More M41A questions...


Well-Known Member
First, has anyone ever drawn out schematics for an ideallized "how it might work" pulse rifle? I've seen references to the Baena book (which I'm still looking for BTW. :) ) - but since I can't tell in the preview images I'll ask here - did he basically give it "thompson and 870" details in his drawings, or did he redesign the innards?

If he hasn't, has someone else?

I'm wondering about how to build a "as it might have been" model.. say a central aluminum block under the shrouds, have the "caged remington" slide onto a heavy T-track or something under the shoud (and its own innards prolly looking more like Matsuo's new resin bit, all integrated and suchlike), have the top "thompson" receiver slide in "AK dustcover" style instead, that kind of thing.

Has it been done?
Derrick's book breaks down the real-world guns used to make the M41-A just as they look and operate in reality -- with only a little embellishment here or there to compensate for some of the 'movie magic' as seen in Aliens.

Definitely a great reference guide for the M41-A Pulse Rifle fan.
I don't imagine it would look too much different from this, obviously more refined, have the parts blend a little better.



I think I'd make the sight rail narrower, perhaps make it as wide if not integral to the "blocks" it's sitting on.

Another thing I'd do is make the magazine wider, like a "coffin mag" so it's at least as wide as the mag base, it's the only way we can hope to stuff 95 round in there. ;)

To that end, current metal storm technology will allow us to do just that, imagine bullets with the propellant inside, no propellant block around the projectile to take up space. 10 years ago we didn't have that and relied on caseless ammo designs of the day. NOW, if we consider that we can stack 3 rounds end to end, staggered in a coffin mag or a U shaped conveyor mag, then you could fit 99 rounds in a mag that holds 33 conventional cartridges...

Chew on that for a while...I got pulse rifles to build..:D

Heh. My pulse rifle is named Kaylee :)
( Still not got her quite finished yet, Matsu... Will let you know as soon as Si's finished the strengthenating. )

BTW - 99 rounds might fit MEtal Storm style... Not if they're 10mm, though.
Unless they expand upon firing to fill the barrel, from a super-compressed state?
Reverend - *heh* I hope she's a sweetheart. :)

Interesting point on expansion - perhaps "minieball" type projectiles, with the propellant stored in the base like the original Volcanic/Henry?

Matsuo - I think you're right about the magazine.
It occured to me the other day that the shroud might contain some kind of heating/cooling system so it could still function in the extremes of hard vacuum. I imagine for the USCM that'd be a concern.