Man helmet. Also, for something I've been working on and off for quite a while now: I'm looking for reference pictures for the Fallout 1&2 -style T51-B helmet. Can't seem to figure out what the back of the helmet looks like... but I'm sure I'll find out here, if anywhere!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


Bruno here from Helsingborg, Sweden.
Every year we have a Halloween party and some people come in really awesome costumes and i've never really had a cool one, so after seeing Iron Man II i thought, "Why not be Iron Man by building my own suit". So i started looking it up on the internet and now i'm stuck. I just HAVE TO do this, i can't let it go! I'll probably make a couple of them in different colors and so on.

And after watching a couple of videos on Youtube, i saw that a lot of people linked to their threads here and I simply decided to register for more help and hopefully I can start a thread with my own build and hopefully inspire someone else :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello I'm Joshua aka Verity and obviously new to this site. I should've introduced myself much sooner but I was distracted by all the Amazing pics, files, downloads etc. My first project is gonna be the War Machine suit made from EVA Foam. I'll post some pics of my progress soon. Not an easy task for me just yet as I'm new to these Awesome forms of arts and crafts.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone,

I found out about this forum from my buddy BSD a while back. There are so many amazing artists on here it is mind blowing. I have always loved art, but had gotten away from it for a couple of years. This site and BSD have re-ignited my creative fires. Look forward to seeing many wonderful projects on here from everyone.

Thanks all,
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone, new guy here. I been making props for many small time movie
producers. I specialize in paper props... anything from blue prints, maps, ID's, covers or anything that is printed. I use photoshop cs6 to make a 100% copy... down to ever detail. Just finished a FBI Prop ID for a low budget college movie made 12 copies.

I'm interested in helping anyone with their collection if they need some paper prop replica.

I read that as a new member I cant sell anything but not sure what that means, I want to stick to the rules so if you are interested in any prop PM for more details.

Thanks, Adrian.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello everyone my name is bill im curently in south korea but heading to texas in a few months.What brought me here was a search i did for a good sta awake label ive been trying to find from nightmare 1. I have found that and now im searching for a good label for a hypnocil bottle. i have everything i need to make one just cant seem to get the correct font for valley drugs on the top. Ive also joined to post some pics and show off other things ive made like a freddy glove stand, and the ballet from carrie. There are some very talented and imaginative people on this forum. I love seeing what people come up with.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey guys,
New to the site so just saying hello.

I'm a long time Star Wars & Batman collector (started when 1st SW film hit in '77 when I was 7 years old). Just recently getting into customizing. I'm more into the hasbro stuff (toys, I know) so you guys are way out of my league, but looking for new ideas regarding painting, weathering and the stuff I've seen here is really amazing.

Thanks for all the inspiration you guys provide.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi all,

Yup another new member here. My names Nick, havnt done to much with props other than small costume and some weapons but hopefully gonna get into makin some more stuff. Any help along the way would be appriciated thanks.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

retired from military, armorer. I do not make props for people in advance...firearms replicas are expensive to make and often time consuming depending on the realism needed. I am currently getting ready to retire again as a forensic document examiner. There is prob. no id I cant make if I know what it looks like. Thanks for letting me participate, look forward to it.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everyone! My friend flamingburrito directed me to this site when I was asking him about the BA ironman suit he's making and pondering how to make some props of my own! I love comic books (and other comics-related things), Avatar (the last airbender, sorry Navii lovers), Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Joss Whedon, Star Wars, BSG (haven't seen the original; I know, it's a crime), and much much more. I still consider myself a beginner in the costuming and prop-making world, but I love it so much and I'm eager to learn more and share what I learn! Thanks for having me!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi Everyone!
I have a 6 year old who got me started on Harry Potter - and thankfully for me enjoys playing with props, because I love making them!

The Replica Paper Props section is just fabulous, I'm so grateful to all those who give their work so generously, thank you! :)
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Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey. I'm Wolf (Josedia) and I mainly joined to buy a pep file. :rolleyes But i've taken a look around and I'm starting to like it here. And if you would like to know, I'm a big Jason Todd/Red Hood fan. And now i'm making a red hood costume. I also collect comics and knives. And thats me sorta.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello, I'm Kyrsten. I'm into cosplay. I've been working on the IM M7, Heaven's Wheel Armor from Fairy Tail, and Yoko from Gurren Lagann. I'm a big fan of Iron Man. I'm really new to cosplay and especially building Armor. I joined this site about a month ago, but I lost it for awhile. Anyways, I'm back and really excited to be here! I've already gotten so much advice and ideas for my armors. XD
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I've been making props on my own for over a decade, and I had no idea that this place existed. I only learned of it recently when I started watching "Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project". I think this place will not only be an incredibly useful resource for whatever crazy thing I decide to build next, but after browsing the forums, I think I'll like posting here... love constructive criticism, and the trolling (from what I've seen) is pretty minimal.
So, yeah. I started making my own props when I was 11-12 years old, my first being a tricorder from TNG. I started with a small gray electronics project box, and finished with something that looked pretty damn good considering it was the first time I tried to make something screen accurate.
Then, when I was 17-18, I started making Freddy Krueger gloves for people, and I got pretty damn good at it. I realize I used the wrong rivets, but the copper button rivets were not very structural, and didn't support a lot of use. The steel pop rivets were an excellent compromise, and allowed you to abuse the glove... which I realize is also wrong... don't judge the pic, I was a stupid teenager.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hello there everyone - I was forwarded onto this site by some friends on Facebook. I never got around to making a user account till now - so I'd just like to say hi and do a proper introduction :)

My name is Daniel and I'm 25 years old, I live in Denmark and work as a child welfare worker at the moment. I have various interests, but my main one is scratchbuilding props and making replicas from games/movies :)

I've only recently entered the expo stage, as we have no costume-cons in dk, only cosplay ^^'

So as the others dress up in various manga/anime themed costumes I dress up in this:



These are just a few of the costumes I've made, which I'd be more than happy to share with you :)

This is my first post, so please.. be gentle ;)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I recently found out about this site through a podcast on Adam Savage's Bourne burn bag. I loved the detail that went into each prop within the bag and had to join RPF - knew it was the place for me!

While I haven't been making much recently, I have had a desire to get back into it. My background is sculpting, mold making and casting; I used to work for a museum casting fossils and once repaired a fiberglass T. Rex skull. I have also made a lot of breakaway glass for film projects and stage plays.

Really looking forward to learning and sharing with you all.


Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


I am E, I am a 28 year old mil brat/ third culture child raised between Europe and the States.
I got into cosplay two years ago, I always have been a Spiderman fan. My favorite spiderman costumes are: Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2009 and Ben Riley suit.

I just started making my own costumes and props. Right now I have the comic and black Spiderman in zentai suits, along with some lenses I made. I recently made a gay pride rainbow spiderman for a pride fest here it was fun, that was my first suit that I made.

I also collect props from movies and tv shows. I bought some props and clothes from the show Terra Nova .

I am working on the Amazing Spiderman Suit and Terra Nova soldier uniform based on Pvt. Reynolds.

I am also a Whovian and like scifi.

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