Name those Props Contest..Now w/ Answers!!


Sr Member
Ok, so I'm cleaning out stuff from the basement and laid everything...well not everything...out to see what I wanted to keep. But it the meantime I thought this might be a fun exercise!

I don't know how many props or prop pieces there are identifiable in the photo, but I'd say at least 40.


I guess PM me with a list, and I'll give it a few days. At the end I'll publish the list and announce the winner. Do post though how many you think you identified to keep the thread moving!

The winner will receive a goodie bag of resin bits I've collected over the years as well as a finished dolphin phaser from ST:Nemesis.

Good luck!



Now to the Answers!!!!

I'll certify the winner tonight!





Thanks everyone for playing!!
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Re: Name those Props Contest!

I'd be all over this if a knew a damn thing about SW props! I've identified about a dozen things aside from the SW stuff, of which I've not a ruttin' clue about...

Can we update our PMed lists if we spot additional items?
Re: Name those Props Contest!

I'd be all over this if a knew a damn thing about SW props! I've identified about a dozen things aside from the SW stuff, of which I've not a ruttin' clue about...

Can we update our PMed lists if we spot additional items?

Absolutely. Enter as many times as you'd like. But if you can update your list so I don't have to keep track, that would be helpful.

Oh..and you don't need to know the exact name of the prop, but completeness in answers will be the tiebreaker if it arises.

Re: Name those Props Contest!

I'm horrified and ashamed that I know so many. I need to get a life! :lol
Re: Name those Props Contest!

Ok here is what I have so far...

With resounding accuracy, SSgt Burton 34 named correctly.

Clear Case Man 32

Paracord Junky 20

I love that you guys have picked out such detail out of such a bad picture.

Keep em coming. I'll end this lets say Monday night.

Re: Name those Props Contest!

I'm positive about 20, hazy on another 6.. Amazing the things you notice the third or fifth time you count! The PR eluded me for some time. :p

Re: Name those Props Contest!


Jedifyfe ...37 (in a row?)

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Re: Name those Props Contest!

Opps! I posted it by accident. I've corrected this and PMed the answer.
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Re: Name those Props Contest!

I've got a couple more answers and I'll post how they did this evening. This contest ends tonight folks!!! So hop on board!

Re: Name those Props Contest!


Here is the last update:

CGeorge - 40


Jedifyfe ...37 (in a row?)

SSgt Burton 34

Clear Case Man 32

CB2001 - 23

Paracord Junky 20

You guys still have till tonight, and I'll recount the PM's and post pics with all of the props in question with the answers!

Alright guys, the game is now over. Answers are up.

I'll certify a winner tonight!

Couple of things I'm kicking myself over now- like the restraining bolt and First Contact Borg dish thingy (I was almost sure about these a day later- but felt I was already out of the running).

Fun game! Thanks Droidboy!
