Movies that want you to cheer for the "Bad Guy"


Master Member
Rooting for the bad guys (aka Ocean’s 11/12/13, The Italian Job, Entrapment, etc.)

First of all: it’s just a movie. I get it. I enjoy these films for what they are. But within the confines of the movie, there’s a lot of “iffy” stuff that really shows the main characters to be DEVOID of any real character or conscience. Why should we “root” for them? Or want them to succeed?

Let me focus on Ocean’s 11 (the Clooney remake, although a lot of this applies to the Frank Sinatra original). We are introduced to this professional thief, who is released from prison and immediately violates his parole. He sets about to perform the biggest heist of his career, and assembles this group of thieves/robbers/pickpockets etc. to simultaneously rob several casinos at the same time. They go up against the legitimate owner, Terry Benedict, who as far as we know has LEGALLY obtained his fortune, and is running a casino within Nevada law.

Now, let’s make this Casino owner a class-A jerk. Imply that he will cause you serious personal harm if you mess with him. Then show that he’s got the protagonist’s ex-wife (Tess, played by Julia Roberts), who we know still REALLY loves Danny Ocean deep down in her heart. So, Terry “has it coming.” Moral dilemma solved - the guy simply deserves it.

So, the set-up is to stick it to the man, the royal jerk, destroy his vault, tie up law enforcement on a wild goose chase, and take the cash. Steal an EMP generator from the University to do your dirty work, and cause an almost city wide blackout so you can get to the safe.

Forgetting that the EMP would have affected almost everyone in Vegas at the time with a pacemaker, and there are probably a few of those, right? Not to mention the local hospitals that would have been affected with ventillators shutting down, IV pumps suddenly switching off, operating room lights and anesthesia machines quitting in the middle of surgery, back-up generators failing, cars that suddenly stopped and lost control while trying to cross intersections, traffic lights fizzing out leading to multiple car pile-ups and injuries, etc. All in the middle of the NIGHT.

My point: The Ocean’s 11 team showed absolutely NO CONCERN for any of the true innocents that would have been affected, harmed, or even KILLED by there actions to rob Terry’s casino vault.

….but, YEAH! Terry got his! The team got a way with it! What a great caper! Crime pays!

It's even worse in Ocean's 13, when the team simulates an EARTHQUAKE, that shakes the whole casino from top to bottom, with thousands of guests still inside! Fortunately, it didn't topple over, killing thousands in the process.

OK, rant over. The movies are still fun.
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The Hitcher.

Getting that wimpy character C. Thomas Howell played to freekin' turn and grow a pair took every bit of psycho that Rutger Hauer could muster! LOL
The Last Samurai.

Despite the romanticizing of the Samurai culture, it was a culture of totalitarianism, oppression, extreme class structure with the lowest on the social ladder treated literally like dogs, and women were treated worse than that.

If there is a modern day counterpart, it would be the Taliban.

Emperor Meiji did the right thing by abolishing the Samurai way of life.
The Terminator (the first one). Who doesn't want to be a unstoppable machine for just one day?

Reservoir Dogs (some of the characters may have been likable, but aside from Mr. Orange they were all scumbag criminals).

Heat. Couldn't help but want to see De Niro escape at the end.

Pitch Black/The Chronicles of Riddick. Did he go to all those prisons, and be chased by bounty hunters because he pissed off a Hutt? Nope, He's a bad guy.
I was a little disappointed that the Operative didn't end up a part of Serenity's crew. I could see it happening down the road, though in the time frame of the film, it would have been too soon.
I agree with Riddick. Loved to root for him! I thought I heard he was supposed to die at the end of PB and they decided against it. Good thing they did.

"The Saint" is another I can think of

And finally. The Gecko Brothers in "From Dusk Till dawn"