Mass Effect M-4 Shuriken Pistol

You could make them collapsed to store on your suit, but they aren't going to fold out like in the game. As far as I can tell they cheated a lot on the models to make them fold up.

I've been working on the assault rifle, and after watching the collapse/expand animation about a hundred times, it's looking like it won't be physically possible to collapse as far as it does in the game. In a couple places it folds over on itself where there already is a collapsed component. This gun has "Transformer" syndrome. :)
Very nicely done!
Had you considered using a similar base for the Avenger? The Nerf 'Raider' looks like it might be a contendor.

Totally Bad Ass for just two days work! I would hate to see what you could produce if you really took your time.

I'm doing better in terms of quality now, but my first real project that involved alot of time, was this:

Anyone a fan of that miniature wargame, Warhammer 40k?


i was able to really improve and detail some of the armor, later on, as you may notice in the following shot.


oh and by the way, i'm not the one wearing that armor.
i am trying to put together some passable (and when i have more time, improvable) crew uniforms to go around at comic con in, should be alot of fun.

i have a friend who owns an embroidery machine, one of the "as big as a car" ones, which will prove useful for making some Cerberus patches i bet
Holy COW Batman! I love the stuff you've made! As a huge ME and 40k, I really love seeing some good props/costumes from these universes!

Thanks for sharing! :D
YES ! I am a fan of Warhammer 40K. and YES ... THAT is the FINEST set of 40K Armor and Weapons I have EVER seen.

Yes she is a Goddess .... wearing the 40K Armor outfit ...

I think a lot more people would be intersted in Warhammer 40K if the characters looked like her in Armor. The detail of her costume is AWESOME. ( I tried to get my wife interested - she told me if I tried to make her get into a set of 40K Armor - she would use a MELTAGUN on me ... ) :love

Thanks for the post.


I'm doing better in terms of quality now, but my first real project that involved alot of time, was this:

Anyone a fan of that miniature wargame, Warhammer 40k?


i was able to really improve and detail some of the armor, later on, as you may notice in the following shot.


oh and by the way, i'm not the one wearing that armor.
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