Mass Effect M-4 Shuriken Pistol


Well-Known Member
Fairly new when it comes to prop making and such, i've only done a few projects,
a few Warhammer 40k pieces, weapons and armor,
and i helped build my first latex mask recently, Which is from Mass Effect as well actually.
YouTube - Thane Make-up test 1
i'm not the model however.

What i wanted to show, was my most recent piece for some opinions and critique,
I wasn't aiming for a perfection, more keeping quality high with speed, as i took a toy gun and modified it until it resembled the actual weapon enough to my liking.
took me two days to do this, as was the deadline i set myself.




Spike, thanks for posting the reference.

i plan to try an m8 avenger soon, once i can find enough good shots of the gun.
Very nice. I had this very same nerf model set aside for a quick mod for one of my ME2 costumes. The photos you posted will be a huge help, thanks!
Sweet! We were just saying about a month ago that it was odd that no Mass Effect stuff has been done. Now all of the sudden there's armor and weapons popping up.
The makeup looks stellar too!!

I'm so glad that people are finally stepping up and making some amazing MASSEFFECT costumes and props.

(I'm still waiting to see someone do the full collapsing back-mounted set)
My goodness, so much Mass Effect love recently! And this Thane and Pistol look simply amazing. Great work!
Very cool! Is that a Nerf Longshot base??

It's a Nerf Recon.

Hey Komissar - nice to see you here.
Really like how that mod turned out, it looks great... maybe not as accurate as you'd want it be - but it's still a great piece of work :)

And ... you're so modest about your work - your Warhammer 40K stuff is awesome! That sister of battle armor was amazing.
(I'm still waiting to see someone do the full collapsing back-mounted set)

You could make them collapsed to store on your suit, but they aren't going to fold out like in the game. As far as I can tell they cheated a lot on the models to make them fold up.
thanks for all the kind words guys, i appreciate it!
down the line, i plan to try the collapsible build of a sniper rifle, should be interesting to try.

my big plan after comic con is to work with Fyriel to expand her Mass effect group, and we will build a Garrus and perhaps Kasumi to go with her Femshep, Tali, and animatronic Grunt.