Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everybody!

Been lurking here for some time, just absorbing like a sponge, constantly being inspired. Never really felt like I had much to add, but I figured now was the time to start contributing to the community that has helped me in so many ways.

A little about myself: I live in Seattle, WA, I work as a freelance production assistant for film and tv, also editing and animation occasionally. Aspiring filmmaker, yadayada. I've enjoyed making my Halloween costumes for many many years, but it's been the last few years that I've really been taking it to the next level, basically about the time I discovered this forum and other similar ones. Now I try to outdo myself every year and its just getting ridiculous, but I love it! Now I'm thinking of taking the plunge into molding and casting, and also

Here's some past examples of my work, obviously not even close to on par with some of the amazing stuff I've seen on here, but hey, it's all a learning experience!

This was the opening of pandora's box for me...

And last year, my gf wanted to do Rogue, so I decided to do a kind of movie-ish version of Gambit. I was pretty pleased with the final result and got a lot of ideas and templates for the chest piece from here, so couldn't a done it without you guys!

And the current proj, like everyone and their mom, I'm workin on some Iron Man armor...

Well, anyway, thanks for being such an awesome community! I will see you in the forums!


Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hey there, im eco and a massive STAR WARS fan.
ive multiple costumes which i troop in but not as often as id like.
i live in the uk with my lady and 2 kids just outside manchester.
im a miller/turner by trade and have been machinin for approx 25 years.
sci fi and engineering go together so so so well.
thanx for reading.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I find this website to be a great service in helping me build my ESB boba fett stuff. Thanks again everyone
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everybody, I'm Eric from Toronto, Canada. I just stumbled across the RPF while googling "Small batman cowls" because I have a small head and im putting together The Dark Knight costume. I'm also working on making an ESB Boba Fett costume aswell.

Thanks for the great site and hope to learn a lot here :)

*P.S. if anyone knows where I can get a small batman cowl(21.5" head) I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you.
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Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hi i'm Olivier from Marseille , France . i've been reading threads here for some time and i decided to become a member of the forum since i decided to get a costume for myself . I discovered pepakura here and thanks to Stealth and his tutorials i'm now confident i can make myself a IM armor or maybe War machine .
SW fan , sentai Fan , Batman fan , Spidey fan , i now have to chose what i wanna be first ^^

this site is the best , i'm sure one day we'll do better than hollywood !
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **


Hello folks, newbie alert!
I've been lurking for a couple of years but have never had anything worth posting.
I recently acquired one of the eFX Limited Edition Vader Helmets which is extremely lucky of me as I live in the UK and I understand they're not so easy to get hold of over here.
So, here are a few pics.


Hope you like these few photos, will post more in due course.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I'm Chris. I agreed to be Iron Man in a full Avengers group for a paintball event and was googling ideas on how to go about it. Before last month, I had never heard of any of these. I knew people made costumes, but not this in depth!

I came here after watching Stealth's tutorials on youtube. Currently working on a quick Iron Man to get shot in. After the neck, my upper torso will be all ready for painting and connecting.

Figured if I lurk here this much now, I might as well sign up.
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Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hey folks! im new here! ive just stumbled upon this forum and now im hooked. I work as an actor artist and props/puppet maker. i also sculpt and i have a gremlins and jurassic park obsession. i found this forum because im thinking about making a range of full size mogwai and was doing a bit of research and saw some awesome work here.

there are some amazingly talented people out there!

anyway i hope to get to know some of you better! and hopefully ill also be able to share and help if anybody needs it :)

waving from england

Chris :)
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Good lord, I haven't been on forums proper since middle school. Unless you count Ravelry, which I... Don't quite? Ravelry is a very specific place.

Anyway! My name is Cate, obviously, because I'm very creative with my usernames. I'm 20, a student of sorts, living in Florida. (If I'm very lucky, I'll get to be an extra in Iron Man 3. That'd kick twelve sorts of ass.) I'm going to be an actor, but while I'm working on that, I go to cons. A lot. And cosplay. A lot.

If you're in the Florida con scene, and went to Metrocon 2012, you might actually vaguely recognize me--I did a Black Widow cosplay there, and couldn't walk for people asking for my picture. It was nuts. Not what I'm used to, man.
Also, as a bonus fun fact, I'm going to be doing an Avengers Q&A-type panel at MegaCon, along with a number of other people. So there's that, too. You should totally say hi if you're there. It'll be jolly good fun, pip pip, etc.

Anyway. I'm looking into making more complex props, because it looks like fun. I've got some half-inch EVA foam from Lowe's and a plan to make some Iron Man gloves. Still trying to work that one out. I'd be much obliged, in fact, if someone could point me in the right direction on that...

RIGHT. So. Cate. Nerd. 20. 'sup.
Why hello there. My name is Dave, and I like to party.

Hot rod jokes aside. I'm nick. Hello. A big fan of the forums and finally made an account. I am a giant fan of marvel comics, and lots of science fiction. But aside from tinkering with things, I have never done any prop or costume making. But today is the day for change!

Anyways. Nick. Signing out.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi, I'm Tony. I enjoy dressing up a lot. I found this site because I was randomly researching Kroenen from Hellboy due to the fact that he wears an awesome hat and an awesome mask.

I don't normally wear movie costumes, however Halloween is coming up and I need to get something very awesome together considering the fact that I dress up on a weekly basis anyways. I'm not into as much of other people's work as I am into creating my own styles of clothing.

Here is me on a regular Saturday night out:

Me 016 by Verinince, on Flickr

and here is me not dressed up:

0612121901 by Verinince, on Flickr

Acting does interest me and I do have a grant to take classes for it. I do work on CG Design in my free time as well. Some of my work:

Mechanized_Corset2 by Verinince, on Flickr

anyways, this site seems like a great place to learn how to set up unique styles and such. I do appreciate alternative fashion, that's for sure.
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Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi everyone, Im Dennis and I found this site via a friend of mine (Josh Jay) who is also a member of these forums. I work at Bethesda Game Studios as a character artist. Its a pretty fun gig. I bought a mill recently and was inspired to start making some stuff with it, so I started with the Daedric dagger from our most recent release Skyrim.


I also very much like to build killer rc robots and am bent on taking over the world someday and possibly wipe out all of humanity, but I havent decided on that last part yet..

Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Long time lurker, I've been a member since 2009 but only now have a urge to start posting. I'm mainly interested in replica weapons and costumes but all the work shown here is great.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

I've stumbled on your site recently looking for ideas for halloween. I'm glad to be on board, excited to attempt my first costume!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi all,
I found this forum when looking to see if anyone had Space 1999 spacesuits, and found the information on here.

I've been a hobby model maker for years. I'm trained as a Electrical Engineer with a Science degree throw in for fun as well as a Diploma of teaching. I turned that into a 10 year career building 3d computer models for military flight simulators and currently work as a System Administrator. My interests include electronics, computers and cars. Loud noisy muscle cars.

I lost many models in a flood and series of forced house moves, but still have a few kicking around. I don't have much free time, so rather than grabbing what I want, I now concentrate on specific movies to get an accurate prop. My latest one has taken 4 years to rebuild/restore to movie accuracy. I'll post pictures shortly to see if there is any interest.

Looking forward to this community.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi there all
Just looking at your some of the work on here and it is absolutely incredible, astonding stuff, i really take my hat off to you all.
I was planning on building an ironman for a fancy dress party we are going to next june and was going to build one.
I am a complete newbie to this and think i will probably need months to build it.
I understand i need the pepakura software.
Also would anyone be able to help out a newbie and mail the pepakura files to me.
Any help or advice anyone could give on planning and preperation would be massively appreciated.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hi guys, i'm from Wales Uk. Found this interesting forum after searchin for a prop on google
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

hey all I am very new to all this and I am looking forward to seeing what i can build, it will be ironman all the way for me lol! lets share , I doubt I will be much help to most but I will try my best, lets do this!!!!!!!!
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Learned about this site a few years about when Tron Legacy came out. Great How to's and resources. Thanks everyone.
Re: ** New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here! **

Hi! I've been a lurker for years but I'm working on my first horror movie this coming year and I thought this would be an ideal time for me to actually begin interacting with all the great minds here.

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