Hi all,

Been lurking as a visitor for quite a while now, figured I might as well pull the trigger and create an account.

I've mostly been into building scale models and dioramas, but I've also built bigger things like props from games in the past. Currently working on building a new airbrush booth so I can continue messing about during the winter without having to sit in the cold and damp toolshed, and was looking for people's experiences on here regarding that.

Best regards,
Hello All,
My name is Rick. I dig movie memorabilia, props and most of all puppets. I like trying to replicate items that I speak to me.
Here is a sample, Fats from the movie MAGIC. He's wearing a Ghostbusters aural video analyzer just for fun.
Take care and I hope to post more and get inspired by my betters.


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Hey all. I'm James, I've been into film props, memorabilia, collectibles etc for over 30 years. I started off as an avid collector of Star Wars toys and props in 1994, but started to veer away into more general "everything film related" direction some ten odd years back. Hoping to become a valued member of a community that I should have joined earlier:)))
Greets! Registered years ago but mostly just lurking. More active lately, making an intentional effort to connect with folks with similar interests, and also that I was launching into a new cosplay project (Pirate Captain Brutus from Star Wars: Skeleton Crew) and this is the place.

I’ve had an unusually prolific 2024. Between an extremely demanding job plus executive dysfunction (starting way more than I finish), I’ve had years worth of unfinished cosplays piling up! After being let go from that position, finally had no excuse, and flushed out a good chunk of the backlog. Understand that only a couple of these were fully made this year, most were merely finished:

Rocksteady & Bebop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series)

I adore Immortal Masks’ work and have this terrible habit of jumping on secondhand deals when a good one turns up. Rocksteady is a refurb/remake of a simpler version I’d completed in 2021, while Bebop is a simpler companion suit finished early this year. Haven’t had these two out together yet, hoping for Monsterpalooza.

Xenomorph & Ripley, Alien (1979)

A common Aliens (1986) Xeno kit that a lot of folks work from. Started this eight years ago(!), lost interest / ran out of spoons (molds are in rough shape and parts need so much cleanup), finally made a push and got it all glued on & painted this year. Ripley was a quick addition…$10 garage sale flight suit (yeah I know it’s the wrong color) with Etsy patches…flamethrower (1979) was kit-bashed over a few days from craft stash materials and literal garbage (it’s 1:1 scale, cosplayer is just petite).

Ensign Taylor, Star Trek: Lower Decks

Started this a few years back aiming for the Kzinti character “Chuft-Captain” from Star Trek: The Animated Series…but that spacesuit is a ton of work! When Lower Decks came along, with off-the-rack uniforms available and a Kzinti character, this was a convenient interim shortcut. The head/hands/tail were commissioned from a fantasy LARP mask maker, providing a perfect middle ground between prosthetic makeup (too time-consuming) and furry mascot heads (too large). One day I’ll finish the actual intended character, but it’s nice to have finally gotten this out a bit, even if only one person knew who he is.

Curt Connors / The Lizard, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Sort of a mash-up, really…elements of both the comics and movie. Another silicone mask bargain project. An embarrassing amount of this was parts from prior abandoned/failed cosplay projects, finally all came together…IIRC only the shirt, pants and ID holder were specifically bought for this. Had this out to one con so far and this one jerk had to be all quizzy and gatekeepy about it. I just like monsters, okay? Call me a two-bit amateur Doug Jones wanna-be…sorry I can’t recite every Spider-Man villain from every medium ever. Dork.

Jack Goodman, An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Quickie companion suit to pair up with an existing David Kessler cosplay. Thrift store jacket (distressed…fun!) and commercially-available mask and gloves. Hasn’t been out yet.

I almost have Brutus finished, but not quite, won’t make 2024. He’ll be my first for 2025! There’s some in-progress photos in the “Live Action Shistavanen” thread, can search for it if interested.
Welcome to the RPF! We're happy that you could join us, especially since some of you have been waiting for quite some time.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to the community. Tell us about yourself, your prop interests, maybe even show us some pics of your collection.

Also, here are some useful links to better familiarize yourself with the site. If you have questions, please ask!

Classifies Guidelines

Community Guidelines

Terms and Rules

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Suggestions

Other links that can ease your way into the RPF can be found here FAQs.

Again, welcome! :)(y)

The RPF Staff
Hello! We are OneStop Props and new to the RPF. While I, myself, am pretty new to this replica 3D modeling/designing and printing world, two members of my team have been doing this for years. We enjoy modeling and printing almost any kind of prop out there - from movies, games and more. Hope to post some pics of some of our completed props/replicas soon. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Also, will list some completed items on the Junkyard for sale as soon as we've met the requirements.
Welcome to the RPF! We're happy that you could join us, especially since some of you have been waiting for quite some time.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to the community. Tell us about yourself, your prop interests, maybe even show us some pics of your collection.

Also, here are some useful links to better familiarize yourself with the site. If you have questions, please ask!

Classifies Guidelines

Community Guidelines

Terms and Rules

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Suggestions

Other links that can ease your way into the RPF can be found here FAQs.

Again, welcome! :)(y)

The RPF Staff
Hi All, I'm Mike, I build Haunted Houses & Props


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Welcome to the RPF! We're happy that you could join us, especially since some of you have been waiting for quite some time.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to the community. Tell us about yourself, your prop interests, maybe even show us some pics of your collection.

Also, here are some useful links to better familiarize yourself with the site. If you have questions, please ask!

Classifies Guidelines

Community Guidelines

Terms and Rules

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Suggestions

Other links that can ease your way into the RPF can be found here FAQs.

Again, welcome! :)(y)

The RPF Staff
Found this site due to the Man from UNCLE pistols rebuild.Huge fan of the gun.Big fan of Saving Private Ryan,have one of the jackets from the movie.Really enjoy anything about TV and movie props.Really great about not reading site rules,but will read them.

I‘m Patrick from Germany. I‘m doing all kind of 3D print props for more than 10years now. In the meantime we‘ve build up our workshop and have running several machines. Actually we‘re running a FDM Ratrig VCore 3.1 500, Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K, Anycubic Photon Photon Mono M7 Pro, Anycubic Photon Mono X. Parallel to the 3D printers we‘ve bought and CO2 Laser with 60W (400mm x 400mm buildspace ) and a CNC with 1000x1500mm build space (Ratrig Stronghold Pro) and warercooled 2,2KW spindle.

All together we‘re able to do a lot of nice projects with this stuff